If you’re like me you can’t sit in silence. I have to have music playing whenever I’m walking to class or siting in my room doing homework. I never really thought about it until I needed something to blog about, but how does music affect my mood? It strange to think that a series of notes and some lyrics can either make you extremely happy or extremely sad in three minutes. According to The Examiner when you listen to happy, upbeat music the chemical in your body,serotonin, is released to make you feel happy like the music you are listening to.
Music can also help you with reducing anxiety. HealthyChildren.org explains how listening to calming, soothing music when stressed or anxious actually helps you more than you think. Studies show that the music in therapy helps patients to be more calm and less anxious than therapy without music. And it has been proven that “music has improved the moods of patients with depression.”
Music can help in so many different ways than just to fill silence. It really does affect your mood in positive ways and can help people overcome illnesses and difficulties in their lives.
Usually, I wear headphones when I’m walking around mainly so that people don’t talk to me. Like sometimes there isn’t even music on. I just don’t want to be bothered so I stick my headphones in. However, if you’re telling me that it can be relaxing and reduces anxiety, I’ll be sure to actually start listening. Today, I had an exam and the entire walk to the Testing Center I was freaking out. I had my headphones in, but nothing was playing. Maybe if I turned on some music I would have calmed down and done better on my exam. The University of Phoenix says that you shouldn’t be listening to music when you study because that can be distracting, but I bet before an exam you could listen to it to calm you down. http://www.phoenix.edu/forward/student-life/2013/08/should-you-listen-to-music-while-studying.html
I agree with everything you said in this article. I am also the type of person that always needs to be listening to music, especially when I am at the gym. Although I enjoy it, I never knew the benefits it had on your body. When I hear a good song, my mood is instantly increased, but I never knew it was because of chemical reasoning. Whenever I am at the gym, if I’m not listening to an upbeat song, there is no way I will have a good workout. It’s interesting to know that not only do I enjoy listening to music, but my body is also reacting to it as serotonin gets released. I also agree with the fact that music has calming powers, because when I am stressed, my only outlet is to get lost in music, and instantly I feel more relaxed and at ease. The link below talks about both physical and mental benefits of listening to music that I found really interesting. Check it out!
Listening to music after a long day or when I’m stressed out almost always helps me relax.I think that music often helps me focus, but I need to start being more careful about what kinds of assignments I can listen to music during and which I need more concentration for. When it comes to anxiety and stress relief though, I don’t think there’s a better quick-fix treatment out there.
I couldn’t agree more with your article! I’m the same way, always love listening to music no matter what I’m doing. I’m a music fiend. I totally feel like music effects the moods were in a when we’re in a certain mood we like to listen to certain music. I get a lot of my music from this awesome website called sound is style. They are always posting new music everyday and it’s a wide range of genres which is really great for people like us!