Can One Consume Too Much Water?

A common saying amongst people is, “You can never drink too much water.” It is proven that water is necessary to live and should never be substituted in comparison to other liquids. Water is used in various diets due to the rapid growth in metabolism, which typically results in a speedy weight loss. Doctors always encourage patients to drink as much water as possible to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy body. But, I have always been one to take sayings too literal. So, is it possible to consume too much water in a way that it would be unhealthy and negatively affect your living style?



The answer is yes, it is almost as deadly as drinking very little to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that the general population lives by the saying, “If a little is good, then more must be better.” Well, scientists and doctors could not stress enough, do not live by that motto. For example, statistics have accumulated showing deaths of various athletes stemming from drinking too much water or liquid during physical activity. Sometimes, you have to listen to your body to do what is correct to stay healthy. Athletes specifically believe that is the opposite.

This crusade of death is known as EAH – exercise-associated hyponatremia. The problem with the excess drinking of water comes from the surplus of liquid that is sustained in the kidneys. Sodium and water battle it out and when too much is too much, the cells begin to swell in which many cases lead to death. Experts recommend to avoid forcibly drinking too much liquid; drink when you need to, not because you believe it is healthy force yourself. Water is constantly entering and leaving your body through sweating, breathing, talking, and urination. One needs to replenish themselves according to their body. The typical male is recommended with a 3.7 liter average intake of water a day. A woman is suggested to drink 2.7 liters of water daily. Some people tend to over-do it which leads to consequences such as EAH.


It is driven into the mindsets of all people that too much is not enough and these are how certain scenarios occur. Some people think not feeling well specifically when referencing physical activity means they are doing something right. Sometimes a switch needs to turn on to realize what they are putting into their body can lead to serious penalties. Water is a necessity for human life, and similar to situations pertaining to alcohol, one needs to know their limit.



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One thought on “Can One Consume Too Much Water?

  1. Hailey Tully

    I’ve always been one of those people that has to be told to drink more water. But, then there were those kids in my high school that used to walk around with gallon jugs of water and even refill it throughout the day. Which was mind blowing to me because I could barely even finish 2 regular sized water bottles over the course of a school day. Yes, I may drink too little and thats not good but at least I now know that drinking too much is almost just as deadly!

    According to the American Chemistry Society, it only “takes about 6 liters of water (about 1.5 gallons at once) to kill a 165-pound person. Surprisingly ,water intoxication happens quite often!
    Especially among athletes because not only are they loosing water, they are also loosing salt when they sweat. So in order to prevent hyponatremia they need to replace their electrolytes as well as water. Which is why gatorade is so highly recommended for athletes!

    Its all about balance explains water intoxication

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