Author Archives: nak5188

Take a catnap

In other regions of the world they have siesta time, which is a time for a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal.  I have noticed that I always seem to get sleepy around 2pm, which is exactly the time I need to start getting ready to go to science. Napping should be implemented in our daily working lives to allow us to be more alert and concentrated throughout the day. After a good nap I always feel well rested and full of energy. I think that if people started napping more often throughout their busy workweeks we would get work done more effectively.

Napping allows our bodies to be in a state of relaxation, which takes away from the stress of our daily lives. When studying adults ages 20 to 86, researchers found that taking a short nap at least three times a week significantly decreased risk of heart disease. There are more effective naps then others. For example, the most effective naps are the ones that you fall asleep easily and only nap for a short period of time. Once you wake up you will feel refreshed and energized. However, if you nap for too long you will most likely wake up feeling groggy and even more tiered then you were before. The best time during the day is “1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., when your energy level dips due to a rise in the hormone melatonin at that time of day.” I find this interesting because I usually get the most tiered around 2pm, which is just around the prime napping hours. You should not nap 3 hours before your bedtime because that could interfere with your sleep at night. You may have noticed that napping “fights fatigue and boosts your mood, but it also improves your righ-brain function, the side responsible for creativity and long-term memory.” Napping on a day-to-day basis can improve performance making your reaction time much quicker as well as improving memory and making fewer mistakes through out the day.

Overall I have come to the conclusion that we need more naps in our lives to be more productive and efficient. Next time you are feeling sleepy during your busy day don’t be embarrassed to go and take a quick catnap. 



Black Friday

Black Friday- The Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the USA viewed as the beginning of the Christmas shopping and shoppers going overboard. To me it is a day that I look forward to every single year. American shoppers are up from midnight to the next day doing hardcore shopping. Stores and companies plan months ahead of time for this “special day” since it can become so chaotic. How far do people really go on Black Friday?


Before Black Friday companies and stores prepare catalogs and deals for consumers to see to make themselves look more appealing and show consumers what a great deal they will be getting. Americans all around the country go crazy on Black Friday and cause fights and scenes to get the product they want to buy. An estimated 97 million people shop on black Friday and an estimated $52.4 billion dollars were spent buy consumers on the weekend of Black Friday alone. Stores promote all the great offers they have on this day, but are you really getting a good deal?


“Retail-industry veterans tell The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) most of those bargains are actually carefully engineered illusions.” Most of us want to believe that we are getting a great deal to stay up all night and shop. However the truth about this matter is that “instead, WSJ reports many big retailers set starting prices that, after all the markdowns, will give them the profit margins they want.” So in the end we aren’t really getting the price we deserve. This came to my attention this Black Friday when I was in the Coach outlet. The store bumped up the normal prices of a bag and then offered 50% off of that price although it was never that price to begin with. For example, a purse was originally $298 but the store changed the price to $368 and then offered a 50% discount so this proves stores trick consumers if you do not know what the value of the purse was to begin with.


Retailers have become very competitive with the economy we are in today. However, they are creating better and more effective tactics then ever to suck consumers in. Retailers are offering discounts and sales sooner then black Friday so people are lead to believe the sales on Black Friday will be unreal. Not everything is true about Black Friday, some of the amazing deals you think you’ve been getting could just be a trick. So for next year make sure you keep yourself updated with social media and learn how to avoided rip offs. 



The power of smell

Have you ever found yourself being attracted to a man who is not your type whatsoever? This happens to many women all of the time and was curious as to why this may be. I know we are attracted to the opposite sex due to our 5 senses but it can’t be all physical. I decided to research what is the main cause to sexual attraction:


The scent of another human can influence sexual attraction for the better or worse. “Pheromones are odorless chemicals that can signal an individual’s identity, arousal or sexual receptivity (Wright 1994“. Everyone has them but women are more sensitive to the smell of men. This doesn’t mean that women enjoy the scent of a mans sweat, because pheromones are odorless but they are when oxygen and your pheromones intermingle and are easy for women’s smell receptors to point out. We do not notice pheromones consciously because they do not have a specific smell to them. If a woman subconsciously finds a males scent pleasant she will be more sexually attracted to him. “In short, smell assists with the most important tasks: finding mates and food” says, Monell’s director, Gary Beauchamp, Ph. D. This is why colognes and perfumes can cover your natural smell you give off, but they are still there. Many women seem to get confused and believe that they are in love with a man because of lust or sexual appeal. However, some come to realize that the only reason they were attracted was due to pheromones. If a woman loves her man but does not love the way he smells this could mean that this is a bad genetic combination. There are certain men for certain women and the smell needs to match up with the liking of a woman. So if you ever find yourself being attracted to a man, think about his smell. 



