Author Archives: moa5311

Is Breakfast Deceiving You?

We’ve all been told to not skip breakfast, or that it is “the most important meal of the day.” But is the claim backed up with any real facts? Is this some conspiracy that breakfast food companies and restaurants made up or something your doctor would tell you?


Being healthy vs. being skinny
It’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that breakfast does in fact improve your metabolism making breakfast eaters generally weigh less that those of us who skip breakfast. It also makes you less hungry throughout the day, making you eat less lunch and an earlier dinner causing you to also weigh less. HOWEVER, most people who eat breakfast have healthier habits all around, which I believe is the main factor. You cannot take an unhealthy, obese person and tell them to “eat breakfast” hoping that it makes them more healthy. It may give them minimum weight loss benefits, depending on what they choose to eat for breakfast. The International Journal for Obesity reported that eating a protein rich breakfast is highly beneficial, whereas a protein neutral breakfast is actually comparable to eating no breakfast at all. It doesn’t really matter when you eat, but what you eat. The Huffington Post even claims that many cereals have too much sugar and can be very unhealthy. Now I’m not saying that you should swear off of breakfast altogether, but don’t go thinking that you can grab that frozen pizza out of your fridge and call it a healthy meal because it hasn’t hit noon yet.
Your Brain
This article reports that eating breakfast can actually improve your mood by regulating your blood sugar. However a super fatty oily breakfast can actually do the opposite and make you less productive by giving you that “I feel gross and need a nap” feeling just to get your metabolism back in check. Berkhan claims that these blood sugars that increase your mood depends heavily on “how you do on breakfast.”
Why were we misled?
I for one, am pretty unhappy with the lies breakfast has been telling me. My healthiest and happiest friends have told me that they usually just have a coffee for breakfast, and then go on their morning run. So where did this myth start? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that “ scholars in this field of inquiry-breakfast science- have been fudging facts and misinterpreting the science” and “the literature shows signs of research bias.” 

Being A Smoker Saved His Life

James Doohan, an actor from Star Trek, was shot at numerous times, and the only fatal one was dodged by a silver cigarette case sitting in his shirt pocket, which reflected the bullet that could’ve killed him. Sadly however, in most cases being a smoker doesn’t save your life. Studies show that it undeniably does the opposite. However, instead of looking into cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or hookah, I became increasingly interested with Nicotine. Nicotine is a “natural substance produced by a family of plants known as Solanaceae or Nightshade.”However, the addictive effects of cigarettes come from the nicotine inside the tobacco, which is reported to only be between.6-3%. This is why the claims that nicotine is actually poison are true, but there is so little present in cigarettes you can’t really jump to the conclusion that cigarettes are poison. It says here that there’s also little amounts of nicotine present in tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and even cocoa plants!

So…. why is nicotine so addictive? 
It releases neurotransmitters in your brain that instantaneously make you feel good. Code word: Instant. In most other things, for example alcohol, you have to wait to feel the effects and they last much longer. When smoking a cigarette, you instantly get the so-called “high” which makes the brain associate cigarettes with all things good. Also unlike most other drugs, nicotine is both physically addictive and physiologically addictive. It’s physically addictive due to the cravings and the awful withdrawl symptoms associated with smokers going without a cigarette. But i find the physiologically addictive aspect to smoking much more intriguing. This article outlines a few of the social aspects of smoking. Many smokers simply like to “watch the smoke.” Therefore, no amount of nicotine patches could help their addiction. This is a large claim in hookah smokers, who tend to do tricks, due to the thicker smoke that hookah produces. Other claims are that smokers feel less alone when smoking, feeling almost a close enough attachment with a cigarette that it can take place of a person. The highly social aspect is why cigarettes became popular in the first place because it looked “cool,” you were showing that you can afford things you don’t need, and you could easily start conversations with other smokers saying things like “what brand do you like” or “can I borrow a lighter?”
No matter the excuse, physical or emotional,9228530ab7f605113d88fa76f5c52c52.jpg  take a look at this to help you out.

Why are gymnasts short?

First off, I’d like to say my title is very contradicting because I myself have been a gymnast for many years and at 5’5, under no circumstances would I consider myself short. However growing up as a gymnast, I tended to notice that many of the more successful gymnasts are short. In my gym, the older and higher level gymnasts tended to be much shorter than I was. When I would watch competitions on TV, I also seemed to pick up on the professionals apparent miniature size. My question was this: would I ever be a good gymnast if I wasn’t short? Of course there are many gymnasts who are my size or taller, but I wondered if skills would actually be easier for me if I was shorter.

What I learned was this: Gymnastics stunts growth. The reason older and more experienced girls at my gym were often short was because their long history of gymnastics actually MADE them that way. Having started gymnastics in a later part of my life, I did not have to undergo this and therefore I have had less experience. It’ actually reverse causation that is the answer here, proving my hypothesis (and frankly very negative thinking) completely wrong. It IS possible to be tall and an excellent gymnast, such as the famous Russian gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, and our very own Dominique Dawes. 

So how does gymnastics stunt growth when other sports don’t?

-Gymnasts (especially olympic) start training at a VERY young age and do so just as intensively as athletes almost twice their age. This is why during the 2008 Bejing olympics, China was accused of using athletes as young as 12 and 14.
-It delays puberty. When starting highly intensive training at such a young age, your body fat levels drop dangerously low signaling to your brain that you’re not yet ready for puberty.
-Researchers in this article observed 35 people in extensive studies and coming to a conclusion that the gymnasts’ growth is indeed affected by the sport.

