Can walking improve creativity?

Most of us can relate to the stressful time when you can’t seem to write a decent essay, or you can’t figure out how to make your art project better. I recently was looking for inspiration for my art project, and decided to walk around campus. This short walk seemed to have a positive effect on my brain, and I was able to finish my art project easily after taking time to just explore. I was then surprised when I read that there is an actual link between walking and creativity.


A recent study by Stanford showed a link between creativity and walking. The study consisted of a group of undergraduate students who would be observed after walking to test their creativity. The participants were placed in a boring room, with homely walls, a desk, and one treadmill. They first sat down and completed tasks that involved creativity, like finding multiple uses for one object. Afterwards, they were asked to walk on the treadmill at a decent pace, and perform the same creativity activities during their walk. For most students, the creativity displayed went up drastically. They were able to find more uses for the object as they were walking, compared to sitting down.

The same study then went on to test if creativity increased after walking, not just during the walk. Another group of students was used, and they sat to take the test first. The group then walked for around 8 minutes, and sat down again to take the test. After walking and sitting down to take the tests, the results were the same. If you are taking the test while walking, or sitting after walking, more creativity is presented.

Another very interesting fact is that Steve Jobs was known for walking during his meetings. Steve Jobs is the creator of Apple, a brand that has created the widely popular iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, and other smart technology most of the population uses today. The creation of Apple as a brand required a lot of creativity, and it is interesting to see that Jobs was known for walking in his meetings.

The reason behind walking and creativity could have to do with the exercise that come with walking. It makes new connections between brain cells, increases volume of the hippocampus (memory part of brain), allows the heart to pump faster, and circulates more blood and oxygen to the brain. All of which helps people perform certain tasks, much like the creativity ones in the study above.

The results of these studies show a connection between walking and creativity. The study was performed well, and I believe the results are accurate and prove a connection between the two. It would be interesting to do a study and see how walking effects artists and their drawings. I know now that when I’m having trouble getting things done, I can go walking to build up creativity and inspire me.