In the 1990’s there was an experiment on the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland. It negatively affects the pineal gland where it disables it from creating enough melatonin. Fluoride is commonly found in all drinking water. The experiment was conducted in a lab where certain rats received fluoride where the other rats did not have any. The rats with the fluoride showed lower levels of circulating melatonin. So what can we say from this? If we consider the pineal gland to be the seat of the soul, then we have been clogging it with all this fluoride. This potentially has taken us farther away from enlightenment and self knowledge.
I know this is a lot of information to take in, which is why I am making it two blog posts. However, when I came across this information I grew extremely worried for how long we have been calcifying our pineal gland. I am a strong believer on self awareness and connectedness to the natural world. I believe as society we are separate from having a strong relationship with ourselves and other people. A lot of the time we have to focus on competing to be successful and make money that we often forget about the natural fun things in life, like just simply being alive. Do you guys believe in the pineal gland being our “third eye,” and do you think it is a conspiracy that we have all this fluoride in our water…do you think this was planned? What other experiments would you guys come up with to test if the pineal gland is linked to spirituality and self awareness? In what ways can we enhance our awareness and awaken our mind? Should we meditate more, do yoga? Also how safe do you feel drinking the water now? Personally I do not feel safe drinking the water whether because of fluoride or all the fracking, though this may seem a little over the top I think it’s important to think about.