Author Archives: cvg5161

Turning off your brain at night

Have you ever just wished there was a switch that you could flick to turn off your brain at night? There has been countless nights where I lay in bed, and just wish that all the thoughts that are running through my mind will just stop.  

So why do we have all these running through our mind right as we are trying to go to sleep?  When you lay down to go to sleep, there is nothing else there to distract you and nothing see you have to think about besides the thoughts that are occurring. Barry Gordon, professor at  John Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains why this is happening.  He states that:

 “We are aware of a tiny fraction of the thinking that goes on in our minds, and we can control only a tiny part of our conscious thoughts. The vast majority of our thinking efforts goes on subconsciously. Only one or two of these thoughts are likely to breach into consciousness at a time. Slips of the tongue and accidental actions offer glimpses of our unfiltered subconscious mental life… Although thoughts appear to “pop” into awareness before bedtimetheir cognitive precursors have probably been simmering for a while. Once those preconscious thoughts gather sufficient strength, the full spotlight of consciousness beams down on them. The mind’s freewheeling friskiness is only partly under our control, so shutting our mind off before we sleep is not possible.” (Johns Hopkins)

Therefore all those thoughts that we have been thinking all day in the back of our mind, find their way to the front of your mind… conveniently while you’re trying to go to sleep. What can be done in order to try and fall asleep without all these thoughts?
Authors Rachel Manber and Colleen E. Carney wrote a book, entitled “Goodnight Mind: Turn Off Your Noisy Thoughts & Get a Good Night’s Sleep” which explains everything that causes one to have all these thoughts before bed. One thing that the authors mention in their book is that “One reason your mind keeps you up is because you’ve unwittingly trained it to be alert, according to the authors. For instance, they note that if you spend many nights in bed tossing and turning or being upset that you can’t sleep, your bed has become a cue for tossing and turning and being upset.” (sleep
The first step to calming your brain before going to bed is to try and avoid napping.  The authors mention that “…you need to associate sleep with only one location (your bed) and one time (your sleep window).”  I’m a big napper so maybe this is something that can help me fall asleep better at night.  The main tip for napping that they wrote in their book is to make sure to plan a nap.  What I learned is to not nap anytime close to when you’re going to bed. 

The next step Is to go to bed only when you’re tired.  For example if you don’t think that you are going to sleep through the night, or are going to bed early make sure you know you are tired enough.  When you are really tired you’ll fall right to sleep.  

Another huge factor that will keep you up at night is worrying.  Rachel and Colleen state that “If you give yourself time earlier in the day to deal with unfinished business, your worries will be less likely to follow you to bed,”  The authors mention that is important to try and think of something other than your worries.  Like try to think of a story that won’t keep you up either.  

So now tonight while you are trying to go to sleep, try out some of these and relax and maybe you will get a good nights sleep!


Walking Pneumonia needs to walk somewhere else

It’s that time of the year again when you walk into lecture and the sounds of coughing and sneezing from about 85% of the class over power the voice of the professor.  This is the time of the year when I go to class and just pray that the kid sitting next to me doesn’t have either of these symptoms.  

I’m not one to get sick a lot, but when I do get sick its the worst thing in the world.  And being in college away from my mom who would take care of me makes it that much worse!  Freshman year of penn state I got a sickness called walking pneumonia which yes, sounds like something straight out of a horror film.  Although many doctors will argue that this is the less mild form of pneumonia, i’ll argue right back to say that it’s just as horrible as regular pneumonia. 
For two weeks, I was absolutely miserable. One moment I was freezing and two minutes later I would break out in a sweat.  Although walking pneumonia cannot put you in the hospital, if you do not take care of yourself you can end up with the more serious case of pneumonia.  
So what are the symptoms of walking pneumonia?  Well in my case it started off with a horrible cough.  My mom could hear that there was fluid in my lungs so she took me into the doctor for a chest x-ray.  This is the first step to being diagnosed with walking pneumonia, or regular pneumonia for that matter.   And if you do not get treated the symptoms could last up to a month.  
According to buzzle, the symptoms of walking pneumonia include:
“- lethargy or tiredness
– sudden chills
– persistent runny nose
– sore throat
– pain the abdominal region, ears, eyes, muscles, and chest
– violent spasmodic cough with very little or no mucus
– mild to sever headache accompanied by fever and throat problems such as rashes in the throat
– shallow or rapid breathing due to fatigue
– weakness
– cold: which increases as the infection moves towards the chest”
So what happens if you have any of these symptoms?  Well if they persist for a while GO TO A DOCTOR! Don’t try and fight them off because thats what I did and they only get worse!  In order to be treated you will be given an antibiotic which will help you fight the infection!
If you’re feeling sick..stay home. There are 40,000 students at school who.. hope you feel better but don’t want to catch your bug!

