Why is Netflix So Addicting?

Netflix. The cure to everyone’s boredom, the relief to everyone’s stress, and the reason college students can never get anything done. You have access to basically any show and you don’t have to wait a week for the next episode to come out. Recently I haven’t had much time to watch Netflix but I’m sure I will find the time once I figure out this whole college thing. But back at home when I would get into a show, Netflix was my life.

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Binge-watching is one of the main reasons people become so addicted. Think about it, when your watching a show and something really good just happened and then the episode ends, you want to know what happens next, right? Then you watch the next episode, and you keep watching and watching because you can’t stop. An online survey conducted by Harris Interactive says that “a majority (73%) defined binge watching as watching between 2-6 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting. And there’s no guilt in it. Nearly 3 quarters of TV streamers (73%) say they have positive feelings towards binge streaming TV.”. There are many reasons to why people binge watch. Some say it’s to relieve stress, to “escape” from their busy lives, or some even say that it makes the show better. I can agree with that because sometimes you’re just so caught up in it, you almost feel like you’re in the show yourself. 39% of the streamers said that they prefer to “save” the TV shows to watch at a later date so they can watch them with other people. So, binge watching may not always be the case to Netflix addiction, but it clearly plays a big role in it.

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There was a pretty cool graph that I found online that shows the number of Netflix streaming subscribers worldwide from 3rd quarter 2011 to 2nd quarter 2015. I thought it was pretty interesting because it puts it in prospective of how many people actually watch Netflix and how the numbers keeps increasing.

I found this link, 15 signs you’re actually addicted to Netflix, quite amusing because it’s so true. As I read down the list of signs, I could relate to almost every one of them, and for all you Netflix users I’m sure you could too, so definitely check it out!

Some ways to help reduce your binge-watching habits are to:

  • Set an alarm for when you want to stop watching.
  • Talk to your friends in between episodes cause you don’t want to make fictional characters the ones responsible for calming you down, your real friends should.
  • Earn your next episode. Do a chore or get some homework done in between episodes, it will make you feel better in the long run.






12 thoughts on “Why is Netflix So Addicting?

  1. Pingback: Netflix | mbarnes1997

  2. Pingback: Netflix | mbarnes1997

  3. Stephen John Murta

    I love and hate Netflix. I would agree that I use Netflix as an excuse to escape from my work. Everyday I get home from class I turn on Netflix and unwind for an hour or two, and sometimes I get really into a series and instead watch like 5 hours of Netflix. I would say that I do not even watch TV I just watch Netflix. I wonder if people would binge watch TV. I do not think I could watch hours of TV due to all the commercials, but since Netflix does not have commercials it does not bother me.

  4. Nancy Hilary Berman

    Submitted on 2015/09/17 at 4:39 pm

    I know that I am addicted to Netflix. If I am ever feeling down, bored, lonely, or any other emotion, Netflix is always be an instant companion that is at the touch of my fingertips. Yes, I have it installed on my laptop, iPhone, and tablet. Something that I never realized was that in college, you have much more freedom than you ever have had before. There are so many more free hours in the day, and it is up to you how to use them. The first week of the semester, I stayed up until 2 in the morning almost every night binge watching either 90210 or Gossip Girl , forgetting I was really at school and needed to get into a healthy routine. I truly could not stop watching until I had seen 3 or 4 episodes, and it amazes me how you found a statistic that “73% defined binge watching as watching between 2-6 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting.” This is such an interesting topic in our ever-changing technological world, and I am curious to see how it continues to change in the future.

  5. btk5093

    I binge watch Netflix on the daily and it is so bad. I can never get anything done and I never do anything with my life when I watch Netflix. I sit there and eat or text, basically getting nothing done and not doing anything that would increase my heart rate like going to the gym. It really is so addictive. I love the fact there are no commercials during the shows. I like that I can watch one episode after the next and the one after until I finish the whole series and move onto another show. I think that it very addicting because people are impatient and lazy, they don’t want to wait one whole week to find out what happened, and I admit that I am one of those people. It is also very calming to me that is why I tend to watch it so much. It is nice to take a break from work or anything in general and to relax and escape from your problems and watch other people deal with the problems that you don’t have. When I’m stressed the best thing for me is to relax watch and episode of Netflix and then get back to what I need to do.

  6. Kelly McDonnell

    I like the viewpoint you took on this topic! Right when I saw Netflix, I was interested on what you were talking about. I’m pretty obsessed with Netflix myself, and know many people worse than me! This information is really interesting and the tips you gave are actually really helpful! I know people far more obsessed than me, and I can’t wait to fill them in on these tips you gave!

  7. Millie Rachel Dweck

    I am 100% addicted to Netflix. My favorite part about it is that if I am stressed or just annoyed, it allows me to escape from reality and live inside the television show because I can watch so many episodes after one another. As much as I love it; I know at times binge watching Netflix can be extremely unhealthy. It is not only unhealthy emotionally, but physically because you are lounging around while watching it.

  8. Rebecca Danielle Schneider

    I liked your blog because even though Netflix is a mainstream topic, you added your own twist to the topic and made it more original with the graph, 15 signs list, and the possible ways to fight the addiction. I think the ideas you listed to reduce binge-watching habits are totally do-able. I’m glad you didn’t just mention the Netflix problem, but included solutions as well. I think that Netflix is more relevant for college students than ever because it’s so easy to crawl back into bed after a long day and put on your favorite show! I definitely agree that Netflix watching should be a reward, which is why I never watch shows until all my work is done. Here’s a 10 step solution to overcoming a Netflix addiction.

  9. nhb5050

    I know that I am addicted to Netflix. If I am ever feeling down, bored, lonely, or any other emotion, Netflix is always be an instant companion that is at the touch of my fingertips. Yes, I have it installed on my laptop, iPhone, and tablet. Something that I never realized was that in college, you have much more freedom than you ever have had before. There are so many more free hours in the day, and it is up to you how to use them. The first week of the semester, I stayed up until 2 in the morning almost every night binge watching either 90210 or Gossip Girl , forgetting I was really at school and needed to get into a healthy routine. I truly could not stop watching until I had seen 3 or 4 episodes, and it amazes me how you found a statistic that “73% defined binge watching as watching between 2-6 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting.” This is such an interesting topic in our ever-changing technological world, and I am curious to see how it continues to change in the future.

  10. Reid Baker

    Mostly every person in this class can relate to this blog because Netflix truly is so addicting. Binge watching is definitely not good for your time management, but a break from all the studying and homework isn’t truly a bad thing. Having good self control is vital when watching netflix because one episode can easily turn into finishing the first season. I personally let netflix effect part of my senior year of high school and my grades suffered because of it.

  11. Jordan Charles Eisenstat

    Netflix is addicting because it is really easy to completely lose track of time throughout a whole day while watching it. The feature that allows one show to switch from episode to episode without one having to get up helps this. You can watch 5 or 6 episodes and then look over at the time and say “wow, I’ve already been watching for 5 hours!” If Netflix didn’t have this feature, people would be less likely to watch episode after episode if it wasn’t as convenient as it is now.

  12. Connor James Scavina

    I found this blog pretty funny because I am definitely addicted to netflix. I feel like my night isn’t complete unless i watch an episode or two of my favorite show right before bed. I found it interesting that 73% of people consider “binge” watching as 2-6 episodes in one sitting. I found it even more interesting that 3 quarter of netflix viewers have positive things to say about binge watching. It’s good to know that there a lot more people out there like me who cant get enough netflix.

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