First Blog Post! :)

Hello everyone! My name is Lauren Freid and I am a freshmen enrolled in The College of Communications. I signed up for SC200 because it is a course that people take who are not majoring in the science field. It is a course that does not require background knowledge, and some people who take the course actually hate science. However, I like certain types of sciences such as biology and astronomy. Science has never been a very strong subject of mine, which is why I also decided to take this course. When i was signing up for classes at Penn State during orientation, my advisors told me that SC200 is a fun class that will get you thinking on a totally different level. This ultimately pushed me to sign up for this class and see what it was about. I am not planning to be a science major because I am interested in pursuing a career in journalism and communications. I have always loved journalism since I was a little girl, so I find it only fitting to pursue something that I have a deep passion for. I am not sure what branch of communications I want to participate in, but I am leaning towards broadcast journalism. I am looking forward to this class, especially to find out if fish feel pain.


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