First Post

As I sat in a room in Carnegie scheduling classes, I found myself calling my advisor over as I ran into a problem.  I had no science credits from high school, but I just couldn’t make myself take another science class.

My name is Giana Han, and it is safe to say that I am not a science person.  While I enjoyed high school chemistry, I wasn’t ready to challenge myself with a college chem course that was not related to my major, and biology was a huge “No!” for me.  Luckily, the Comm advisors are used to cases like me and had a list of classes ready.

I was told this class was interesting even to people who are not science-minded, and the professor came with high recommendations.  After reading the class description, I was even more convinced since I saw the subjects were often based off of what was in the news.  As a journalism major, I am not part of the school of science, but I have to be prepared to cover whatever happens.  Hopefully, this class will give me an appreciation for any science-related news.

So, while I am more than happy to leave the labs to other students, I am willing to learn to appreciate science so that I can do them justice when I write about the Penn Stater who finds the cure to cancer.

This is the city of Baltimore, which I live just outside of.  I’ve also been on living classroom trips (science stuff) in the harbor.

This has nothing to do with anything, but this is one of my favorite videos.

2 thoughts on “First Post

  1. Kristalia Ivanna Elisabeth Widjaja

    Hey. Now that I think about it, you may be right about the video actually. It could be environmental science-y. So, thanks!
    Hope you enjoy the class as well!

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