Author Archives: emm5537

Scared $#*tless

Insidious, The Conjuring, Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Shining. Classic examples of horror films. This is an over 400 million dollar business in literally scaring their audiences out of the theaters, keeping them awake at night, and frightening them to never walk down that dark hallway alone. Why? Even after all those moments during the movie where we hide our faces or scream obscenities at the screen, we find ourselves as a community going back and purchasing tickets again and again for those off putting (yet thrilling) movies.

     It’s a well known fact that most humans seek pleasure and happiness, but that doesn’t answer why these horrifying movies can provide these pleasurable experiences. In an article by Science Daily, two dominant theories rule in science as to why this peculiarity may be. The more obvious of the two would be that the individual is actually excited for this movie, the exact opposite of petrified. Another idea is that the horrific trance throughout the movie can possibly turn into relief once the plot has concluded. If your feelings on these theories are similar to mine, then you will be grateful that Eduardo Andrade of UC, Berkeley and Joel B. Cohen of University of Florida are masterminds behind a newer study that may disprove these theories. 
     The pair conceived an idea that viewers are “happy to be unhappy.” If their ideas are correct this could spin past theories around, citing that movie-goers could possibly experience negative and positive feelings simultaneously. A sense of euphoria may overwhelm the audience as they stimulate both scared and relieving sensations. These ideals, according to Andrade and Cohen, could be applicable to thrill seeking sports or high risk activities. “When individuals who typically choose to avoid the stimuli were embedded in a protective frame of mind, such that there was sufficient psychological disengagement or detachment, they experienced positive feelings while still experiencing fearfulness,” the authors explain.
     So the next time you find yourself questioning why you are sitting in a sold-out midnight premiere of The Devil Will Find You Part II, remember that those dual sensations of relief and horror will make your stress during the movie all worth it.horrormoviegoers.jpg

Photo courtesy of

Why do our hands and toes wrinkle in water?

Remember when you were a kid? It was bathtime, and all you did was play in the water and rinse out your fruity-scented L’Oreal shampoo. One measure of time as a child was the level of “pruniness” on your hands and feet. That’s how you knew it was time to get out! 

     This is a really simple fact of life, but how many of us actually know the reasoning behind that wrinkly skin? This occurs because of our most outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum. This epidermis contains the fibrous protein keratin. Keratin helps seal in moisture and keep your skin in tact and at its strongest. According to Discovery Health dead keratin cells build up on the surface of the human skin. When these dead keratin cells are built up they absorb water they come in contact with, thus giving your hands and feet that wrinkle effect within the hour you are in water. You may be questioning why it’s mostly your palms and the bottoms of your feet that are affected. These parts of your body are actively used, which causes the body to grow deeper layers of skin on them, and consequently more keratin cells are formed. So, depending on the individual the body can have these wrinkles anywhere!
     As we all have experienced, these wrinkles are temporary and fade away quickly once the skin is dried, but it still makes those hour long bubble baths a little more entertaining.
water wrinkles.gif
Photo courtesy of indianapublicmedia

Life in Color


As a child, I quickly learned that my Dad + Laundry = BAD THINGS. So that left my mom, brother and I to do the household chore. Most people would assume that he just was inept or lazy, but in reality he suffers from color blindness

     We’ve all heard about it, or had that friend in middle school we would tease because they couldn’t tell Crayola’s Cerulean Blue from Banana Mania unless they read the wrapping. Maybe that was just me, but I digress. The definition of color blindness according to the Free Medical Dictionary is “an abnormal condition characterized by the inability to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum.” 

     While the range of this condition can be mild to severe, can you possibly imagine a world without distinct colors? What if everything appeared in hues of blue, green, or red? It is known by scientists that color blindness is inherited from the parents at birth, and most likely present in the X chromosome.  Even though females can be carriers of the gene, color blindness is more often suffered by men. However in the rare case that a woman is diagnosed with color blindness, she may have similar symptoms as males: red, green, or blue (the rarest form) color blindness. Yet, scientists even as recently as 2001 have yet to discover where other locations of this gene could be to trigger color blindness. Color blindness will typically be evident in both of the individual’s eyes and last their lifetime. 

     It is very unlikely that you are reading this post thinking “Oh my goodness, I’ve been color blind my whole life without knowing!” But in the off chance you are, there are some interesting diagnostic tests that can be done to prove your theory. The most widely utilized test would be by going to your standard optometrist, where he/she should offer visual tests of greens, blues, and reds. According to, there are more “sophisticated” tests available. One being the “Lantern test,” in which certain occupations such as train engineers, pilots, or divers are required to properly read traffic lights and other colored signs for job training. There are other tests such as The Ishihara test and Titmus II Vision Tester Color Perception test to also diagnose colorblindness

     Despite medical advances in the diagnosis and understanding of color blindness, there are no treatments or cures for the color blind. However, it has been seen over the years that color blinded individuals will oftentimes use their “handicap” as an advantage though noticing everyday details. Did you know Mr. Rogers, Meat Loaf, Howie Mandel and Bing Crosby are all color blind? These celebrities didn’t let this disadvantage hinder their lives. About 8.5% of people in the US are mildly to severely colorblind living normally.

Initial Blog Post: The science behind a non-science major

Hey guys, I’m Liz: a sophomore from Central New Jersey. I am intending to double major in Business Management and Broadcast Journalism. My ultimate goal is to produce the news, or work as an international correspondent for a non-corrupt prime time media network. I am an avid sports fan, with a particular love for hockey (GO DEVS). I like to think I’m a well-rounded student and eager to learn, yet science has always been one of the subjects to deter my interest in school. 

     I was introduced to this class by a friend who had previously taken it, and I’m really glad I took her advice. I mildly enjoyed chemistry, hated biology, and despised physics completely. I think having knowledge that is applicable to my everyday life will actually help me in the long run, rather than learning the basics of photosynthesis and statics. However, I love the show Mythbusters which is pretty science-y, and I do enjoy watching Walter White cook meth on Breaking Bad, but I figured those two things probably won’t get me through four years of core science classes, thus I settled upon my majors listed above. 
Here is an awesome video compilation of the Mythbusters’ best explosions