Medicine of HIV can work on Ebola?!

“Ebola”, a word that I never heard before last 18 years, becomes hotter and hotter in the last four mouths. Thanks for its high mortality rate; Ebola makes itself nearly a representation of evil in the hell. 50%-90% mortality rate; extremely painful experience; no medicine can help and the miserable coming resources… all of those labels sticking in Ebola make us want to ask: is there really no idea? Do human beings have to take this disaster? In that hard time that everybody is confuse but scare, a doctor named Logan stands up and speak to the world that he finds a effective way to deal with that rare virus: by using the medicine of HIV. According to the statistics he showed: after taking the Lamivudine (the medicine dealing with HIV), there’s 13 of patience showing different level of relieve, and 2 died. The mortality rate in 15 people is 7%. If we turn our view to the whole East Africa, the average rate of mortality is 70%. By watching this statistics, it seems really exciting that the Lamivudine do work in fighting with Ebola. Explained by Logan himself, the replicate process between Ebola and HIV inside the body is much in the same way. But if we can stop talking how great that doctor is and how much he did for this virus fight, we will have time to use the knowledge from professional biology to see if the consequence given by that “great doctor” is truly reliable.
From the beginning, I have to say that Doctor Logan is maybe not a professional staff in biology field- because the characteristics between HIV and Ebola are not even close! Let’s talk about our old friend HIV first; we know it for a long time after all. HIVs form of writing is looks like (ss(+)RNA with DNA intermediate),and if we see Ebola, it looks like (ss(-)RNA). u=3574789944,3338880708&fm=21&gp=0In the processes of replicate, because of the huge different in their structure inside, although I cannot explain the whole process in this blog, they are totally different. That’s to say, although the result of using HIV medicine is bright, we cannot surely say why and how Lamivudine works.
Even though until today people still can’t find one effective way to treat virus Ebola, there’s still something we can do to protect ourselves from this pure evil. Here are some tips:
1 Practice careful hygiene. (Especially when you come back from outdoors)
2. Do not handle items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids
3. Avoid contact with bats and nonhuman primates or blood, fluids, and raw meat prepared from these animals. (And avoid eating wild animals!)
In the end of this post I just want to say, Dr. Logan is really a good person even though he failed this time. Actually all of the doctors fighting with Ebola are good people. They are fighting for people using their own life. Until today, like what news said, there are more than 15 of them scarified in East Africa. I just want to say a thank you to those lovely people; they are far brighter than those huge stars.


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