Right vs. Left Brained

Mostly every woman out there thinks that men are just perverts for liking large breasts. Most men don’t have a really good reason for liking them so much. I’m here to tell you that women are slightly wrong and men, here’s an excuse for the next time you get caught looking. A study done by Chicago University found that women with larger breasts tend to have higher intelligence. Some of you are probably wondering about that stereotype that women with big boobs are “dumb”. As a matter of fact, many people would think that Marilyn Monroe was dumb because she fit the stereotype of dumb because she was blonde and had big boobs. Contrary to that belief, many of her closest friends and family would argue that she was very smart. I would agree with that especially after seeing her quotes flying around everywhere. How could these words, “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring,” come out of a dumb woman’s mouth?
As we learned in one of our earlier classes this semester, drinking soda is bad for you. Everyone knows that, but not many people know if and how bad drinking diet soda is for you. There are many diets sodas with claims that make them seem like they are healthy beverages. We’ve all seen Coke Zero with very low calories and zero sugar. Diet sodas have zero sugar compared to the huge amounts of sugar is regular sodas. If these drinks have no sugar, how do they still taste sweet you may be asking. They all contain artificial sweeteners. The real affects of many sweeteners today are unknown which is why many people still drink diet beverages and tell them selves that they are healthy.
Since we are all college students, most of us do our fair share of drinking. This got me to thinking about whether this leads to success or, well, failure in life (monetary wealth). We all know how hard this activity can be on our bank accounts. I have heard of many students going broke when they turn 21 because of how much money they spend at bars. You may be thinking how could this behavior possibly lead to becoming rich. A 2010 Gallup Survey showed that 46% of people earning $20,000 are regular drinkers versus 80% of people earning more than$75,000. That is a staggering increase to me.
The reasons for this are all over the board. Some of them include but are not limited to rich people can afford the alcohol, drinking could be a social activity for affluent people, or rich people drink to relief stress from work. These are all arguable because they vary by the individual. For example, most college students aren’t considered affluent but most of them engage in drinking. This might have something to do with the fact that binge drinking is correlated to lower incomes.
I don’t think the answer to this question will ever be conclusive since there are so many third variables involved. This could be due to direct causation (drinking leads to wealth), which is unlikely. It could also be reverse causation (wealth leads to drinking), which I think is the more likely of the causes. I believe this because rich people have more of a reason to drink. Dr. Selman, a famous New York Psychiatrist whose client base includes some of the wealthiest New Yorkers ranging from Wall St. bankers to lawyers thinks so too. He notices more people using prescription drugs, opiates, stimulants and tranquilizers. Why? Heightened stress levels caused by their jobs and the struggling economy (CNBC article). This is a plausible cause since wealthier people have jobs with more power and workload, which leads to higher stress and alcohol, can be seen as a stress reliever to some people.
There hasn’t been any research yet on this matter but the increasing interest will surely lead to some studies in the future. Another cause, which may be a bit far fetched, is that it’s not yet recognized as a health risk. Actually, moderate drinking is believed to be good for health. Dr. Brewer, leader of the CDC alcohol program has this to say on the topic, “we would expect people with a higher socioeconomic status to be among the first to avoid binge drinking, as is generally the case with other risk behaviors, like smoking and obesity.” He believes that wealthier people are more likely to listen to their doctors when they tell them not to engage in these types of risky behaviors.
So my conclusion is that drinking, especially binge drinking won’t lead to being wealthy. Being wealthy is more likely to play a role to drinking more. My advice to all you college goers is to lay off the alcohol a little bit. Being able to consume large amounts of alcohol is not likely to play a role in how rich you are.
We are all mature adults and I think it’s about time we have this conversation. I’m sure many of you have heard at one point that people have to drink to reduce their stress. I always thought this was BS, but maybe this is because I don’t really stress. People at school say that they need to go out and drink to get rid of their stress from school. I get that it’s nice to get out with your friends and forget about class for a night but my question is if alcohol really has an effect on stress.
Talking about cancer and vaccines today in class got me thinking if there are any ways to prevent or lessen your chances of getting cancer. I stumbled upon an interesting article on CNN on about foods that actually help fight breast cancer. These foods are geared more to people who have or have had breast cancer but I’m sure it could hurt to eat them as a precautionary measure. Also, it wouldn’t help to eat these foods as a precaution to other types of cancer as well because too much healthy eating can do no harm, except if you love your junk food as much as me, but I digress.
Please tell me you watched Meet the Fockers. The part that caught my attention was when Robert DeNiro wore the fake breasts to feed his grandson. That got my attention because it got me wondering if men can breastfeed. According to the World Wide Web, there are many fathers who feel helpless when their kids are first born and want to help their wives as much as possible. One way they want to help is by breastfeeding…. I know what you’re thinking. IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! The answer to that question is yes, although it is a tentative yes. Men do have milk ducts and some mammary tissue. This allows men to lactate. Although men can do this, it is quite hard to produce enough milk to feed a baby. Another factor to the phenomenon is that men don’t have the necessary hormones to produce the same milk for babies as women. Maybe the best way to help is to buy one of those fake “manary glands” from Meet the Fockers. IF you have no idea what I’m talking about, watch this video.
Has anyone ever told you a story about that you were caught in the act of sleep talking or even worst, sleepwalking? You might have felt embarrassed or maybe this wasn’t the first time. If you’re like me, you likely hear this just about every time you sleep in the same room as some one else. Have you ever wondered what causes this? Sleep talking is also known as somniloquy and it’s a type of parasomnia. A parasomnia is an abnormal behavior that takes place during sleep according to WebMD. This behavior occurs in about half of kids between the ages of 3-10 and about 5% of adults. As of right now, the cause of sleep talking is unknown. This behavior can be dangerous because it can be a symptom of a sleeping or mental disorder but most of the time, it’s a harmless behavior.