Red Bull gives you…. an increase risk in Heart Attack?

As college students we all know how tiring the day can be. We get little to no sleep and are constantly running around throughout the day completing various tasks. To get through the day a majority of us may look for a boost of energy like a can of Red Bull. But is this the best choice for us? Even though Red Bull will give you that boost of energy that your looking for it has a lasting effect on our body over a 24 hour span.

hqdefaultThe producers of Red Bull claim their product is similar to drinking a regular can of soda or a cup of coffee. However, unlike a cup of coffee researchers are still unsure of the reaction that the ingredients of Red Bull have with caffeine and how it all reacts in our body together. Although, both will give you an instant boost of energy due to the large amount of sugar and sweeteners added. There is no accurate description of what exactly is in Red Bull due to the fact that energy drinks are not regulated by the FDA so the labels on the back of the can don’t show its true ingredients. An ingredient found in most energy drinks is called aspartame which contains carcinogenic, allergenic and neurotoxic properties. Typically there are 6-9 teaspoons of sugar added to a single drink. Combining this sugar, caffeine, aspartame and other chemicals it is a recipe for disaster…

Redbull3After taking your first sip of Red Bull the energy immediately starts to kick in. Within the first 10 minutes the caffeine enters your blood stream and your heart rate and blood pressure start to rise. About 30-50 minutes in the caffeine is completely absorbed and your liver begins to absorb more sugar into the bloodstream. At the 1 hour mark you begin to crash and feel fatigue. It takes about 5-6 hours for your body to reduce about 50% of the caffeine in your blood. It will take 12 hours to completely remove all of the caffeine from your body. At this time you will begin to feel symptoms of caffeine withdrawal like headaches and irritability.

UnknownDrinking just one can of Red Bull can increase your risks for heart attack and stroke. Red Bull as well as all other energy drinks causes your blood to become adherent and increase your risks of cardiovascular problems. Studies show that after drinking one red bull your blood is currently similar to the blood of a patient suffering from a cardiovascular disease.

Several countries have taken the health risks of Red Bull seriously and have banned the sale of it. These countries include Norway, Denmark, and Uruguay. It has also become illegal for anyone under 16 to purchase it in Kuwait. It is time for the United States to recognize these risks and take action. People should be seeking safer ways of boosting energy such as exercising and eating right.
