The Healthier Lifestyle (Vegetarians)


For my last blog on the subject, I will be comparing the vegetarian lifestyle to that of a vegan or a meat eater.  Now although my own lifestyle as a vegetarian might add a biased tone to the blog, I will be using facts and science to support my claim.  


First off, many people do not understand the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan.  A vegan is someone who avoids all meats, poultry, fish, dairy, and any other animal based products in their diets.  However, a vegetarian, although still obtaining from eating any actual animals, eats eggs and all other dairy products.  


The main reason being a vegetarian is the most beneficial is because it offers the best of both worlds.  


The problem with being a vegan is not enough iron, calcium, and protein.  And the problem with eating meat is too much fat, cholesterol, and potential for animal related disease such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad-cow disease) and bird flu.  Although these diseases are not very common in the United States, non-vegetarians/vegans are at a higher risk of getting sick.  


Vegetarians have all the benefits that vegans had, and more.  They have diets consisting of foods rich in fiber, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and antioxidants.  Unlike vegans however, vegetarians do not struggle to find foods rich in calcium, protein, and iron.  Because vegetarians eat dairy products they are able to receive the proper nutrition.  Through grains, lentils, and eggs.  Calcium is also easily obtained through milk and yogurt.  Those vegetarians concerned with their weight can opt to use low-fat versions of these products.  Through the addition of dairy products to their diets, vegetarians are able to attain all the additional nutrients meat eaters get from meat and fish, but they are also able to have a diet that is abundant in everything that vegans get from fruits and vegetables.


Another benefit of being a vegetarian is that they are able to maintain their body weight with more ease. Meat eaters, as discussed before, are 3 times more likely than vegetarians to be overweight.  This is because their fat intake is generally a lot higher.  Vegans on the other hand do not have enough opportunities to get fat.  Although too much fat is a bad thing, fat is necessary for the body.  According to Department of Health the maximum intake of fat should be 33%.  Fats are used to store energy, make tissues, obtain essential nutrients, and act as insulation.  


This study that observed 22,000 vegetarians, meat eaters, and vegans found that as adults grew older meat eaters put on the most weight, followed be vegetarians who put on less than meat eaters, and vegans who put on the least.  

Other than the health benefits, vegetarians have an easier time finding meals, while also avoiding a hormone based diet.  Unfortunately, for all three diets, the results depend on the person consuming.  Many vegetarians can be unhealthy because they eat too much junk as can vegans.  Many meat eaters can also be healthy if they eat in small portions and workout.  Regardless of the diet, the best way to lead a healthy lifestyle is through control, proper portions, and exercise.



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