Need a Mood Booster? Eat Chocolate.

Eating sweets is something that we all look forward to. It is a craving that most of us cannot resist. However, many of us try to avoid sweets because they are unhealthy, bad for your teeth and sometimes if you eat too many at one time than they can make you feel sick. Although all of that might be true, eating chocolate in moderation is proven to boost your mood.


Eating chocolate is the number one craving for American women. According to a study done by CNN, eating chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins which are chemicals that make us feel good. It has been proven that we crave chocolate when we have anxiety, stress, or are experiencing pain. Chocolate acts as a pain killer in these situations. It was also found that Chocolate is linked to serotonin, a brain chemical that makes us feel relaxed. Most people assume that it is only the ingredients that causes chocolate to have this huge mood boosting affect on us. However, the texture, smell and taste of the chocolate all play a big role in making us feel happy.

Do you still need more evidence to convince yourself that chocolate is indeed good for your mood? If so, take a look at this study that was conducted by a professor at Drexel University. This professor discovered that our eyes become dilated when a brain chemical dopamine is released. This usually happens when someone experiences feelings of love or lust. Then, the professor examined the participants’ eyes as a piece of chocolate was placed on her tongue. It caused her pupilsĀ  to dilate. This further proves that chocolate will boost your mood.

I recommend everyone to take a break from their homework and go eat some chocolate! It will make you feel more relaxed and less stressed!

2 thoughts on “Need a Mood Booster? Eat Chocolate.

  1. Christopher Vecchio

    I completely agree with this post. I am a huge chocolate lover and it really does relieve my stress when I eat small amounts of it. Chocolate actually carries a lot of power to it with its ingredients and tastes so good at the same time. Chocolate is a must for me to get through college homework.

  2. Amanda Reznyk

    I can 100% relate to this post. I feel like one of the first things I want to do when I’m stressed out or upset is eat chocolate. I actually just learned in my psychology class that people get more aroused when eating chocolate compared to when they are kissing someone. I thought this was both hilarious and true! I’ll make sure I always have a chocolate bar next to me, especially during finals week…

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