Top 12 Most Powerful Animal Bites

While researching top deadlicrocodile_1944005iest animals, the lists varied greatly. There are the top most venomous animals, the top most confrontational, the greatest threats to humans, and so on. So for this post, I focused on the top 12 animals with the most powerful bites. When I got around the top 5, the results didn’t come as much of a surprise to me however, the count down from 12 was quite intriguing.

#12 on this countdown was the biggest surprise! Simply knowing that this breed of dog is such a common pet to many and yet it remains on this list with such feared wild animals is kind of crazy. The mastiff  can have a bite up to 500 psi (pounds per square inch). It’s quite funny how we are so judgmental over having pit bulls as pets and in some states it is even banned meanwhile we overlook these beasts! In my opinion, no dog is born as “a bad dog”, they just have poor owners. I personally haven’t heard of a mastiff attacking a human but I’m sure it does happen and i’d hate to encounter an angry one!

#11 was a surprise as well because I figured this animal would be a bit higher up on the list. The Great White Shark holds this spot on the list and can bite up to 625 psi. Animal experts say you should fear their razor-like teeth much more than the strength of their bite.

#10 The tenth spot on this list is taken by the almighty Lion with an increasing bite of 650 psi.

#9 The bear, also a surprise to me that it wasn’t bumped up on the list, has a great bite of 925 psi, enough to crush a bowling bowl! (ouch!)

#8 The alligator snapping turtle. This was a first for me. I could’ve gone my whole life not knowing that this animal existed. They are small and uncommon animals that could take a finger or two from you but not so deadly to us humans. Their bite is at 1000 psi.

The rest of the list is as follows:

#7 – Tiger (1050 psi)                            #6 – Hyena (1100 psi)

#5 – Gorilla (1300 psi)                         #4 – Jaguar (1350 psi)

#3 – Hippopotamus (1825 psi)         #2 – Alligator (2125 psi)

                 #1 – Saltwater Crocodile (3700 psi) 

You can find this list at

& a video about saltwater crocs at

6 thoughts on “Top 12 Most Powerful Animal Bites

  1. Jordan David Unsworth

    So cool! I can’t agree more that this caught my attention as well. The great white shark is my favorite animal and I thought for sure it would be higher on this list. I believe we take for granted just how powerful and strong the animal kingdom can be. One of my good friends from home had a mastiff and it was the nicest dog I’ve ever met and had no idea it could pack such a powerful bite to land on this list. I was just wondering if this was an up to date list or not and how did they actually test these animals bites?

  2. Jesenia A Munoz Post author

    wow this was a crazy video to watch! Despite now knowing that the crocodile has a more powerful bite than the great white, I still expected the shark to win this one. This does look a bit unrealistic but then again it could’ve been a reenactment of something very well proven. Thanks for sharing the video!

  3. Jesenia A Munoz Post author

    Hey! Thanks for reading over my blog. Like I said in the post, the mastiff definitely surprised me the most! After further research, I found that the animal from this list most likely to kill humans is the Hippopotamus! That came as a great surprise to me as well as i thought it would be the lion or shark. The Hippo lied at #6 on the list of top 19 animals that kill the most humans. You can have a better look at the list and gather more information by clicking this link:

  4. ema5263

    This was an extremely interesting topic that caught my attention immediately. I couldn’t believe that Great White Sharks were only number 11 on the list because of their deadliness in the seas. Great Whites are known as the most deadly predator in the ocean when their psi is only 125 more than a mere dog. It is also kind of funny how such a domesticated dog packs such a powerful bite. A mastiff having such a strong bite is astounding and somewhat scary if it bites someone while playing that could really hurt. Really interesting topic Jesenia.

  5. Allison Voegeli

    Wow I am shocked that the shark bite is not higher up on the list! Sharks are my biggest fear and I usually avoid ocean waters because of them. I am also surprised about the crocodile being number 1 on the list. I remember watching a video on Animal Planet of a crocodile killing a shark. I was not completely convinced by the video because it did not look very realistic, but with those facts I can conclude that is possible for a crocodile to kill a shark. Here’s a link to the video:
    I apologize for the poor quality of the video.

  6. Jiayi Wang

    Great topic! Caught my attention instantly. I always imagine what if I run into these animals. It’s rather surprising that Saltwater Crocodile has the most powerful bite. Also, mastiff, as a pet, has such powerful bite as well. However, do you know from which animal above that most frequently hurt people? Here is a video that test salt water crocodile’s bite.

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