First Blog

Hey everyone my name is Matt Kreymborg and I am from Southampton, New York, which is a small town on the east end of long island. I am a transfer student from Roger Williams University, and am majoring is Professional Golf management. Last year I had no idea what I wanted to do until half way through the second semester. I realized how much I love the game of golf and began researching the schooling necessary to work at a course. I applied to Penn State and now here I am.

I am taking this course in order to fulfill my science requirements, alongside wanting to better understand new and different scientific fields. When I was in high school I was really interested in Marine Biology and Aquaculture, and saw myself becoming a biology major. But after taking a biology class my first semester at RWU, I realized it wasn’t for me. I am still interested in Marine studies and scientific classes, but not on a professional level. I am interested and excited to see what this course has to offer.

This picture is from my trip to Nicaragua last year.


Nicaragua, May 2014


4 thoughts on “First Blog

  1. Jessica Nicole Greenhut

    Hey Matt! So cool that you’re from Southampton because I live in West Hampton every summer! I Think it’s really interesting that you fell in love so quickly with a major you weren’t initially going to do; that’s why it’s so important for us to keep our options open! Thanks for sharing!!

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