Why do we have HAIR?

Ten FULL Days! This is how long Mail Online estimates that the average woman spends styling her hair per year! Of course stylish hair is an attractive trait, however is it really worth spending 2.7% of your entire year on? I don’t think so! Although it may seem hard to believe, but hair wasn’t always treated as a fashion accessory, according to You Beauty it once had a much more purposeful use. Before heaters and coats early humans relied on hair for warmth, hair also helped protect form cuts, all while protecting us against chaffing by lubricating our arms and legs. On top of its protective aspects hair did still play a role in finding a partner, but instead of women, males were the ones who prided themselves on their hair. Men with the most impressive hair would scare away the rivals and in return would receive the prettiest women.

Hair has evolved over the years and it is much different than it was for our early relatives. According to MNN hair has thinned out so much over the years, that it no longer appears that we have as many hair follicles as an ape of our size (which we still do by the way). But if hair has thinned out so much do we still have a need for it? The answer is “YES”. I talked about the trouble that bedbugs present in my last blog post, well it turns out that these pests are much easier to detect on those who have body hair rather than those who do not. A study that recruited 29 university students and investigated who could spot the bedbugs on their bodies first, those with body hair or those without. The results were unanimous those with the body hair were able to spot the pesky varmints almost twice as fast as those who didn’t. Now by no means am I suggesting that women should stop shaving there body hair, this was just a study used to help back up my point that body hair is useful. Overall, other than being an attractive (or sometimes unattractive) feature, hair has more benefits than just beauty. 


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