Initial Blog Post

Hello Everybody,

My name is Zachary Lansing and I come from a little place called Baltimore, Maryland. To be specific I grew up in the suburbs of Owings Mills. This is my second year at Penn State and I am a sophomore majoring in film and video for communications. When going over my schedule of classes for this semester my advisor stated that I needed to fulfill a GN requirement and recommended this class. While I don’t want to work in the field of science because my passion lies heavily with wanting to make movies, I do recognize the importance of science in our everyday lives and am always eager to understand how everything comes together based on the evidence that is currently available. Not to mention, science allows room for change in what was previously thought and known and opens up the door for endless amounts of learning. In my spare time, I enjoy kicking it with friends, driving in my car, watching sports or movies, spending time out by my pool, and eating. If you want some inspirational quotes about film go heremychael-danna-film-composer-quotes-1374750494-view-0

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