According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA), “It is estimated that 83% of Americans who have celiac disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions.” That is a significant number that draws the question: Are you part of that 83%? The NFCA also reported that their research estimated that 18 million Americans have gluten sensitivity. That’s six times the amount of Americans who reportedly have celiac disease. You may have been tested for celiac disease and tested negative, however, you could still have gluten sensitivity known as, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).
To start, what is gluten? Jimmy Kimmel did a segment addressing the current going gluten-free food fad in Los Angeles. Gluten is what allows most foods to form shape to stick together and also what allows it to rise. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, and, although there are multiple grains that fall under this category, the main three that we often run into are wheat, barley, and rye. These can be found in breads, baked goods, beer, soup, cereal and more!
Do you often experience bloating, pain in the stomach, fatigue, constipation and diarrhea? All of these are common symptoms associated with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The main difference between a person with celiac disease and someone with NCGS is that with the disease, you will actually experience intestinal damage. You may not have celiac disease but if you have noticed that after a couple pieces of pizza you’re left feeling some of the aforementioned symptoms it is very possible that you are gluten-sensitive. The only way to truly test this is to try a gluten-free diet. It is very possible you could be gluten-sensitive and not realize it, therefore I personally think it is worth giving up gluten and seeing if you experience mental and physical health benefits. Just last year, I had begun experiencing terrible pains in my stomach and other minor complications and my doctor had recommended trying to remove some gluten from my diet. I normally had a bagel every morning for breakfast and once I removed them from my mornings I noticed those complications slowly diminish.
While some people do need a gluten-free diet for their health, a recent fad in going gluten-free is due to the theory that weight loss will occur. However, health experts don’t advise a gluten tolerant person to go gluten-free, as it is an expensive lifestyle that could run you the risk of lacking certain nutrients in your diet. Foods containing gluten also hold Vitamin B, iron, and fiber, which are all essential nutrients the human body relies on. I personally think that if you feel that you are experiencing symptoms of gluten intolerance then you should try a gluten-free diet. However, if you are just looking to lose weight, turn to the basic solution of exercise and healthy eating because remember, some people don’t get the choice of a gluten-free diet; it is their life.
“Celiac Disease: Fast Facts.” National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>.
“Going gluten-free just because? Here’s what you need to know.” Harvard Health Publications. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>.
“What is Gluten?” Celiac Disease Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. <>.
I’ve never really bought into the whole ‘gluten-free’ craze. Whenever I hear someone tell me gluten-free equals weight loss, I want to shake them uncontrollably until they come to their senses (sorry, too much). Sure you lost weight, but not due to cutting out gluten. People lose weight in gluten-free diets because glutens are found in nearly all carbs, and when one cuts out carbs, they lose fat. A recent double placebo trial done by Tulane University tracked the progress of people with obesity who reduced daily carb consumption to roughly 40 grams a day. What they found was clear. The group as a whole averaged 11.2 pounds lost, 1.2% body fat decrease, and 1.3% lean muscle increase. These people didn’t change their lifestyles, simply what they ate. So if you’re just trying to lose weight and are considering gluten-free, consider a low/no-carb diet instead. You’ll be a lot happier with the results.
Going along with Elizabeth’s comment about the misconception of gluten being man made, I believe that our society is against anything that is “unnatural”. But sometimes the unnatural things are what can help your body instead of harming it. I personally take vitamins everyday and know that they are a compliment to my naturally vitamin-rich diet, not substitutes. Maybe going quasi gluten-free can improve your health if you want to feel better, but everyones body will act differently to the change.
I know so many people who have tried to go gluten free to lose weight because they think going gluten free is better for you. It seems like going gluten-free is the new cool trend diet to try. However, I agree with you that no one should go gluten free unless it is because they are experiencing discomfort when eating gluten. Diets generally do not go well when a certain type of food is restricted, especially if that type of food has nutrients that your body needs. Here’s a good article about the good and bad about this diet:
Now this is just my opinion, but I think there definitely has to be some sort of correlation between the rise of gluten intolerance and they heavy amount of gluten products in an average American’s diet. Americans are constantly eating pasta, bread, rice… so too much of anything is bad right? We eat so much of it that our bodies have had enough and are developing an intolerance, but that doesn’t explain why all of a sudden it’s skyrocketed. I worked at a burger joint last year and I noticed a rise in the popularity of our lettuce wrapped burger, so I would definitely like to see more studies published explaining why this sudden rise in gluten intolerance.
I find the topic if gluten very interesting because as you mentioned, many people believe going gluten-free without a gluten intolerance will help them lose weight. However, a friend of mine was diagnosed with celiac disease and most of the food that she eats that are carbs actually have a higher fat content than regular carbs. Even though people think gluten is bad for you because they believe it is “man made” (even though it is natural) it does lead to nutritional benefit because as you said, some of the foods that have it also have important vitamins to sustain a healthy life. I think if you have stomach complications you can try to become gluten free and see what happens but if it doesn’t help it’s probably a different issue. The fad of being gluten free seems to be leading to misdiagnosis of stomach issues.