First thing after class today, I called my mom….

Today in class we discussed Autism and how it may have been believed that it was possibly related to the administration of vaccines. I actually called my mom right after because she is a school psychologist and has a first hand experience with autism. Having studied psychology at the graduate level, and working as a psychologist for 20 years, I thought it would be interesting to hear what she had to say about what was discussed in class. As a journalism major, I never thought I would be doing an interview with my mom for my science class, but I thought it would make an interesting post, here is what she had to share:

Q:  What are your thoughts on the alleged links between vaccines and autism?

A: There is an abundant amount of research that proves that there is no link between vaccines (specifically the MMR vaccine) and Autism. There has only been one study from England that made this claim. The research and data from that study has been disproved many times and the researcher who conducted the study has been denounced by the medical field.

Q: What are you thoughts on Jenny McCarthy and what she has to say about autism?

A: I believe that Jenny McCarthy is an “expert” about Autism as it relates to her son and his personal experiences only. She makes global statements, when she has only had “real life” experience with one child on the spectrum. I think that some of the things she states as “fact” about Autism can be misinterpreted by others and give other families struggling with this issue false hope. She uses her own experience as fact and it is frustrating that people take her seriously.

Q: McCarthy claims that she has cured her child of autism, what are your thoughts?

A: As far as I know, there has been no cure for Autism. I believe that her son has received the best level of intervention and therefore has made tremendous gains in his skills and appears more neuro-typical  than he had in the past. Again, saying he is cured gives false hope to a large number of families. 

Q:From your perspective, what do you think causes autism? 

 A: The most recent research indicates that there is a genetic basis to Autism. There is not a single gene, but several genes that show some mutations in people on the spectrum. I believe that these mutations may express/display themselves given certain environmental stimuli.

Q: To your knowledge, how does science play into your role as a school psychologist?

A: Much of what I do on a day to day basis in my role as a School Psychologist is very data driven. I look to data and the scientific method to make critical decisions about behavioral intervention and intervention with students who are struggling with the learning process. Without scientific research and theories which have resulted from that research, I would not be able to effectively do my job.  School psychology practice is also based heavily on developmental psychology, which is considered a “real” science like biology or chemistry.

(Source: My Mom)

If you have any questions about what my mom had to say, feel free to contact me. She loves to talk about her work and has plenty of experience in psychology and in all types of environments.


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