Author Archives: Maryann Deanna Valentine


Picture this: waking up in the morning after a long night out in search for that perfect bowl of cereal. Who doesn’t love a nice big bowl of cereal to start you day off right? What we don’t know about these delicious grains is what they are really made out of.

Cereal is made by a process called extrusion. An extruder is a machine that produces cereals with high temperature and pressure. Puffed cereals and rice cakes are prime examples of the cereals that are made from these extruder machines. The Weston A. Price Foundation claims that the cereal industry has convinced the United States Food and Drug Administration that extruded grains have no effect on human health or animal health. But new studies show that these extruded grains DO indeed effect our health, and are extremely toxic.


In the book Fighting The Food Giants by Paul Sitt, this phenomenon is proven. The study included four sets of rats that were put on diets, in order to see how they reacted to the extruded grains. One group was given wheat, water, vitamins and minerals, the second was given puffed wheat, water, and the same nutrient solution, the third received water, and white sugar, and the fourth was given nothing but water and chemical nutrients. As a result, the rats that were given Puffed wheat died in two weeks. This proves that something in the puffed wheat is very toxic. 

Another study was described in Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morell and Mary Enig, performed at the University of Michigan.18 rats, in groups of 3, were studied, and they were given different foods, as well. First group was given cornflakes and water, the next was given a cardboard box that the cornflakes came in, and the last was given rat chow and water. As a result, the rats that ate the cornflakes died first, and the rats that received the cornflakes box died directly after. The other rats lived on.

Clearly, we should stay away from cereals made with these toxins. Although these studies were not proven on humans yet, I feel as if rats are a great way to test experiments. Also, we should always account for chance in situations like these. There could have been many different experimental effects that occurred, as well. As a result, we should stay more cautious to the types of cereals we are consuming from a day to day basis, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle!

Myth Bustin

I know we all hear tons of myths on a day to day basis. We’ve heard myths like chewing gum takes 7 years to digest, MSG causes headaches, cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis, and the five second rule. One thing that I’ve always wondered about was why pregnant women were not allowed to consume fish. This was a myth I heard years ago and ever since, I have always thought that pregnant women and any type of fish was a real no-no. But the interesting question is, how factual is this?

I decided to do some research on this wild myth. I found that fish contains high levels of protein, iron and zinc. Fish is a rich source of healthful omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to the growth of the brain, heart and eyes. Women who are pregnant require a certain amount of these nutrients per day.  So why does the Food and Drug Administration tell pregnant women to go easy on their fish intake?

The FDA advises pregnant women to only eat up to 12 ounces of seafoods per week. This is an incredibly low amount of a food that provides such healthy nutrients. But studies do show that some seafoods contain high levels of mercury. Mercury has been shown to interfere with the growth of babies developing brains.



(photo taken by me at the Long Island Aquarium).

A study was conducted and published in the Environmental Health PerspectiveIn this study, over 4000 women ate up to 103 types of food. Later, blood samples from these women were sent to the U.S Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The blood mercury levels were extremely broad. The levels ranged from 0.17 micrograms per liter to as much as 12.8 micrograms per liter. Golding, a pediatric and perinatal epidemiologist at the University of Bristol, stated, “Women should realize that any adverse effects there might be of a small amount of mercury is totally counterbalanced by the beneficial effects of eating fish.”

As a result, I hereby conclude that it is okay for pregnant women to consume fish! I believe that in moderation, women should eat a variety of seafoods that are high in 3 fatty acids. Some foods to consider eating would be Salmon, Anchovies, Herring, Sardines, Trout, and Atlantic/Pacific mackerel. Other safe choices would be shrimp, pollock and catfish. Tuna and steak should be limited because some testings show that the mercury levels vary.



Before the ban in 2003, candles were made with lead-core wicks. The CPSC banned these lead-core wicks because they were five times the amount of lead that was considered hazardous for children, and also exceeded EPA pollution standards.

Lead has been proven to be bad for children, especially children younger than the age of six. Long exposure to lead can cause some serious health problems. Each year in the United States 310,000 1- to 5-year-old kids are found to have unsafe levels of lead in their blood. These high levels of lead exposure can create different symptoms. Some symptoms include headaches, stomach pains, poor behavior and anemia. High exposure to lead can also affect brain growth and development. Exposure to lead for a long period of time is called acute toxicity. If lead is exposed to the blood stream, it can damage red blood cells. Damaging these red blood cells limits their ability to carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Lead can also damage our bones. If lead is exposed to the bone, an interference of the production of blood cells will occur. This interference of blood cells is bad because bones need the absorption of calcium to grow and develop properly. Calcium is essential for healthy, growing bones, teeth, tissues, and blood vessel function.


