Could The Pineal Gland Really Be a Third Eye?

The pineal gland is a small, pinecone shaped, endocrine gland located at the geometric center of our brains. It produces melatonin and is linked to our body’s perception of light, affecting the modulation of our sleep and wake patterns and seasonal functions. Uniquely, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. Apart from the kidneys, it receives the highest blood flow percentage than any other area of the body. It is considered by many to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds, or our biological “third eye”.

The pineal gland comes from the root word “pinea” which means “pinecone” in Latin. The gland itself also resembles a pinecone in some ways, so symbolism of a pinecone has appeared all over the ancient world and is still depicted today. Egyptians, Indians, Assyrians, Mexicans, Greeks, Romans and Sumerians have all depicted pinecones in their ancient art, usually in their religious portrayals of gods or holy people. This may be because they associate their gods and the pineal gland with guidance and leadership. Even today we can see pinecone symbolism in Catholicism. The staff carried by the Pope and the Vatican flag both may have pinecone symbolism behind them. Lamps and candleholders in the church also seem to have pinecones on them, which could show that the church sees the pineal gland as a source of illumination to show them the way and lead them out of the darkness, similar to what we use our eyes for.

Why is the pineal gland commonly referred to as one’s third eye? Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, mathematician and writer, pointed out that the pineal gland is the point of connection between the body and the intellect. He believed that the pineal gland is the one part of the body where the soul exercises its functions more particularly than any other part. He viewed the gland as the principle seat of the soul and the place in which all of our thoughts are formed. His reasoning is because we only see one thing with two eyes and hear one voice with two ears, it means that the impressions that enter our ears and eyes must unite in some part of the body before being considered by the soul, and that place is the pineal gland because it is the only part of the brain that is not double. Several scientists have independently made a hypothesis that the pineal gland is a phylogenic relic, a vestige of a dorsal third eye.

The retina and the pineal gland are the two organs primarily responsible for the body’s recognition and processing of external light. In the past these two organs seemed to have little else in common. An article from Science News points out that recently an alliance of researchers has been studying the similarities that are speeding research efforts in both fields. Their findings suggest that the pineal gland was the evolutionary precursor to the modern eye. One finding is that melatonin is present in both the retina and the pineal gland. They also found the presence of photoreceptors in both organs. A study published in Experimental Eye Research reveals that “the presence of proteins in the pineal gland which are morally involved in light sensing in the retina, raises the possibility that direct photic events may occur in the mammalian pineal gland.”

In summation, the pineal gland has characteristics very similar to our actual eyes. Its mysterious functions have been studied for centuries and it is thought by some to be our connection to the spiritual world. Its pinecone symbolism has been depicted in artwork from many different countries/civilizations. Everyone’s third eye is already active but most people do not know how to control it. It can be activated by anyone through deep meditation and energy healing techniques. Even just allowing your eyes to absorb more sunlight stimulates the pineal gland. It is each person’s own decision whether or not they want to open their third eye and see for themselves why this mysterious organ has been depicted throughout history.

pinecone-vaticanSome pinecone symbolism (Photo Source)

Other Sources:

Third Eye Pinecones Crystal Links Spirits Science and Metaphysics The Open Mind Plato Highbeam Spirits Science and Metaphysics