True Health of Soda


The battle over taxing people for drinking large, surgary sodas is a topic most think is suited for the courtroom, however it may be better for the labs to decide. Science has taken great lengths in determining just how harmful drinking sugary soda is, and a new discovery may tip the scales for many soda defenders. According to an article in the Huffington Post and a study from the University of California-San Fransisco, drinking soda shortens the protective caps on the ends of our chromosomes, also known as telomeres. Telomeres have been shown to shorten as we grow older, and the new study suggests that drinking soda accelerates the process. Another fact shown in the study is that soda’s effect on telomere length is around the same effect caused by smoking cigarettes. These facts all add up to the statement that those who are drinking high amounts of soda really should re-think their process. We have made campaigns in the past 50 years to help end cigarette smoking, yet advertisements for soda are more common than ever. Granted, drinking a Pepsi doesn’t cause cancer, but according to a TIME magazine report, the telomeres of people who have a daily 8-ounce serving of soda are older by 1.9 years than normal. That number increases to 4.6 more years of aging with a 20-ounce daily serving. Yet, society keeps glorifying a drink that biologically accelerates us. Yes, it gives a boost of energy for those who aren’t coffee enthusiasts, but it is something that should be regulated to make this country healthier. Think of the way we regulate cigarettes in this country, and how cigarettes carry a negative connotation in today’s America. I don’t believe soda should be dealt with that harshly, however it should be toned down to prevent studies like the newer ones published. Before you take the next can of Coke out of the fridge, think to yourself if your aging is worth it.



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