Does the HPV shot increase promiscuity?

After our discussion in class today about Gardasil, it bothered me a lot that some people are against the vaccine simply because they believe it promotes “promiscuity”. So, as Andrew suggested, I decided to look up studies done to find out if protecting yourself from a virus that can cause numerous types of cancers and genital warts also causes people to be more risky with sex as well.

And, to no surprise of mine, getting the HPV vaccination does not increase promiscuity. In one of the studies, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, the researchers “examined wether the HPV vaccination was associated in an increase of STIs among females who were vaccinated compared with those who were not”. They looked at 1398 girls ages 12 to 18, keeping age and previous contraceptive use in mind. They found that HPV was not related to an increase in STIs versus non-vaccinated females. This study, conducted with girls ages 11 through 12 who received the vaccine, looked at pregnancy, STDs or STIs, and contraceptive counseling as “markers of sexual activity” for up to 3 years after the girls received the vaccination. They found that none of the markers were not significantly higher in the vaccinated girls vs. the non vaccinated, the study rules out increased sexual activity as a side effect of the vaccine.

Obviously, as with any vaccination, there are risk factors to take into account. If you haven’t gotten the shot and are thinking about it, definitely talk to your doctor before. And if you’re still not convinced, you can always scroll through this gallery of penile cancer as a motivator. Be safe kids!!


One thought on “Does the HPV shot increase promiscuity?

  1. Kristen

    I completely agree with you. I think there’s no way just by getting a vaccine people would suddenly think they are invincible. Most of the people who receive the Gardisil shot probably want to be extra cautious and are the type to be extra preventable. Ultimately I think an individual’s personality is what will determine whether or not someone is promiscuous. I think Gardisil is a great vaccination because it only lessens someone’s chances of receiving HPV or cancers associated with it. Gardisil posted information regarding their vaccination which is the only information that should matter to an individual when deciding whether or not to take this vaccination,

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