Hello! Initial Blog Post

Hello everyone! My name is Megan Brideau, and I am a very undecided freshmen. I’m one of the those people who is from outside of Philly and one of the biggest reasons I came to Penn State was because of the rain and the cold weather (which are both my favorite kinds of weather).

I’m taking this course because I have absolutely no idea what I want to major in and I thought this class would be a good overview of a couple science fields and would help me decide if science is something I want to do with my life. The biggest reason why I am not majoring in science is because I had terrible science teachers in high school, which basically means I learned nothing about science, and I probably look like this dog whenever I attempt to do something involving science.


So, I am actually looking forward to this class possibly changing my mind about science and maybe even to the point where it could become my major. I am excited for this class and definitely ready to learn more about science then Bill Nye taught me in third grade.

P.S. If you are ever really stressed out or overwhelmed, try clicking here.

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