Lead poisoning is extremely detrimental to our health.  Children who have been exposed to high levels will be hospitalized, to receive a treatment called a medication called a chelating agent. This basically binds with more lead, making it weaker, and ready leave the body.

Although candles seem to be a small factor, you should check to see if you are being exposed! With this being said, watch out for the types of candles you are burning in your home! In order to figure out which type of wisk your candle has, you should do the following:

1. Look for a “lead-free” label on your candle

2. Before lighting your candle, rub the tip of the un-light wisk with a piece of paper. If their appears to look like a pencil mark on the paper, demand a refund from the store! This is illegal.

3. If there is a metal core in your candle, there is a lead-core wisk



What’s the deal with sunlight?

We all hear so many rumors about the sun. Dozens of people are so against sun tanning and tanning beds meanwhile others believe the sun provides us with the Vitamins we need for healthy, glowing skin! So what’s the deal?


In the suns defense, sunlight provides us with loads Vitamin D. According to Lynette Summerill, our skin colors actually require different amounts of Vitamin D. Someone who is fair skinned require much less sunlight when compared to a darker skinned person. A darker skinned person requires up to six times more sunlight in order to receive enough nutrients.

A study was done by Rachel Neale, principal investigator at Queensland Institute of Medical Research, in Queensland to see if sun exposure has a protective effect against pancreatic cancer. She followed 714 Australians for 4 years. She matched them by age and sex with 709 control participants. Neale tested if living in high areas of UV radiation/sun exposure can lower your risk of pancreatic cancer. As a result, she found that people who lived in high areas of UV radiation had a 24 percent less chance of getting pancreatic cancer when compared to those who lived in low areas of UV radiation. Another finding was those who had sun-sensitive skin were 49% less likely to receive pancreatic cancer, compared to those who reported to have less sun-sensitive skin.

Another positive externality from sunlight is that skin cancer patients are less likely to get heart disease, or die prematurely. A study reported in the International Journal of Epidemiology proved this. The authors, from Copenhagen University Hospital, state that although many people think sunlight has many negative effects, studies are unclear to this hypothesis. Their study was 40 years long, and included 4.4 million men and women- including 130,000 with non-melanoma skin cancer, 22,000 with cutaneous malignant melanoma, 330,856 with a heart attack, 130,000 with a hip fracture and 1.6 million people who died. As a result, people with non-melonma skin cancer had a 4% less risk of suffering a heart attack, and 48% were less likely to die from another cause. The risk of hip fractures was also lowered.

After reading, please share how you feel about these new findings of sunlight! Clearly, too much sunlight is not all that bad, and can actually decrease your risks for other cancers!




(Pumpkin) Spice up your life!

With fall right around the corner, pumpkin everything is a hit! At this time, we see tons of pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin cream cheese muffins, pumpkin cheese croissants, pumpkin cookies, etc. You get the point. After thoroughly researching to find the perfect pumpkin pancake recipe, I came across an interesting ad claiming that pumpkin is actually great for us! I am now super excited to make all these wonderful pumpkin goodies.



(Pumpkin decorated by mwah)

Why should you eat more pumpkin? Because of the many health benefits that come with consuming this super delicious fruit (yes, pumpkins are considered berries!)  Pumpkins are full of antioxidants that can maintain joint pain, organ health, stress relief and muscle injuries. Pumpkins are filled with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for our immune systems to protect our bodies from harmful bacteria. Vitamin C also guarantees a beautiful skin elasticity. Pumpkins are a great source of fiber. Fiber is so important for those who have tummy issues especially! Pumpkin seeds are high in protein as well! Stores actually sell pumpkin seeds separately. They are great little additives to sprinkle over some hot oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, ice cream, etc. Pumpkins contain tons of potassium and zinc to prevent cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Pumpkins are very low in calories as well. This is great because you can add pumpkin to anything, and not be afraid of the calorie additives! As you read before, I was searching for a delicious and healthy pumpkin pancake recipe online. I figured since pumpkin was such a low cal additive, why not create a pancake with them? Pumpkins are also rich in healthy fats. We need healthy fats to burn fats.

Now that you’ve heard my spiel, I hope you go out and try something pumpkin-spiced today! With the leaves changing color, a pumpkin-anything sounds more than appropriate. Enjoy!

Who doesn’t like chocolate?

