As a young girl, I loved to drink coffee. I picked up a bad habit at a very young age. I drank coffee just about every day. I still drink coffee, but now I sometimes even drink it more than just once a day. My grandparents always said that coffee was not good for me. I have multiple state that coffee is not good for us because of all the caffeine. This made me wonder if there were any benefits to drinking coffee other than the taste. Can coffee have benefits for ones-self or is it all just bad for you?
After doing some research, I found that coffee does have its benefits. One benefit is coffee can help boost the brain because coffee blocks the effects of adenosine which then increases brain activity. Control studies have shown how the caffeine in coffee helps people’s moods and brain functions. A study was done which had 130,000 volunteers who were studied anywhere from 18-24 years. These individual were all between the ages of 40-50. The researchers kept track of how much coffee each person drank and took into account each person’s life style. They found that coffee does not increase the risk of cancer or death from anything. By tracking each person’s life style this accounts for any possible third variables. So what does this mean? That coffee is not bad like everyone once thought. Some of the people they studied even drank up to six cups per day with no increase health risks.
Also coffee is linked to fighting depression. The national institutes of health along with the AARP, found that people who drink coffee are 10 percent less likely to become depressed. The only thing about this study was it was never stated how many people were tested to prove that this could be the case. Coffee was found to protect people from trying to commit suicide. 100,000 men and women were tested and the results showed that the risk of committing suicide lowered by fifty percent for coffee drinkers. Studies show how coffee can even help lower the risks of getting dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s by 30 to 60 percent. People who drink around four or more cups of coffee are suspected to not have diabetes because the antioxidants in coffee helps regulate blood sugar. Although studies suggest that decaf coffee would be even better for this.
So are you going to continue drinking coffee? I say why not, so far everything that was once considered bad about coffee has been looked at again. There are many benefits to drinking coffee. Still more studies need to be done, but I believe there are more benefits than drawbacks to drinking coffee. Although, like anything else, drink in moderation. Too much of anything is not good for one person.