5 Best Foods for Weight Loss
1.) Black Beans – contains protein, without the saturated fat like in other proteins
2.) Oats – Rich in fiber, so a serving can help you feel full. Also, oats contain resistant starch, a carb that boosts metabolism & burns fat
3.) Avocados – contains Oleic acid, which quiets hunger; also is full of fiber & protein. A quarter or a half of an avocado can help get rid of belly fat.
4.) Salmon – A learner choice than red meat.This food helps you feel full without adding any fat because it’s a lean source of protein.
5.) Blueberries – (My favorite) A figure-friendly eat that is also known for it’s anti-aging effects. 1 cup of blueberries is only 80 calories & helps you feel full from the fiber.
5 Best Foods for Skin
1.) Seafood – The smell may be bad, but the benefits are good! Seafood improves the smoothness of your skin. These foods contain omega-3 fatty acids & zinc; these ingrediants will help smooth & clear your skin for an all around glowing effect.
2.) Citrus Fruits – The active component in these fruits are vitamin C, which will also help smooth and taut your skin. Vitamin C is a very common ingrediant in beauty creams.
3.) Red & Green Vegetables – Contains Vitamin A & beta-carotene which helps brighten & smooth skin. Spinach and other leafy, green veggies provide vitamin A, which helps your skin get rid of the old cells and produce new ones. This reduces dryness and keeps your face looking bright and youthful.
4.) Nuts – The active component in nuts are Vitamin E, which benefit your skin greatly, keeping it young looking & soft. Vitamin E locks in moisture, proventing dryness, for brighter, younger looking skin.
5.) Whole Grain – Full of Rutin & B Vitamins, which helps clear and moisturize your skin. Whole foods benifit more than your skin, it also has whole-body benifits.Whole foods are known to be unprocessed (natural) & we all know that natural is good!
5 Best Foods for your Brain
1.) Nuts – Contains high levels of serotonin, which helps to boost your mood.
RealAge Difference: Men: 3.3 years younger, Women: 4.4 years younger
2.) Fish – Contains Omega -3 fatty acids, which helps clear arteries
RealAge Difference: 2.8 years younger
3.) Soybeans – Contains protein & fiber that is good for your heart and arteries
RealAge Difference: 0.4 years younger
4.) Tomato Juice & Spaghetti Sauce – Contain folate, lycopene and other nutrients to keep arteries young.
RealAge Difference: At least 1 year younger
5.) Oils – Oil is a healthy fat, which is good for your heart. 25% of your calorie intake should be from healthy fats. Olive oil, nut oils, fish oils, flaxseed and avocados contain mono-unsaturated omega-3 and omega-9 fats, which benefit your heart-health.
RealAge Difference: 3.4 years younger
There’s a lot more information on these topics in the websites below if anyone wanted to look into this more. Thank you! 🙂