After going on a chocolate frenzy last winter, I was destined to find an alternative to this delicious treat! I mean c’mon, if chocolate hadn’t any calories, I’d be all for devouring these little bars every second of every day. But since chocolate isn’t so hot in the nutritional field, I began searching for a different treat. Oddly enough, I was in Homegoods when I came across my new favorite cocoa treat!


Cacao nibs are little chocolate pieces that are absolutely delicious. These babies are perfect for pouring over parfaits, cookies, oatmeal- anything that needs some flavor! They are exactly like chocolate chips, except healthy. That’s what I like to hear! I use cacao nibs for all types of cooking, and I have learned that cacao has so many health benefits as well.

Cacao nibs are filled with fiber, whereas, chocolate has no fiber. One ounce of these nibs have 9 grams of fiber. The nibs are also filled with iron. An ounce of the raw cacao nibs gives you 6% of our daily fiber needed. Raw cacao beans are also full of antioxidants, which are important for absorbing bad things in our bodies! Cacao nibs act on our neurotransmitters as mood enhancers! The nibs release neurotransmitters to our brains that relay happy hormones. Cacao nibs trigger happy emotions. Who doesn’t love a good that makes us happy and tastes delicious? Cacao nibs also release a hormone called Phenylethylamine that causes an increase in our heart rate. This makes us feel more alert and focused! Cacao also contains Theobromine which acts like caffeine. Clearly, cacao is a better choice. Don’t ya think?

Obviously, cacao nibs are excellent for our health and for our taste buds. With these tiny little chocolates, your taste buds will do the happy dance.



photo by:

Skinnyme Tea

Ever since I was a little girl, Lipton green tea has been my Go-To treat late at night. There is nothing more fabulous than taking that first sip of hot tea on a Netflix type of Friday night. Tea, to me, is refreshing, hydrating, cozy, and delicious. As I’ve experimented with different types of teas, I’ve learned tea has many benefits. One being that green tea can help to boost our metabolisms. I thought this was awesome since I already loved the taste of it, and now it would help me lose weight to? How awesome! I begin to test-taste many teas to see which I liked/disliked. I’ve tried teas like Chocolate Movement tea, Lemon tea, Earl Grey tea and Chamomile tea.



(Photo with my favorite Piggy tea cup)

Recently, my tea obsession has led me to find a discovery! I came across a new type of tea found in Australia. This new tea is called Skinnyme Tea, and you can purchase it at . Supposingly, this tea is an Australian based health supplement that can increase weight lose. Skinnyme Tea, founded in 2012, has been a huge hit on all Health Instagram accounts, so when I came across the product, I figured I’d have to do some research. I was curious. What’s all the ruckus about SMT? And is it even good for you?

There are many different opinions on this new fad. Many people love the idea of a weightloss tea, whereas others feel this is bad for you. Which do you believe?

Those who admit they love this tea say that SMT has boosted their metabolism. According to the Skinnymetearesults instagram, women feel as if the tea relieves bloating, and provides more energy throughout the day. The account also provides before and after pictures of women who have taken on the SMT challenge. In all these pictures, there is a defined difference.

On the other hand, those who are against Skinnymetea say the tea is bad for your health. According to Jay_Killeen‘s article “Is SkinnyMeTea weightloss safe?”, the colon cleanse is actually a type of laxative in itself. Also, the tea uses a shrub called a Senna plant which irritates the bowel. The tea simply tries to make all food leave the digestive system. After women stop this teatox, they gain the weight right back.

After learning about SMT, which side do you take? Are you pro Skinnyme Tea, or are you anti SMT?


Instagram account: Skinnymetearesults


The Benefits of Yoga:

This summer I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to practice yoga on the beach! I’d never taken a yoga class before, so I was super excited to begin my journey. And what better place to practice yoga than on the boardwalk at a nearby beach. My best friend and I fell in love with the practice after our first class. I felt amazing. I felt like a new person- seriously! I felt as if there was nothing wrong with the world. I felt at peace with myself, and I wanted to share this satisfaction with everyone. I continued to go to these classes for the remainder of the summer. After each class, I felt better and better. Not only did yoga help brighten my mood, but it relived so much of my stress as well. Studies show that yoga is a great stress reliever because it releases many relaxation endorphins. Yoga demonstrates many relaxation techniques such as breathing excersizes. The main focus of this practice is to control your breaths. The goal is to practice techniques while maintaing slow/steady breaths. Yoga relieves tightness from joints. The physical postures in yoga loosen tight muscles in the spine, lower back, thighs, arms, quads, etc. The exercises focus on positions where the joints are tight. Yoga is a great way to get in shape. Yoga can sculpt muscles due to the different muscles we use within the practice. Throughout the session, I was using muscles I’d never even known I had. Lets just say the next morning was a little rough for me! I was using muscles in my arms to hold up different portions of my body. I was balancing on my forearms while stretching my lower back as well. Last but not least, yoga helps to prevent reoccurring work out injuries. Yoga strengthens different muscles needed to perform in sports. Studies show that flexible muscles are able to recover faster than un-stretched muscles.


