Is Coffee Good for You?

When you grow up the youngest in a family, you tend to experience things a lot earlier than your older siblings may have. You’ll probably receive your first phone earlier, be trusted to stay home alone earlier and if your family is anything like mine, take your first sip of coffee way earlier than you probably need to. A coffee addiction is a real thing, and unfortunately, the earlier you start drinking, the earlier the addiction begins. If you were to approach any religious coffee drinker and ask their opinion on the liquid, you’re likely to hear nothing less than an ode to the substance that saves their life each and every day. They don’t just think it’s good, they think it is the best! But how good can coffee really be for you?

coffee-and-breakfast1Like many topics up for debate, CNN decided to get involved. They began by questioning the heal
h benefits of coffee as being myth or fact. Being the coffee drinker that I am, I would obviously say fact before even continuing the article. But, for many beneficial purposes, one being the continuation of this blog post, I did continue to read on. Just recently, a study was done in South Korea that showed a moderate daily coffee consumption could have a connection to a decreased risk for coronary artery calcium. Evidence also showed that it could reduce the risk for melanoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Now this might not make much sense to you but these are all really good things. It’s pretty much saying that a moderate 3-5 cups a day can decrease your chance of getting different types of skin cancer and heart disease. But it didn’t stop there. A moderate coffee consumption could also reduce a person’s chance of getting multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Can it get any better?

From the great benefits above, coffee seems like a pretty awesome thing. But like everything, moderation is key. When they refer to a moderate serving size of coffee, those 3-6 cups a day are about 8 ounces, preferably black and with little cream or sugar. Unfortunately, our grande caramel macchiato from Starbucks doesn’t quite fit the criteria. A big part of the issue is just understanding the ways coffee, like everything, can have a bad affect or even hurt your body. For example, it is best to avoid while pregnant, it needs to be moderated in adolescents for growing purposes, and you need to be aware of your own body and its’ complications before potentially adding another.

Coffee, just as I had hoped, has great benefits! But unfortunately, nothing is perfect and if it is abused, there are consequences. So drink in moderation and always remember: but first, coffee.



8 thoughts on “Is Coffee Good for You?

  1. Pingback: Pigmentation Treatment For Dark Skin – How to Get White Skin

  2. Jonathan Solimano

    I found this post very interesting in that coffee has so many benefits. I have never been a big coffee drinker, but many of my friends and family are, so it is good to hear that they will be getting some benefit. My father drinks 3-4 cups a day, and I always thought it was very bad for him, but it appears it is not as bad as I thought.

  3. Jonathan Solimano

    I found this post very interesting in that coffee has so many benefits. I have never been a big coffee drinker, but many of my friends and family are, so it is good to hear that they will be getting some benefit. My father drinks 3-4 cups a day, and I always thought it was very bad for him, but it appears it is not as bad as I thought.

  4. Gwyneth Mulliken

    I love this article because I believe in moderation! Everyone can say certain things are good for you, or bad for you but nothing is good without moderation. I personally don’t drink coffee because I know through research it stunts growth and stains your teeth. It is also proven that people can become addicted to caffeine. I have witnessed first hand through my parents that this is true. When my mom tried to ween off coffee she experience terrible headache and couldn’t go about her day properly. Although there may be research showing some things in coffee are potentially good for you, relying on coffee is definitely bad for your body.

  5. ngf5020

    Personally, I do not like coffee. I do not enjoy the taste or smell. However, many of my friends and family to enjoy drinking it, and for their sake, I’m glad to now know that coffee has all of these benefits. Great research!

  6. Elizabeth Sweitzer

    I absolutely love coffee and am a religious coffee drinker. I am a total believer that you can become addicted to coffee, and I definitely have. I drink about 3 cups a day with no sugar and very little creamer. It is very relieving to know that there are actually many health benefits to drinking this much coffee, when I thought that all of the caffeine was doing me harm. Good post!

  7. Shannon Rose Beam

    I also, researched if coffee is good for you. I for one am torn as to if I should start to drinking coffee or not. As with many things in life, there are both positive and negatives. The bad part of coffee is that it contains caffeine, and caffeine can become very addictive. I used this in my research, it talks about all the diseases that coffee prevents,

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