Do Certain Foods Help Your Hangover

Now its all fun and games while your out there drinking, until the next morning. The headache, the dry mouth, the irritation to light and sound, and just about anything. The hangover every one knows and hates. Yet what really is going on in our bodies and is there any way to make it go away fast?

Hangover-at-work-feat.-imageThe almost seemingly unavoidable hangover is not magic, its the simple reaction to putting alcohol within the system. the reasoning for this devilish creation can be traced back to the liquid you had been drinking the night before. Alcohol dehydrates the body. Not only does it do that but it also causes a possible reaction from your immune system since alcohol is unknown and the hangover could be partially because of the stomach irritation caused by the alcohol. But the real question is, how do we get rid of it. There are multiple ways yet there is the idea that the body wants greasy foods.

This idea could possibly be true yet in reality the body has been working all night to combat the alcohol you just placed in your system. The foods in which are going to help you the most are the ones that are going to replenish what the body has just lost. Not only will you need food but you will also need liquids to help replenish the body. according to an article on labeled “How To Cure A Hangover”  it states that sugary foods and drinks can actually contribute to worsening headaches. Food and liquids are the thing in which is going to put you back on your feet as the liquids are going to help hydrate you (you need more than just water. Coconut water, sports drinks ect). the food will help possibly absorb any alcohol that has been left over from the night before in your stomach. But more importantly the food is going to replace the nutrients lost which will bring your body back up to speed.

2 thoughts on “Do Certain Foods Help Your Hangover

  1. Macy Cellitti

    Why would coconut water or sports drinks help someone recover from a hangover better than regular water? I’ve always been raised to think that water is what you should drink to re-hydrate, not anything else. Plus, you said that sugar makes headaches worse, but there’s a lot of sugar in sports drinks. Isn’t that counterproductive? Here’s an article discussing how water is better than gatorade for everyday people (not professional athletes).

  2. Hannah Elizabeth Boothman

    I definitely agree that some foods are better to eat than others when you are hung over. Some people love greasy and fatty foods and some people want to feel healthy and like fruit and healthier options. WIth needing to nourish our bodies with water, salty greasy foods that dry us out are probably not a good idea. I think I will stick with fruit and water! Great post!!

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