So now that you’ve read a few of the benefits of yoga, whose with me? Check out this awesome club right here at Penn State! Namaste.


How Pets Can Improve Your Health:

Coming from experience, I know that my cute snuggly pit bull can brighten my day when I’m down. Seeing that face greet me at the door each time I come and go is like no other feeling. Who doesn’t love to see somebody so excited to see them each time they arrive? I know I do. I am sure those of you who own pets can relate to this same satisfaction. Oddly enough, studies show that pets CAN actually improve, not only your mood, but your health as well.


^(This cutie right here is my pit named Angie. We adopted her 8 years ago this September)^

According to Lisa Fields and Michael Smith, people who own pets are better off when compared to those who do not. For starters, pets are stress soothers. I can relate to this because petting my pup is peaceful and comforting. There is no better way to relax than with a happy companion sitting next to you. Petting your cat/dog/pet can actually lower blood pressure and stress hormones, and can release relaxation hormones as well. Pets can also improve your communication skills. Pets represent comfort and happiness. In some aspects, pets can be a conversation starter. Pets make you less likely to inherit heart disease! Some studies show that babies are less likely to inherit asthma and allergies if there is a pet present. And last but not least, pets are a type of support for children with autism. Recently, my best friend read an article about this exact fact! Here is a link to an outrageous story that, hopefully, you will fall in love with too:





The healthy way:

As a sophomore here at Penn State, I know how difficult it can be to continuously stay healthy. Penn State offers so many delicious foods that make our college taste buds dance! Yes, I know how delicious those 3 A.M Gumbys Pokey sticks taste, even though you told your roommate you only wanted one. Half of the XL pie later, you are sitting there like “I might as well just eat the rest at this point.” I know how tempting those double chocolate chip cookies are from Insomnia Cookies at Chapter meetings. And boy, do I know what it feels like to need a big fat burrito bowl after a long Saturday football game at Beaver. Believe me, its normal! But one thing we should consider while eatings these foods is what they are doing to our bodies and health.

A few years ago, I completed changed the way I viewed food. Coming from an Italian family born and raised on Long Island, I loved food. But with junior prom around the corner, I was desperate to look perfect in my perfect gown. With that being said, I decided chicken nuggets, chocolate chip cookies, and ice cream had to go. What I hadn’t expected from this decision was the extra benefits I’d gained from my choice.

I started slowly by switching from two Eggo waffles with a heaping teaspoon of butter and maple syrup to a fairly large bowl of Natures Path Red Berry Crunch with Silk almond milk. This small change made a huge different in my diet. I was consuming 320 less mg of Sodium, 1.5 less grams of Saturated Fats, and 1 less gram of Total Fats. Having less saturated fats lowered the level of cholesterol in my blood. Saturated fats are believed to increase risks of heart disease and strokes.  Next, I cut out all red meat. Red meat contain lots of saturated fats as well. Red meat should be avoided because it can increase Alzheimer’s disease risk, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer risk, type 2 diabetes risk and mad cow disease. Also, my doctor said it takes more than 24 hours for red meat to even BEGIN digesting- EW! And finally, I begin cutting out more and more foods that were unhealthy such as cookies, cakes, ice cream, pizza rolls, frozen foods, and sugary cereals. Slowly but surely, I could see a change in my body physically and mentally. I no longer needed that after school nap. I could run further, workout longer, and stay awake later. My skin was clearer and my hair was growing quicker. Oddly enough, I did not crave those sugary “delicious” foods anymore.

Red Meat

Tonight is your night to shine! While your roommates are making a late night Mclanahans’ run for some sugary snacks, try to find something more suitable for the new healthy you! I guarantee you will feel great if you, too, change the way you eat. It’s not a diet, it’s a way of life!


Photo by:

Hi everyone! My name is Maryann Valentine. I am from Long Island, New York. I am currently studying in the College of Communications, hoping to pursue a career in Advertising/Public Relations. This past summer I interned in New York City, working for The O, Oprah Magazine. I am not planning on being a science major because I really enjoy writing/creativity. I took this class because it was perfect to fill a GN requirement, and it focused on writing as well! This class is perfect for a COMM major like myself.

 NYC picture


Image credit: Todd Haselton