Do you really want to add the Non-Fat Dressing?


Here we are more than half way into the year and
New Years is quickly approaching. Just about the time to make those New Year’s resolutions and we all know the popular one will be going on a diet. Some of us decided to embark on this journey of losing weight by working out or changing our diet. Changing up our diet in most cases includes drinking diet beverages and eating lots of salads with the non fat salad dressing. But did you know that fat free dressings aren’t actually good for your diet? It is studies that suggest that the ingredients included in fat free dressing counteracts the nutrients, vitamins and fibers found in a salads ingredients. Huffington Post suggests that the carotenoid rich foods (such as salads) must be eaten with some measure of fat to make the nutrients break down in our systems. Respectfully, when you add the non fat salad dressing the necessary fat needed is not present for the consumer to fully get the benefits such as nutrients and vitamins.  Meaning the more fat on the salad, the more carotenoids ingredients are absorbed. Who would have thought that you want the fat that you are trying to avoid?! 


If that wasn’t convincing enough for you to consider taking in the fats you are trying to work off, consider this. Carotenoid serves another purpose for our bodies as well. A study produced by the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (by published in the NY Times) also found these ingredients have additional value for the health of it’s consumers such as reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

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