When girls go out in dresses and skirts and don’t take a purse with them they more than likely put their cell phone in their bra. With putting our phones in an area other than a pocket or a purse are we somehow exposing ourselves to the risk of breast cancer?
According to The American Cancer Society cell phones do not cause cancerous tumors to form within the body. Cell phones give off radiofrequency (RF) waves, this is what has raised issues about cell phone safety. Phones work by sending and receiving signals from nearby cell towers using RF waves, which is a form of electromagnetic energy between FM radio waves and microwaves. RF waves are a form of non-ionizing radiation which means they don’t have enough energy to cause cancer by directly damaging human DNA. At high levels, RF waves are able to heat up body tissue however; the RF waves found in cell phones are not that high. RF waves come from the antenna in cell phones, which is where the waves are strongest, when speaking on the phone the antenna is usually close to the head and when this happens the person using the phone is greatly exposed to RF energy, the body tissue closest to the phone is where more energy is absorbed. There are several factors linked to the amount of RF energy exposure which includes: the amount of time spent on the phone, using the speaker function or not, distance from the nearest cell tower, the amount of cell phone traffic in the area, and the model of the phone being used.
There are two ways in which researches have studied to determine if cell phones might cause cancer. The first way is with lab studies in which they expose animals to something like RF energy to see if it may cause tumors or health problems. This method produces results that are not always clear and researches wonder if the study applies to humans as well. The second way is with looking at cancer rates in different groups of people. This study compares the cancer rate in a group exposed to something like cell phone use and a group that is not exposed to it. However, this study is hard to interpret as well since there may be other factors affecting the results. Since both ways are hard to tell, researchers look at both.
Studies have looked at possible links between cell phone use and tumors, with a focus on the brain. Many studies were case-controlled with people who had brain tumors compared to people without in terms of past cell phone use. In this study, patients with brain tumors did not have more cell phone use than those without, there was no “dose-response relationship”, the risk of brain tumors to be higher with more cell phone use (this would be expected if cell phone usage did cause brain tumors), and most of the study did not show that brain tumors occur on the side of the head where people hold their cell phones. However, a few studies did find a possible link, a research group in Sweden found that tumors on the side of the brain where the cell phone is held, tumors were formed over 10 years but due to no other research with the same results there is no way to tell how they found these results.
With the abundance of cell phones in our current society, this is a very interesting topic. People tend to nonstop be in use of cell phones and I know it does occur a lot that women put them in their bra as storage. With everyone seeming to use cellphones so much, it can be hard to tell if there is really a correlation between the two variables. Cancer is such an issue in society that it is hard to think if there was a correlation, that they have not found it yet, especially with the technological advancement there is. It seems that the radiofrequency released by cell phones can affect the tissues around where the cell phone is, but does not have any standing out qualities link it to cancer. To read more, you can look at this article: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cellphones
I think this was a great blog post topic because it’s something I heard people warn about but I never took seriously enough to look up and see if it is true, so I am glad you did. Again, I feel like this is one of those situations where there isn’t a strong correlation between the two things but because it would make sense people worry about it. I heard of cell phones maybe causing brain tumors, but I didn’t make a connection that if it was damaging when held up to your head it would be damaging next to your skin somewhere else. I think this is because if a cell phone did damage, I would assume it did the most amount of damage when being used for a phone call. Based on the studies you talked about, I am not going to worry about a cell phone causing cancer. At the same time, it would be better for me if I used it less anyway. This is a good article that takes this branch off of your topic – it talks about how using a phone is the first and last thing a mobile user does everyday. They also check their phones every 6.5 minutes. Sounds about right .. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276752/Mobile-users-leave-phone-minutes-check-150-times-day.html
This is a great post because I know that my mom and a bunch of my friends’ moms always say to not put my phone in my bra, shorts, or near my head when I fall asleep. My mom is a nurse and she said that she has seen cases where tumors form because a cell phone being close to the skin. I don’t think anyone should put their cell phones up to their bodies for a long period of time because of the radiation that comes off of the phone. Your examples that you gave were great! I never really looked into this, but you’re post helped me understand this more. This article gives a little more information about how tucking your phone in your bra may cause breast cancer: http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/6477-tucking-cell-phone-in-bra-may-be-connected-to-breast-cancer