“Wow, your taste in music is terrible” is a sentence I’ve heard many times in the past 10 years. When I say many times, I don’t mean it is always said towards me. I’ve heard it being said to all types of music listeners, and I myself have said it too. Why is this person blasting Scream-o so loudly that I can hear it through the headphones that are in THEIR ears? Well, like everything in life, there seems to be a science behind it.
An article by Elite Daily makes an effort to answer my question. They say that in your early life, around the age of 12-14, you just like the songs that are popular. But why do you continue to like songs that are popular? It seems to be because every popular song has around the same formula, so it sounds familiar to you. So, that new Taylor Swift song is a lot like that old Maroon 5 song, whether you want to believe it or not.
Along with the early life formation of music taste, Adrian C. North adds the issue of personality. He claims that each music taste is linked to a different personality. Mic.com, a music website, has a whole article about personality versus music taste. Although, Medical Daily seems to disagree with that conclusion. While there might be a small link between the two, they believe that people lie about their music taste to sound more sophisticated.
Health Day claims that each genre of music can be matched with a certain rhythm, so in reality, each person likes a different form of rhythm. Is that rhythm linked to personality? After my research I feel that rhythm is linked to personality which links to music taste. Overall, no music taste is bad music taste, it’s all about how your brain processes it and how it links to your emotional side.