Initial blog post

Sup guys, my name is Aren and this is the best way to spell “Aaron.”  I am currently a Freshman here at PSU and am majoring in Undecided. Yay!  Often people ask “Well, what do you think you want to be?”  I tell them I don’t know but I CAN tell you that I don’t want to be a science major.  And thus why I am here in SC 200!  I decided to not be a science major because most of my high school career consisted of me struggling in every science I took. Whether it was bio, chem, or physics.

This was essentially me throughout high school sciences.
I will admit I do like things that involve space.  Just thinking about how big space is and how much could be out there is fascinating.  We are just a rock floating around in space.  But with space comes physics and with physics comes.. physics.
If anyone read this far here’s a reward with the best radio station ever, Radio 104.5.

6 thoughts on “Initial blog post


    Hey Aren! I love the picture, every time I see it it makes me laugh. I think space is an awesome topic and that radio station is pretty enjoyable to listen to. This would be a good website that I think you would enjoy :


    I’ll admit that I saw the Beauty and the Beast picture and decided to comment. However, I also completely agree with you that physics should be avoided at all costs. It would be interesting to see if you could take a minor in astrology and avoid the worst of the main science classes. I’m not entirely sure if that would be possible. If not, you can always just enjoy the sky


    I too had trouble with science in High School and when I saw your picture I just laughed. Your not the only one who feels this way about these subject especially physics and this about sums up my view of physics ( not figure out how to make a live link in a comment.

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