Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

I’m sure this is the common phrase everyone has heard when growing up. Parents would say this just to get their children to eat an apple but is it true? If you eat an apple is it really keeping you healthy and away from the doctor’s office? Let’s take a closer look at what an apple is made of and if it’s really healthy.

Of course an apple contains some type of vitamin and that’s vitamin C which builds up one’s immune system and overall health. Next is pectin which helps the body keep off cholesterol and maintain a well-functioning digestive system. Then there is boron which maintains and supports a healthy brain and bones. Quercetin helps fight off the risk of various cancers and phytonutrients which an apple is rich of contains vitamins and beta carotene. These all reduce the risk of diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.

Now that you know all the components of an apple and its benefits, does an apple really keep you from getting sick and going to the doctor? Probably not entirely but with all the healthy ingredients found in an apple, it is definitely not harmful to eat one every day to maintain a healthy body overall.




4 thoughts on “Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

  1. Jiang Shan

    My mom constantly told me that eating apples are good for you. However, I didn’t really listen to her because I don’t like apples and I believe all fruits should have the same nutrition value. After reading your blog, I regret not listening to my mom. I find it amazing that one little fruit can contain so much nutrients and help us defend so many diseases. From my previous blog, I wrote about apple cider vinegars. I learned that apple cider vinegars are very healthy and can help us remain healthy in many ways. Now I think about it, the reason why this type of vinegar is healthier than others is probably due to the apple being added. So I guess in a way, eating an apple a day does keep the doctor away. If you want to learn more about apple cider vinegar, here’s a link.

  2. axt5166

    This was a title that caught my eye. It was a saying that I feel like all younger kids hear. I personally am super picky and don’t like fruits. I keep trying to like more of them but it’s difficult. It’s interesting to see the benefits apples actually do have on health although it is not the only thing you need. I suppose me beginning to eat apples would be a good place to start on my path to a healthier lifestyle.
    The link above is a list of the healthiest fruits in the world and I wonder if eating some of those a day would keep the doctor away

  3. Alexandra Elisabeth Monahan

    I eat an apple on most days because I know how healthy they are and having a good diet is very important in college. We need vitamins to keep us healthy so we can keep our grades up and go to class. Substituting an apple in for maybe an unhealthy treat will certainly help us keep that Freshman 15 off, as well!

  4. Kaitlyn Middleton

    I loved the title of your article and have always wondered if there is any truth behind this famous phrase. I didn’t know that there was so much in an apple including the specific vitamins it gives us. And even though apples are healthy it does make sense that eating one apple a day won’t cure all illness’s. i was hoping there was some truth to this myth! but if i’m getting my vitamins i guess i will keep eating my apples!

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