Sleep talking Zzz

This weekend I went on a canning trip with 60 people in Rochester New York. When people are sleeping on couches, beds, floors, maybe even bathtubs because there isn’t enough room for everyone, you are bound to come across some sleep talkers. In the middle of the night I noticed I kept walking up because I was so uncomfortable but also because of the conversation that was going on. This one guy was having a conversation with himself about how much fun he had the night before. I was truly shocked that this was happening his words were so clear and easy to understand. I never had heard someone sleep talk so clearly before. The next morning I asked him about it and he had no recollection of anything he said. This was shocking to me, so I was curious on why we sleep talk. 


Sleep talking can involve complex dialogues or conversation that sometimes come off as mumbling. Mostly anyone can experience sleep talking but it is more common in males and children. While people are sleep talking they usually are not aware of what is going on. You can start talking to someone who is asleep, some will wake up and some will strike up a sleep talking conversation. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “sleep talking may be brought on by stress, depression, fever, sleep deprivation, day-time drowsiness, alcohol, and fever” Sleep talking can make no sense at all or can be related to events that have occurred in your life. Sleep talking can occur during any of the four stages of sleep. “The lighter the sleep, the more intelligible the speech: in stages 1 and 2, people may have entire conversations while in stages 3 and 4, speech may be restricted to moans and gibberish”.



There is no treatment to sleep talking unless it is the result of another sleep disorder. Sleep talking is only natural and happens to mostly all of us at a certain time. Just be careful who you are sleeping next to and what you say because you could be in for some embarrassment in the morning! 


Why so stubborn?

You know that feeling when you know you’re in the wrong and you just can’t admit it? Well that’s just being plain old stubborn. This is a characteristic in people that can become a dominant pattern. In some occasions it is good to be stubborn, but in most situations being stubborn only keeps you close-minded and not able to listen to other peoples opinions. The reason I decided to blog about this is because I know I am a very stubborn girl. Even If I know I am in the wrong I occasionally find it difficult (depending who I am talking to) to admit that I am wrong. I decided to research why people are stubborn, is it nature or nurture?

 Stubbornness is expected when you are little especially during the “Terrible Two” a phase of infant human development. However, if you are not told or taught how to share or understand someone this could follow you through adulthood. According to Personality and Spiritualty, “Stubbornness is the tendency to resist any form of change. It is defined as: refusing to move or change one’s opinion; [1] the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome; resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires [2]” Stubbornness is resisting something that you do not want changed whether it be an opinion or a choice or even the way you think yourself. In it’s own way it is resisting life because life is all about changes and being able to adapt to them easily. “The personality with stubbornness is over-sensitive to the possibility of having sudden or unwanted change imposed upon itself, and sees the threat of it everywhere.” Situations that cause stress to a person can be a reason for stubbornness. We all like what is familiar to us, and when we are stressed it makes us tense and unsure of the outcome. Whatever the situation may be such as, moving homes, going to college, or the arrival of a new baby they are all a part of change.


We all have fears and crave stability in our lives. When situations do not go our way people who are stubborn put a shield up by refusing the change. We tend to put the blame on the situation rather than realizing, well maybe the problem is me. “Stubbornness is the most prevalent character flaw there is. We all have some degree of stubbornness within us”.  All of this information allows me to come to the conclusion that being stubborn is nature and nurture because we are all born with stubbornness and it is the experiences we have in our lifetime that allow us how to deal with being a stubborn person. 