Wine Works

Grab you glasses and pour yourself a nice glass of wine (only if you’re 21 of course), it’s time to learn about wine making!  The inspiration for the post came to me today while I was thinking back on my time Italy this summer.  This summer I had the amazing opportunity of studying abroad in Florence, Italy.  Not only did I have the chance to meet some amazing people, but I also got to travel to some beautiful places in Europe.  

As most of you may know, which I hope all of you may know that Italy is the number one spot to go for wine.  Tuscany, is a region in Italy where most of the wine comes from.  This summer I had the chance to visit some of these awesome wine vineyards and gain a greater knowledge on how wine is made.  I decided that I should share some of this knowledge with you guys! 
Here’s how it all goes down:
It is first important to understand the actual term for winemaking.  “Enology” is a Greek word that stems from the words wine and study.  Seems logical right? Now that you understand that we’ll move into the actual winemaking process. 
Not only is the type of grape extremely important for the outcome of the wine.  But the vineyard must also have the perfect type of soil, topography as well as climate in order to produce the best wine.  
The very first step to winemaking is obviously picking the grapes.  At the smaller vineyard I went to in Chianti, the grapes were picked by hand to ensure the best quality.  While this was a very small vineyard, the one I went to in a different Tuscan region picked their grapes by machinery.  Some of you may not know this but it could take up to 3 years just for grapes to grow! 
Now, after the winemakers have picked their grapes the next step depends on the type of wine they plan to make.  For example, making red wine, and making white wine can be two different processes.  After the winemakers pick the grapes they have to go through and make sure that there are no unwanted bacteria and microorganisms growing on the grapes.  
The next step after cleaning the grapes is to crash them and de-stem them.  the grapes are sent into a machine where the stems are taken off and the grapes are crushed to prepare for the next step in the winemaking process.  Or instead of using a machine you could do it this way !
After the grapes are crushed and de-stemmed it is time to start the fermentation process.  Fermentation is the conversion of sugar into alcohol and CO2.  This process takes place in barrels that are called fermentation vats.  In order to start the fermentation process, yeast must be added into the vats.  This process while take about 10-30 days to complete.  The most important part of this process is to make sure that no air is inside the vat, and to make sure a steady temperature is kept in order to keep the yeast alive for the whole fermentation process.  
The most important part of making wine is the aging process- this will determine how good the wine will be.  After fermentation wine is moved into oak or stainless steel barrels where they will sit for years deepening on what type of wine is being made.  Red wine takes longer to age, which could be from several months to 40 years.  White wine will take only a few months to a few years.  
There you have it! Now if you ever want to make some wine you have all the directions you will need! And if someone ever offers you grappa… make sure to read this first before taking that offer!
Picture: MonteBernardi Winery, Chianti Italy

What makes someone attractive?

Have you ever wondered what makes someone attractive?  What is it about one person that makes them more attractive than someone else?  My friends and I talk about this all the time so I decided to look into it.  

Obviously different people find different features attractive.  Eyes, smile, jaw line, hair color are some of the different features that make people attracted to someone else. Researchers found that symmetrical characteristics are something that many people look for when they are looking for a loved one.  What are can be defined as symmetrical characteristics?  The distance between the eyes, and the the space between your lips and chin are just a few of the characteristics.  
Researchers at the Massachusetts institute of technology studied what features men and women mostly prefer.  According to these researchers the features that women prefer to see in men include characteristics like “Hyper-feminine facial characteristics, such as a small pointed chin, Youthful features like full lips, thick hair, muscle tone and smooth skin and, A proportioned, hour-glass figure.” 

