Are medicines causing more harm than help?

Today we live in a world where there is medicine for every little thing, but what if all the medicine were taking are causing more harm than help. Scientists and doctors treat people depending on symptoms we have because that is the way the practice of medicine has always been. But those symptoms could be taking place because it is the body’s natural way of acting against sickness and by medicine getting rid of those symptoms it could be causing harm to our bodies in the long run without us even knowing it because it makes us feel better for the time being.

The business of medicine and the practice of medicine is extremely massive business in terms of dollars and cents and that might be a reason why people are hesitant to change the ways we are currently living. Many people debate the fact that doctors don’t exactly know what the medicine is doing to our bodies because they aren’t trained to know the science, they are taught to read the symptoms and prescribe a medicine based on how your body is acting based on past experiences of past doctors.
We as humans don’t like to suffer and we act on what our body wants at that minute and that is why doctors and medicine are so successful even though they may not be the best course of action for us. We tend to live in moment and that may be causing detrimental damage to our bodies.
Dr. Lorraine Day uses the example of cutting your finger to show how our body heals itself, unless we intervene and prevent our body from doing it. In this article Dr. Day explains her view on medicine and the body’s ability to heal itself. I agree with her that the body does heal itself, however, I believe that she takes this idea and goes to the extreme with this idea by saying that every drug is bad for us when there is scientific proof that some drugs extend our lives. For example, what if someone has diabetes? If it weren’t for modern drugs, their lifespan would be cut down for sure. 
So I’m not saying that we as humans should stop taking medicine in general, I’m saying that scientists should take a different approach to how to create drugs so that they help the body recover instead of covering up the symptoms.

One thought on “Are medicines causing more harm than help?


    Brennan–great article! I think this is a huge topic to hit on. I am definitely guilty of turning to medicine to cure all of my issues. But, to be honest, what would life and peoples personalities, intelligence level, etc. be if we didnt turn to pills for every little thing? Do you think society would be smarter or “better off”? How? Also, what if society turned to natural herbal remedies? Or is that basically the same as taking medicine?

    I found this website on herbs that “claim” they heal just as well as medicine.
    Check it out!

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