Wine OR Liquor? (At Age 21)

When you’re of age, which will you drink? My mom is the type of woman to have a glass of wine at bed, where my dad’s favorite drink is a mimosa. There are rumors that wine is a better alcohol drink, even healthy for you! But how much of that is true…and why?


When going on a diet, one of the first aspects people watch and take into account are the amount of CALORIES food or drink have. Truthfully , wine has fewer calories in one serving size compared to the calories in a serving size of liquor. One average glass of wine, about five-ounces, has a rounded amount of 100 calories. Whereas, the average “shot” size, about 1.5 ounces, has about 105 calories. Such a small difference! In regards to this, the amount of calories you’re consuming to these types of alcohol all depends on a persons personal serving size consumption. Are you more of a person who drinks one glass of wine, or a mixed drink with a few shots of liquor in it?





According to Fox News Magazine, “Wine is considered a heart healthy drink — especially red wine, which contains resveratrol, the antioxidant compound linked to heart health benefits.  The American Heart Association recommends 1-2 four-ounce servings of wine per day.” I have heard many times throughout the years that a glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away! Or wait…maybe that was an apple. Either way, there have been studies conducted on this topic. Harvard researchers suggest, “Middle-aged women who drink alcohol in moderation have a better chance than nondrinkers of staying healthy as they age, especially if they spread out their consumption over most days of the week.” This particular statement refers to alcohol in general, but later in the CNN article, are more facts about wine and its actual benefits. This particular article talks about a study of around 14,000 women from 1976 to present day and how their drinking habits affected their health. This study showed that, “those who averaged roughly three to 15 alcoholic drinks per week in their late 50s had up to 28% higher odds of being free from chronic illness, physical disability, mental health problems, and cognitive decline at age 70, the study found.” However, when looking at this experiment we have to take into account that there could be a third factor in this experiment that made these woman “healthier.” Yet, my research all shows that a glass of wine can actually be a healthy option at the dinner table (if you’re 21 or older).



Throughout my research, it was difficult to find articles on just the consumption of hard alcohol, as apposed to alcohol in general. All websites referred to wine, and said that drinking alcohol in moderation can really increase ones health. However, an article on compares wine and liquor to how they can both boost heart health. This article states, “A study published in Circulation measured the relationship between heart health and booze. Researchers compared the effects of both red wine and vodka on the cardiovascular system. It turns out that both beverages increased the blood flow to the heart and raised HDL (the good kind of cholesterol), which can help prevent atherosclerosis and other problems with the arteries.” Although this is just one aspect, heart health, it shows that liquor in moderation can be healthy. However, excessive use of liquor, or any alcohol for that matter, can be extremely life threatening and even destroy a persons liver.


In conclusion, there have been experiments conducted that “have shown that moderate alcohol intake — roughly one drink a day for women, or two a day for men — can reduce inflammation, promote healthy cholesterol levels, improve insulin resistance, and help blood vessels function properly.” All alcohol consumption must be in moderation however. Also keep in mind that this blog is not to tell you all to start drinking for your health, or to tell others of age to drink more. It is a personal preference on which drink you enjoy better, but hopefully this blog will help your future self decide!

2 thoughts on “Wine OR Liquor? (At Age 21)

  1. Stephen Connelly

    Interesting post. I heard before that wine can be very good for health in moderation, but this is the first I’m hearing of liquor. Good theory behind it too. But of course it has to be in moderation.

  2. Erin Ann Alessandroni

    Madisen, I find this blog post extremely interesting! I am shocked to hear that a typical serving of liquor has more calories than a glass of wine. This post makes me dream about how fabulous it would be if research were to uncover hidden health benefits of eating a serving of ice cream (my favorite treat) a day *sigh*… that is beside the point. You researched and wrote about some of the health benefits of alcohol revolving around heart and blood pressure. I uncovered some more information on the best alcohol if you are trying to lose weight. Medical Daily has a witty, informative article on the perfect way to booze while keeping a flat tummy. Straight liquors such as vodka, gin, whiskey, and scotch have less then 100 calories and contain 0 carbs. Additionally, it is important to drink these slowly and in moderation if you are trying to avoid unnecessary calorie consumption.

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