And on the other hand, the features that men prefer to see in women include characteristics such as “The angle between their eyes and mouth, Cheekbone prominence and facial length, Those with higher levels of testosterone are typically ranked as having more masculine faces, Broader at the shoulder and narrower at the hips (the general V shape).” (MIT Study
Those aren’t the only things that people look for in a significant other.  Have you ever heard that women sometimes date men that look like their father?  According to a biologist at the University of Mexico, this is actually true.  “Studies conducted concluded that men who are symmetrical give off a scent that attracts women. While women give off a scent during menstruation that attracts men. Men and women are unawarely attracted to people with similar genetics” (University of Mexico)
Obviously there are a lot of other features that make someone attracted to someone else… like personality, and things along those lines, but these are some of the scientifically proven features that make people attracted to someone! 

Scientists Discover New Bone

You’re probably thinking the same thing I am.  How in the world have humans been around for millions of years and doctors have just discovered a new bone?  After thousands of surgeries by the smartest people in the world knowing that doctors just discovered a new bone blows my mind.  You would think that after decades of extensive and amazing technology that doctors would already know every single bone thats in your body.  
So the real question is.. how did this ligament go unknown for pretty much all of human existence?  In a recent article by science daily two Belgian doctors by the names of Steven Claes and Johan Bellemans started their research by re-evaluating an article that was written by a french surgeon in 1879.  From this article they discovered that there was in fact a new ligament in the knee. The Belgian doctors had 41 patients that they studied and found that the ligament was found in all but one of the patients.  
It took the two scientists about four years to make the discovery based off of the 1879 article.  The new ligament is called the anterolateral ligament, or ALL for short. The discovery of this new ligament could be crucial for fixing ACL injuries.  Although this could be crucial to fixing the ACL injuries, the two scientists are still trying to figure out how to surgically repair the ALL and ACL injuries.  
Why is this important?  Well as you can imagine, finding a new ligament in the body is simply amazing and could be a huge breakthrough for those athletes who suffer from ACL injuries.  Maybe there are other ligaments that a haven’t been found yet as well. Especially with all the new technology, this new discovery could lead to many more discoveries!

The ocean is a really, really scary place

Some people may be petrified of the ocean.  Which is understandable, but what if they came to realize that there is so much more to the ocean than the parts we swim in.  We only see a small portion of the ocean.  The parts that we swim in at the jersey shore, or even just the waters that you sail over on a boat.  But have you ever thought about what is underneath of you when you’re in that boat?  Thousands of feet of just pure, darkness and scary creatures, most of which we’ve probably never seen before.  

Have you ever thought about how deep the ocean was below you? According to this website the deepest part of the ocean is called the Mariana Trench which is located right on the coast of the Philippines. The deepest point of this trench… 7 miles. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around how deep that is.  Heres something to think about. According to the deep sea challenge, ““If Mount Everest were dropped into the Mariana Trench, its peak would still be more than a mile (1.6 kilometers) underwater.” (Mariana Trench )  You probably wouldn’t want to go swimming here, because not only is it pure darkness, it’s also only a few degrees above freezing!

There are plenty of other reasons why the ocean is a horrifying place.  Many of us are afraid of sharks.  But after doing some research there are a ton of other creatures that would make me want to have a pet shark.  Here are a few. 

1. The Japanese Spider Crab: This is an arachnophobes biggest nightmare.  The Japanese spider crab is a sea creature that usually lives off the coast of Japan (right around the Mariana Trench).  According to the Encyclopedia of Life this creature can weigh from about 35 pounds to 45 pounds and can be about 10 feet long. So if you don’t like spiders… or crabs, this definitely isn’t something you’d want to come across! japanese-spider-crab.jpg
2. Deep sea Hatchetfish  Here’s something that you’ve probably never seen before, and well hopefully never want to see. This is a fish that can produce its own light.  Kind of like the one in finding nemo.  Except this one looks a lot like a piranha.If you want to learn more about the hatchetfish check out this website.
So basically, the ocean is a lot scarier than you may think.  And we’ve really only explored 5% of the ocean, so who knows what else is out there!
Check out this article about some of the other scary features of the ocean !

A Baby Born without Skin

Before reading this entire post, I just want to warn you guys that these photos are actually quite traumatizing, so if you are easily disturbed, don’t look at these pictures. 

