How much sleep should a teenager get each night?

Know matter how much sleep I get each night I am always still so tired. On a typical weeknight, I get an average of 6-7 hours of sleep and on the weekends I get around 8-9 hours of sleep. At first, I thought I was getting a good amount of sleep each night. However, as I got older, I started getting more tired as my schedule got busier and constantly needed to take naps in order to stay awake during the day. So I decided to research how much sleep a teenager should be getting on a typical weeknight.

Teenagers are always tired. They have too much work to do and not enough hours in the day to do it. One article says that, “ Most teens need about 8.5 to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. Unfortunately, though, many teens don’t get enough sleep.” It is almost impossible for teenagers to get 8.5 hours of sleep. With classes, homework, studying, going to the gym, eating, and keeping a decent sleep-is-goodsocial life, it is just not possible to get that much sleep as well as completing everything else.

Some teenager’s choose to stay up late and not get the most sleep possible. They like to stay up late, watch Netflix, or play video games. However, a recent report states, “For teenagers, you can partially blame biology. A teen’s body clock resets at puberty. They’ll be most alert in the evenings and not able to fall asleep until at least 10 p.m.” Not getting enough sleep can lead to many problems.

couple problems with getting too little sleep are problems with grades, mood, memory, weight issues, heart disease, and diabetes. This shows you just how important it is to get a good night’s sleep every night. Sleeping is very important for one’s health and body. Not getting enough sleep may be the reason why you are constantly getting a cold/ the flu. “Studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a day are 30% more likely to be obese than those who get nine hours or more of sleep.” This is because people who are sleep deprived have higher levels of ghrelin and lower levels of leptin. Leptin
is the hormone that decreases hunger and ghrelin is the hormone that increases hunger. These studies show that sleep is essential to staying healthy. Living a healthy life starts with getting enough sleep.

Before doing all of this research, I never truly knew the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. I just thought it was a saying people said to others. But, after doing all of this research, I finally understand just how important sleep is. Everybody should try there hardest to get around 8 hours of sleep each night. Yes, you may have a big exam the next day and want to stay up all night studying, but if you do not get a decent amount of sleep the night before, you will not be able to stay focused during the test and will therefore get a bad grade. Sleeping the key to succeeding in life.


4 thoughts on “How much sleep should a teenager get each night?

  1. dya5181

    Science is always recommending to get always 8 hours of sleep which is always possible. However, it is very difficult when you are in school because of the amount of work load you have to do and trying to balance other things. Many of us i’ m pretty sure will try to catch upon sleep whether it be through naps or on the weekend . However, the benefits are much more beneficial so we should try to do our best in getting at least those 8 hours of sleep.

  2. Gregory Andrew Horowitz

    I found your blog topic to be extremely informative. I too, on weekdays tend to get around six to seven hours of sleep a night and find myself struggling to stay conscious and attentive throughout the course of the day. I was not aware of the risks that come with a lack of sleep such as the increase risk of heart disease and diabetes. This blog post scares me a little into sleeping a little more and feel obliged to sleep at a more practical time! Really glad I came across your blog!

  3. Jose Ignacio Arango De Diego

    I am a big fan of naps. Throughout high school I would usually take a nap everyday after class. Obviously at night I wasn’t able to sleep. I had a serious sleeping disorder. I felt like a vampire. And having such a busy schedule it made my weekdays really hard. As I grew older and thanks to facts like the ones said in your interesting blogged I learned the importance of having the necessary amount of sleeping hours. I found your blog really interested as it talks about an issue that certainly most of us has suffered.

  4. Hannah Rose Papa

    This blog is so important especially now that I’ve reached college and I’m constantly so busy. Everyday I tend to start feeling tired around 3pm and feel as though I need to nap in order to make it through the day. It’s so hard to find the time to get the right amount of sleep> because the amount of work we have and extra-curricular activities. Sleep is one of the most important aspects to living a healthy lifestyle because it can cause so many negatives effects without it.

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