Does this mean you should avoid gymnastics?
-Although there are apparent dangers, the stunted growth doesn’t have too many long term effects. However, the delay in puberty is harmful, so if your child or someone young wants to do gymnastics and aren’t planning on competing in the Olympics, make sure they start after puberty!

If you’re interested in gymnastics at all or just want to listen to an attractive successful 21 year old olympic gold medalist talk… Shawn Johnson is coming to Penn State and tickets are free!

Works Cited

New Standard Of Beauty

Skin Whitening: yeah it’s a thing. For whatever reason, many places all around the world regard light skin as being superior. For this reason, many new products that alter or claim to alter the color of your skin has become very popular. Must like tanning, these products such as creams, bleaches, chemical peels, pills, etc. are very harmful to your skin. However, there are various aspects to consider regarding this issue.

1.) Why In The World?
You may ask why anyone would want to change their skin color. It’s usually not due to diseases, such as in Micheal Jackson’s case, but for a desire to look “more beautiful.” In many countries, being dark was associated with the lower class or less educated, because they usually had jobs working out in the sun. ( Much like how the more fat you had, the richer you were. However now, thin is the new obsession.) Another reason is that in these countries, celebrities endorse these products to back up the idea of light skin being beautiful because the products are unbelieveably profitable. Also, due to the lack of intervention, these harsh chemicals and bleaches are not banned as they probably would have been in the US if the practice was as rampant. The main reason however, is that we are a generation of people who are obsessed with our looks and believe that the possible harm these things can cause are worth it.

2.) Harmful Effects

According to this website, the effects include but are not limited to:
  • Dark grey spots 

  • Skin cancer 

  • Acne 

  • Swelling of the skin 

  • Thinning of the skin 

  • Cataracts 

  • Setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach 

  • Increase in appetite and weight gain 

  • Osteoporosis 

  • Neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams 

  • Psychiatric disorders 

  • Severe birth defects 

  • Asthma 

  • Liver damage”
Clutch Magazine talks about how until 2 women ACTUALLY DIED from this process, no one payed much attention.

3.) If You Still Don’t Care…

This is not only something that is of concern to women. A lot of males have tried using skin whiteners such as the famous Sammy Sosa, who was in the Chicago Cubs.

There are many people who will read this and regard it as another this we’re not supposed to do but will continue to do anyways. However, unlike drinking or smoking you actually CAN get the same results in a natural way. Some of these ways include changing your diet to include more water and healthy foods, or using limes or lemons, which are natural bleaches. 

All in all, skin whitening IS RACISM. We should not be promoting or insinuating under any circumstances that one skin color is better than another. Perhaps the consequences of skin whitening aren’t only to those who practice it, but to society as a whole. fair and handsome.jpg

Why Mosquitos Buzz In Peoples Ears

Why Mosquitos Buzz In Peoples Ears was one of my favorite books growing up. It’s a cute little story based on an African legend. However, many of us have trouble relating because we don’t often come into contact with mosquitos. Unless we’re camping or traveling, most of us don’t even give these creatures a second thought. Furthermore, the ones we come into contact with are usually harmless. In certain continents however, mosquitos are a huge problem transmitting a spectrum of different diseases. The most affected country is Africa. The issue here is that there is no known vaccine for Malaria, which is the most prominent of the diseases. Other widespread diseases spread by mosquitos are lyme disease ( usually in ticks also ) yellow fever, and encephalitis. Mosquitos can even affect your pets by transmitting heart worms. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there was an estimated 660,000 deaths caused by Malaria in 2012 and 91% of these deaths were in Africa. So why should we care? We are especially at risk whenever we travel because we have absolutely no immunity to the virus. Not only is this disease prominent in Africa, but also Asia, Latin America, The Middle East and Europe, as reported by the World Health Organization. National Geographic reported yesterday, that there may be a new mosquito repellant that is better than all the others. They discovered that mosquitos are attracted to certain odors in your skin, and by offsetting these odors, we could combat this problem. They proved this by performing an experiment where people would stick their hands inside a cage, and after applying the chemical, the mosquitos would no longer touch them and basically not even know that their hands were present. I think the cage serves as a way to deter most confounding variables, but there could still be a few ( the differences in peoples natural odor, etc. ) Although this repellent still isn’t on the market, I think that this is an issue we should really look into and be aware of because most of us hate ticks, cockroaches, and beetles, but tend to assume mosquitos do no harm. So next time you’re at a barbecue enjoying an ice cold beer and get a mosquito bite, be aware thatCM_mosquitoes.jpg you could actually be infected with a life threatening disease!  

This is it.

This is my last science requirement. As a sophomore, the thought that after this semester science can leave my life really confuses me. Like most others in this class, I had a bad experience in high school (how typical of a communications major). However, all the other sciences courses I’ve taken in college have actually been very interactive, thought provoking, and interesting. I actually ENJOYED them. But how could that be? I thought I hated science for the past 18 years of my life. I took astro 001 and learned about all the things beyond our planet and a lot of theory’s of how it came to be. I also took bisci 003 and loved every tree-hugging second of it. I guess the part I hated the most wasn’t science at all, it was the memorization of facts and formulas. However, my non hate for science will never overtake the love I have for journalism. I’m really excited that this class involves media, pictures, and a lot of writing because that’s what I plan to do for the rest of my life! My name is Maddy, go ahead and stalk me on Instagram or Twitter! Oh and the best show on television, Breaking Bad, has to do with science, so it can’t be that bad. Breaking-Bad-Movie-Desktop-600x375.jpg