My mother is Peruvian so growing up I always spoke “Spanglish” – the combination of English and Spanish.  Whenever people find out that I am fluent in both Spanish and English they are usually fascinated by this and tell me that I am so lucky to know two languages. I know for many people it is not easy learning a second language, but I was curious as to what is the truth about being bilingual. Does is actually make you a smarter person?

 Learning a foreign language is a challenging concept since it is something you are not familiar with. Many Physiological studies have concurred that the brains of bilingual people work differently than those of only one language. Being bilingual is good for your cognitive process. Speaking two languages challenges your brain constantly boosting your problem solving skills. Bilingual people are able to switch from one language to the other while speaking and writing. According to a study from the Pennsylvania State University, this “juggling” skill makes them good multitasks, because they can easily switch between different structures”.

 Your brain needs to be exercised constantly to function properly. While switching from English to Spanish on a daily basis I am always exercising my brain while transitioning languages. Most of us are capable of learning a new language and there are many pros to doing so such as:

-Building multitasking skills

-Memory improvemen

-Decision making skills improve

-Good listening skills

-Putting words into categories

 As we get older our cognitive process and brain function begins to decline. “A team led by Dr. Brian Gold from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine used MRI scans to compare brain activity of healthy 60 to 68-year-olds while they completed mentally challenging tasks. They found that both monolingual and bilingual seniors performed the task accurately. However, those who spoke two languages or more were faster at completing the third task despite expending less energy in the frontal cortex – an area known to be involved in task switching.”  This concludes that being able to speak two languages does in fact make you a smarter person. Your brain is constantly active and functioning and being able to communicate in two different ways. 



Makeup makes you pretty right?

Makeup: cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance. Some people do not wear makeup, but the majority of women do wear it to make them feel more put together. “50% of American women believe wearing makeup gives them a leg up at work and makes them feel in control”. Usually brands and companies tend to leave out the negatives of wearing makeup and how it can affect our skin. We apply mascara to our eyelashes, foundation to our face, and eye shadow to our eyelids. Constantly wearing and applying products to your bare skin cannot be 100% safe. I decided to do some research on this, and this is what I found:


Women use makeup daily, if you are one of those women your body is absorbing 5 pounds of chemicals a year through the skin. Richard Bence, a biochemist who has been researching this topic said: “We really need to start questioning the products we are putting on our skin and not just assume that the chemicals in them are safe.”  We are putting products onto our body that can have side effects to them and even make us look older. “If lipstick gets into your mouth it is broken down by the enzymes in saliva and in the stomach. But chemicals get straight into your bloodstream, there is no protection.”  It is ironic how we wear makeup to make us look younger and more beautiful but the truth about makeup is that the chemicals in the products can be toxic and wearing heavy makeup will trim years off your face making you look older. If makeup is not taken off before bed, it can clog pores and prevent your skin from breathing.


Some scientists believe that wearing makeup can be a life-altering choice. Foundation for example is used to attempt to hide your blemishes and make your face a certain tone, to take away from looking fatigued or old for that matter. According to Mintlife Blog the average women spends 15,000 dollars on products in her lifetime and 3, 770 on mascara alone. We all have preferences and a budget so this determines what makeup we buy and use. More than 40 billion dollars are spent annually on cosmetics alone.  


However, there are solutions to the cons of wearing makeup! Do not wear too much makeup and only wear what is necessary. Make sure before you purchase a product to read the ingredients so you are aware of what you are applying to your skin. Also make sure you take off all of your makeup before bed, because by doing so you are allowing the skin to breathe and absorb oxygen. Otherwise your skin could break out and your pores will clog. Also by reducing the amount of makeup you wear daily you are not only helping your skin but saving money as well. 



Does money = success?

We always think that if you’ve made a lot of money in your lifetime that you are now magically a successful person and have achieved your life goals. Whenever you see someone with an outstanding amount of money they usually have nice cars, homes, vacations, jewelry etc. But the question I’m asking today is does money really equal success?    