A few days ago my roommate and I were talking when her mother who is a nurse, called her.  She started explaining to us a very traumatic incident she had experienced earlier that day. (she is a NICU nurse).  A woman gave birth to twins.  The first twin, came out a perfectly normal child.  But to the nurses surprise the second baby came out with a severe skin disorder called. Harlequin Ichthyosis
This is a disease that is a “ severe genetic disorder that mainly affects the skin. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. The skin forms large, diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks (fissures). These skin abnormalities affect the shape of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears, and limit movement of the arms and legs.” (Genetics Home Reference)
After looking up what this disease was my roommate and I were horrified.  The pictures on google are so disturbing and so sad.  We continued talking to her mother and she was completely in shock.  This has never happened at the hospital before (I cannot disclose the name of the hospital or the nurse) and all the nurses and the parents were traumatized.  After speaking to her mom we found out that unfortunately the baby did not survive very long after birth.  
According to the genetics home reference, this disease is very rare.  The skin on the newborn child will tighten which will make eating and breathing very difficult.  Along with that, the skin gets so tight that it actually turns the baby’s eyelids and their lips inside out. 
When I personally asked my friends mom about the experience this was her response “Many of the nurses were very upset. It was very difficult to get the image of that baby out of your mind-his eyes really haunted everyone because you could just see the pain in his eyes. It was very difficult for the nurses to care for the baby because every time you handled him it caused him pain. His extremities were all contracted so it made it difficult to position him. The OB that delivered the baby by C-section was very experienced and did not panic. The NICU team that attended the delivery were visibly upset because they had no idea how to handle/treat the baby. They hit the emergency button and another NICU team arrived. They were very concerned for the parents because this was completely unexpected. They brought the baby to the NICU and placed him in a plastic wrap that we use for extremely premature babies to keep their body heat in. We then had everyone gown, hat and glove to prevent any infection in the baby. Fortunately we had a very experienced neonatologist on who had treated 2 other babies with the same disease. Our priority was to get pain medication on board to help relieve the baby’s pain. The parents were told that the baby’s condition was fatal and they decided to remove life support. The parents with the support of their family were there when life support was removed and the baby passed quickly. The nurses talked amongst each other to help get through these tough times. We all knew that once the baby passed he would finally be pain free.”
I thought i’d blog about this because personally I have never heard of this disorder before and I figured as non science majors a bunch of you guys haven’t either.  Hopefully these parents can live a happy life with the twin that was delivered healthy!

Canyon pizza or Gumbys?

Lets just all admit it.  There is always that one friday or saturday (or both, in my case) after a long night of drinking that you and the roommates come home claiming you’re “starving”.  You stumble home covered in frat juice and regrets, and as soon as you walk in the door that canyon menu is staring you right in the face.  So naturally the first thing to do is call one of the late night food chains that State College has to offer.  Whether it is Gumbys, College Pizza or Canyon you always wake up the next morning with the box on your kitchen table regretting every bite of pizza you ate the night before. Some of you may argue, that drunk eating is not considered “science.”  Well here is my argument to why drunk eating is, in fact science. 

Here are two reasons as to why you drunk eat. 
1. You feel less full.  According to a study done by Mens Health, “Alcohol calories aren’t recognized by the body, write the researchers. One theory: Since alcohol is a toxin, your body wants to metabolize it as quickly as possible, which is why you don’t feel full from alcohol calories, according to other research.” (mens health )  Even if you’re not actually hungry, you always come home and convince yourself that hey, maybe we should order a pizza!  And now you know that if you actually are hungry when you come home it is because alcohol calories aren’t fully recognized by your body.
2. Alcohol makes junk food taste amazing.  We can all agree that canyon is not good pizza. Ever. But how come when you are intoxicated it tastes like a gift from the heavens?  Mens Health explains that “A study conducted by Purdue University found that moderate consumption of alcohol enhances the taste of salt and fat.”  That could explain why those cheesy pokey sticks or the extra large pizza from canyon is extra tasty at 3am. 
Most of us though wake up in the morning completely regretting eating all that disgusting food the night before.  So I decided to google the healthiest things you could eat when you are intoxicated.  First, maybe make some mac and cheese, that way you can get the cheese you are craving without the side of grease you would get with a pizza.   Second, go to the food store, when you’re there think about purchasing some fruits and veggies.  We all know how good carrots and hummis can be! 

