Blog Post #1

Hi everyone my name is Amanda Vigil and I am from Los Angeles, California. I am currently a freshman in the school of communications and am thinking about majoring in PR.

I decided to take this class because science was definitely not one of my favorite subjects in high school. When reading the course description for this class I like how it touched on my different topics and was geared towards people who were not going to go into the sciences for a career.

I am not entertaining the idea of majoring in one of the sciences because I have never felt a strong passion for them the way I have in my english classes. However, I definitely am more excited for this science class and to see what topics we will discuss than I ever have been previously.

Below I attached a picture of the boat my group and I made for our physics regatta last year and a brief video. We were given as much cardboard as we needed and 5 rolls of tape to make a boat that would fit 5 people, float, and sail from one end of the pool to the other without falling apart. Inside are the paddles we made as well.

Physics Boat

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