      The USA is known to be a country full of material things and materialistic people. I know myself and I love getting a new pair of shoes or dress, I mean who wouldn’t? We all want to be rich and make lots of money, but many people who have a lot of money seem to think of themselves as “successful”. However, success is not based off of the check you receive each month, but rather the relationships your form and the feeling of satisfaction within yourself. The money you earn is simply an object or material, but what are important is the people you share it with. According to NASDAQ,  “In a new study commissioned by American Express, most survey respondents said you don’t need to have a lot of money to be successful. Instead, good health, good relationships and agood job were deemed by respondents to be more indicative of a successful “


      You need to step back, and realize that happiness and success aren’t about how much money you make but the experiences you make of them. “Research shows experiences provide more happiness than material goods in part because experiences are more likely to make us feel connected to others “Haven’t you ever noticed celebrities start off being extremely humble and kind and once the money gets to their heads (because they have too much of a good thing) it changes them completely. According to Business Insider, “This is the sad reality of the human experience: The more we’re exposed to something, the more its impact diminishes”. 



Be Happy :)

During crazy hectic exam weeks here at Penn state it occasionally becomes difficult to stay happy.  We all have so much pressure to get good grades, stay focused, and get all the other things in your life accomplished, as well as things like hitting the gym, hanging out with friends etc. I always find myself feeling so stressed out about the next thing I need to do and find my happiness occasionally slipping away. I was curious as to what actually determines people’s happiness, is it the people you surround yourself with, your boyfriend or girlfriend, family, or maybe just your dog! This is what I found:


Happiness is not something that magically appears, it is something within you that you create. In the video clip Sonja Lyubomirsky explains to us that happiness is in our genes. Some people have “happier” genes then others that are just the way it works! According to Mayoclinic “Only 10 percent or so of the variation in people’s reports of happiness can be explained by differences in their circumstances”. This means that happiness is something you can teach yourself; it is a way of thinking. Your actions, thoughts and feelings can change you to become a happier person. It is what you invest your time and feelings into such as:


      -Devoting time to family and friends

      -Appreciating what they have

      -Maintaining an optimistic outlook

      -Feeling a sense of purpose

      -Living in the moment


Being around a person that is constantly negative and brings you down is not a person you should be investing time into. You need to be surrounded by people who lift your spirits and bring the best side out of you. The Huffington post says, “Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us. “It is key to stay true to yourself, “The study revealed that faking a smile while experiencing negative emotions could actually worsen your mood.” Honestly as simple as it sounds just simply trying to be happy makes you a happier person. Life is all about the little things, a simple hello, or holding the door for someone. You need to give back to the community; in the end it’s all a personal reward. If you ever feel down in the dumps because college is stressing you out, you’re not alone. Think positive and everything will work itself out.




When’s the last time you met someone that didn’t own a cell phone? In our generation even little kids at the age of 10 have mobile devices. Cell phones play a huge role in our lives, and are used every single day. We use them to communicate with people and social networks all day long. We even use them to text questions in our science class! I know I am attached to my cell phone, if it is not next to me 24/7 I am constantly looking for it. But have you ever wondered if this little device you use in your everyday life causes harm? I decided to do some research and this is what I found:


“According to a recent report from the World Bank, about 75 per cent of the world’s population now has access to a mobile device. That’s more than 6 billion people around the globe” We are all constantly on our phones and are a bit obsessed with them. “The digital security company Lookout surveyed 2,097 people, and revealed that 94 per cent feared going without their mobile devices. (73 per cent felt “panicked” when it happened.)”  Parents are always telling there kids “get off of your cell phone” but it’s becoming near impossible to put it down. The panicky feeling you get when you do not have your phone with you has a name its Called “nomophobia,” We are all humans and form psychological dependences on objects or people when we are exposed to them constantly. Our cell phones provide us with basically anything you need in your daily life, which is why we are so dependent on them. “Humans are social animals. We like staying connected,” says Gary Small, MD, professor of psychiatry at UCLA. This has become concerning to some because now a days people are having a harder time communicating face to face since we can do it much easier via text, email, Facebook etc.


Cell phones are our own personal life inside of a little device that stores it all. It stores our memories we make, conversations we had, allow you to communicate much easier. However, it is ruining the way we socialize because people are becoming addicted to cell phones, and not paying attention to the world around them and not forming relationships. Don’t have a relationship with your phone. Every once in a while when you catch yourself playing with your phone all day just put it down and enjoy the people around you. 