According to Sierra Tishgart of Grub street, cereal is another great thing to eat late at night. “What You’re Craving: CerealWhat You Should Really Eat: CerealCereal is actually one of the best choices for a late-night-snack-meets-early-breakfast, so go ahead and pour a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “A light bowl of cereal with milk has fluids,” says Krieger, who also suggests adding nuts if you’re feeling ravenous.” (Sierra Tishgart )

Here is some more advice, come home and instead of eating that pizza. Drink water, and lots of it!

And also, check out this article on the 19 stages of drunk eating !


Is that blue or black?

Growing up I would never understand how my dad would come home from work with one navy sock on and one black sock on.  It never made sense to me.

My freshman year here at penn state I took a class, in which I learned all about colorblindness.  One main aspect that I learned was that being color blind does not mean you see in just black and white like some people may believe.  I learned that when someone is color blind they just cannot tell the difference between colors that are similar like, black and blue or orange and red.  Color blindness occurs when a person has a problem with the cones in their eyes.  There is something in your eye called a retina, and that is part of the eye that is sensitive to light, that is where you can find the cells called cones.  
Something interesting that I learned in this class is that men are more likely to become color blind than women are.  Why is this so?  A mens health article explains that “Women are usually the ‘carriers’ of the defect which is passed on through a defective x chromosome. It is mostly men who inherit color blindness, affecting about 1 in 20 men for every 1 in 200 women.” (Mens health, Jerry Kennard)  
There are a two common forms of color blindness.  Red Green colorblindness is really only found in men.  And not only can these men not see red and green but the entire color wheel is affected by this trait.  The second common form of color blindness is blue-yellow. A very rare form of colorblindness is having complete absence of color.  
For me, distinguishing colors is not an issue.  I could never imagine not being able to tell the difference between colors.  Think about this.  Is the shade of blue that you are seeing the sky, the same shade of blue that the person next to you sees the sky?  Are peoples shade of color the same?  That is something that will always blow my mind.  
Want to check to see you if your colorblind?  Check out this link!
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Hypochondria. It’s a real Thing.

Have you ever met anyone who constantly thinks that there is something wrong with them? A single sneeze turns into diabetes and a cut on their finger is automatically infected.  I have.  In fact, as I am writing this post my roommate who is a major hypochondriac, is diagnosing herself with Irrital Bowl Syndrome (IBS).  Every day, there is something new that is wrong with her.  The most recent diagnosis’ have been celiacs disease, IBS, and diabetes.  We all laugh when something new comes up but to some people this is a real disease, and a real problem.  

For those of you who don’t know hypochondria, according the the Mayo Clinic, can be described as “When you have hypochondria, you become obsessed with the idea that you have a serious or life-threatening disease that hasn’t been diagnosed yet. This causes significant anxiety that goes on for months or longer, even though there’s no clear medical evidence that you have a serious health problem.” (Mayo Clinic)
My roommate being a hypochondriac is actually quite amusing.  Simply because we all know that there is really nothing seriously wrong with her.  The smallest enlarged lymph node will suddenly turn into the flu, and she’ll be at the doctor quicker than you could possibly convince her otherwise.  At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Web MD was her home page.  A common trait of hypochondriacs is to immediately google, or start looking up pictures of what they assume may be wrong with them.  According to a recent TIME Magazine article titled “How to Heal a Hypochondriac” people with the disease “notice a symptom, decide it’s unusual and begin exploring for more. Since we all have minor twinges from time to time, when you go looking for more, you find them. “You build a case in your own mind that something’s wrong,” says Barsky. Even if a doctor assures you it isn’t true, you have the symptoms to prove to yourself that the doctor is mistaken.” (Michael D. Lemonick, TIME)

To some people though this is not a joking matter.  They really take their diagnosis serious and could lead to severe anxiety or even hospital visits.  Like my roommate my grandmother is also a  hypochondriac, except her conditions are a lot more intense.  She has visited the hospital multiple times in fear of a heart attack even though it was just her arthritis acting up.  

I’m no doctor but if you know a hypochondriac or are one yourself, my best advice is to stay off Web MD and to speak to your doctor instead of looking up your symptoms! 

hypochondriac (1).jpg