When I started lifting weights, I was always told that “you cannot overtrain your muscles” or “you can’t work out the same muscle group everyday” When I heard about this I, like many others, thought it was true but had no idea why. I guess it made sense to me that your muscles need time to recover and that you need rest before your muscles are back at full strength but, looking at some of these bodybuilders, I thought to myself, “there is no way these enormous men do not workout their arms every day.” So about a year ago I stumbled upon a few Youtube videos made by a former bench press champion, <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHiKDa4ip_Q“>C.T Fletcher</a>. Although C.T has a loud, vulgar way of saying it, lets just say he disagrees with this whole “overtraining” malarkey.
C.T believes in training his 22-inch pythons to the point of exhaustion every day in the gym. In short, this means that he goes through a full Tricep and full Bicep workout every day, on top of the other training he has scheduled for any other muscle. At first I thought he was just your typical meathead but after looking deeper into his videos, he definitely had some logic behind his claims.
He claims that “overtraining is individualized.” This means that one man’s workout may be too much for another and vice versa. Overtraining is only a mindset in a sense. C.T claims that if you are mentally tough and dedicated, you can see significant gains in the weight room by training to the point of exhaustion every day.
Fletcher compares <a href=”http://douglasernstblog.com/2013/08/03/ct-fletcher-is-correct-over-training-is-a-myth/“>overtraining in the weight room</a> to basic training for the army and triathalon training. He claims that as he was in basic training, he was pushed to the point of no return with a lot of the exercises. Although it was extremely tough, he had no choice but to do it. He said his body “adapted” to the physical strain and any given workout then had a feeling of normality.
Additionally, overtraining is often time used by Professional athletes. <a href=”http://experiencelife.com/article/overtraining-myths-facts-and-fantasies/“>Eric Cressey</a>, co-owner of Cressey Performance, preaches that the majority of people who believe that overtraining is affecting their performance, haven’t actually trained to the point where this could be possible. The human body is an amazing thing. You can push yourself way further than you think. This is proven to be true in world-class athletes. Correct me if I am wrong, but if you think you are overtraining your muscles during a workout, imagine going through a workout that Adrian Peterson goes through to prepare for a big game against the Packers. That alone is evidence that the body can be pushed to such an extent where essentially, overtraining is impossible.
Some may be skeptical about C.T’s methods, but I for one, 100% endorse it. I feel like the human body can accomplish more than what we think it can, and the only way to find out is too push your limitations. It makes sense that if you consistently break down your muscles every day, they have but no choice to adapt and recover at an accelerated pace. I highly recommend checking out his videos for anyone who is big into lifting weights. They may change your entire approach in the weight room.
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