I think since before the shaving phase started (or maybe didn’t for some of you… although a 2008 study shows that at least 80-90% of women regularly remove unwanted body hair) many have heard that shaving causes your hair to grow in thicker, darker and faster than before. As No-Shave November approaches, I figured it would be interesting to find out if that’s actually true.
Author Archives: Amy Puleo
What You Should Be Eating for Breakfast
After explaining the many reasons why you should never skip breakfast in my last blog post, I will now go into what that breakfast you are making time for in the morning should consist of. There are so many options for breakfast foods and, personally, they are some of my favorite things to eat. Between cereals, yogurt, fruit, pop-tarts, oatmeal and omelets, what breakfast foods are best?
Never Skip Breakfast
Sticking with the topic of starting your day right (my previous two blogs explained the benefits of being an early bird and how you can become one), I’m going to explain why you should never skip breakfast. While I’m sure all of us have heard time and time again how supposedly beneficial eating breakfast every morning is, I can bet that probably over half of you still skip it. It’s sometimes hard, especially with early classes, to get a meal in, but so many companies have made eating breakfast such an easy thing with on-the-go products. Making it to the dining commons might not be an option but keeping things like fruit, oatmeal or wholegrain bread in your room aren’t so difficult. Here’s exactly why breakfast is the most important meal of the day:
How to Become an Early Riser
My most recent blog was on studies showing a correlation between students who wake up early and those who get good grades. You would think that whether you are a morning person or a night person just came with how you were born. Some people just naturally spring out of bed all chipper and ready to go at 7 in the morning, whereas other people can stay wide awake late into the night and sleep most of the day away. I was surprised by how easily I get up for my 8 AM’s now and even on the days when I don’t have class until late afternoon, my body wakes me up around the same time and I start my day productively. “There’s a genetic component to your circadian clock. But for many people, behavioral changes make a big difference,” says New York City psychiatrist Colette Haward, MD. So in other words, if you consider yourself to be a night owl but want to become an early bird (maybe to boost your grades and become more productive with your day), all it takes is a few weeks to form better habits and get on a beneficial sleep schedule. Not only could this help boost your grades but early birds have also been proven to be happier, healthier people. We as humans were designed to be awake when the sun is out and asleep when it’s dark out. So let’s see how making the change to an early riser can be done.
Early Bird Gets the Better Grades
As I was sitting on the Blue Loop bus, I noticed a sign sitting above the row across from me saying that studies show, students who get up earlier on a regular basis get better grades. I don’t know about you, but this was a surprise to me so I decided to look further into it. I guess I just assumed that getting lots of sleep by not waking up until the late afternoon was far more beneficial than me listening to my 8 AM lectures while half asleep.
Music Makes You Smarter?
Music means a lot to most people whether you play an instrument, sing or just listen to it. While I am not musically talented, you will find me with earbuds in my ears as I walk around campus or music playing in my dorm room most of the time. While pop and rock music is only recently being discovered as beneficial while studying, classical music and the Mozart Effect were recognized years ago.
Stop Chewing on Ice
While I know it is a habit for many (including myself), it’s easy to finish a drink and just start biting on the ice left in your cup for fun. Chewing on ice seems harmless, however, this is unfortunately not the case. It can harm your teeth or even cause gum injury. By chewing on ice, you put pressure on your teeth which can cause your enamel to wear down. This makes it a lot easier for cracks and chips to occur and sensitivity often follows with the exposure of dentin in your teeth. If you have braces or just had dental work done, absolutely stay away from chewing ice. According to OralAnswers.com, it is also dangerous to create “a repetitive hot and cold cycle in your mouth, which can cause small cracks in the enamel.” It weakens your teeth and may even cause fillings to expand faster.
Walk, Bike or Run?
All of us choose different ways of getting around Penn State’s huge campus. While our feet are the most common mode of transportation here, bikes and runners are absolutely everywhere too. So I really wanted to know, what’s the best form of exercise? While all provide great health benefits and a good way to get out there and get your heart pumping, in the end it comes down to what you truly enjoy, along with what you want to get out of your exercise.
Why Shoes are Bad for You
There is no doubt about it, shoes change the way we walk. Which is why everyone’s concern is arch support and cushioning and, of course, style (usually). Many people are even willing to jeopardize comfort for looks. As a runner and a sales associate at a sneaker store back home, I know the importance of a good quality shoe. It can make the difference for shin splints and tendonitis and feeling good knowing your shoes complete your outfit. But what if the shoes are the root of all these problems in the first place?
Is Sunscreen Bad for You?
Although summer is long gone, the sun and its powerful rays are still around and we can at least have something to think about for next summer while lounging on the beach. Even though sunscreen has not been around long enough for us to fully know and understand its longterm effects, there is an ongoing debate as to whether sunscreen is actually good or bad for you. While I would not recommend one of my pale best friend’s theories that “you shouldn’t wear sunscreen ever because the chemicals are bad for you and in a few years scientists will realize it’s killing us instead of helping” as she gets FRIED every time she lays out, I did decide to do some research to try and get to the bottom of this.