Is coffee good for you?

We all know that there’s nothing like a hot, steaming cup of coffee in the morning to energize and wake you up for the long day ahead of you. But, studies have recently show that coffee might do more than just the extra jolt you feel after having a cup.  Popular Science explains the seven reasons why coffee is REALLY good for you. Believe it or not coffee actually might make you smarter. Kris Gunnars, author of “7 Reasons Why Coffee Is good For You” explains that caffeine blocks effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. As of result of this Kris Gunnars states, “By blocking the inhibitory effects of Adenosine, caffeine actually increases neuronal firing in the brain and the release of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.” As a result this increases memory, reaction time, and general cognitive function. He also states, ” Controlled trials show that caffeine improves both mood and brain function.” The second reason that coffee works wonders for us is it helps raise metabolism and increases the oxidation of fatty acids. Gunnars goes on to say that, “Caffeine raises the metabolic rate and helps to mobilize fatty acids from the fat tissues. It can also enhance physical performance.” Meta-anyalses have helped prove these findings. The third reason that coffee is good for us is that is helps lowers our risk for Type II Diabetes.  “In observational studies, coffee has been repeatedly associated with a lower risk of diabetes. The reduction in risk ranges from 23% all the way up to 67%,” Gunnar says. Gunnar continues with belief saying, “up of coffee per day lowered the risk of diabetes by 7%. The more coffee people drank, the lower their risk.” The fourth reason coffee is good for you is it lowers to chances of getting Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease which is become common among older individuals. The fifth reason is good for you is that it might actually be good for your liver. We all known that our liver is very sensitive and vulnerable to alcohol consumption. If too much alcohol is consumed you can develop Cirrhosis. But, if you drink coffee it has shown to lower the effects of Cirrhosis. “Coffee can lower the risk of cirrhosis by as much as 80%, the strongest effect for those who drank 4 or more cups per day,” Gunnar says. Pretty cool, huh? The sixth reason coffee is good for us is it lowers our chances of dying since it’s so many deaths in America are tied to Type II Diabetes. The last and final reason coffee is good for us is it is packed with vitamins and minerals. Not to mention antioxidants as well. To name a few like B1, B2, B3, B5, etc. Now while there are several reasons why coffee is good for you that isn’t to say that people should be consuming too much either. Just like everything, everything is good for us in moderation. By keeping your consumption down to just one cup a day you’re doing plenty for your body and mind! So next time you need an extra jolt, remember that not only will you feel more energized but you’ll be reaping more benefits from it as well!