Are Jets safer than Turboprops?

Have you ever took a turboprop plane, which is mostly small plane with spinning  propellers. It can be really loud, and you can feel the shaking a lot. Many people are afraid of taking turboprops, because they think those plane are old and unsafe. They trust more on jets. So, are jets really safer than turboprops?

When we talk about turboprops, we are not saying the old propeller airplane. Many people misunderstand the turboprops, they think they are made a long time ago, and was replaced by jets. They will think about old propellers with pistons engines during the World War II, planes were hard to start, there were many accidents, and all kinds of things. Modern twin-engine “propeller” airplane actually use jets to spin the propellers. So it’s actually very similar to jets airplane. Turbine engines are much safer and reliable than piston engines. If you think about it, Jets use turbine engines to run their fan blades inside the engines, while turboprops run their propellers on the outside. the change of having engine accidents are same between jets and turboprops. If you are worry about the engine stop in the air, both jets and turboprops can fly and land properly with single engine. schubach aviation

For birds strikes, Turboprops’s engine are actually less likely to be damaged compare to jets’ engines. Turboprops have a thing called “inertial separator”, it allow things that are heavier than air to separate from the inlet airflow to prevent damage that can due to the engines. According to CarQna, this is how inertial separator works “It works by forcing the inlet air to ‘spin’ in a vortex before it enters the compressor stage. This ‘spinning’ forces out heavier particles by centripital force. and ejects them out before they enter the engine.” So it can actually prevent things from hitting the engines directly. But bird strikes do happen sometimes. For both Jets and Turboprops, if the bird is small, it will just pass through the engine, and nothing will happen. If the bird is big enough, it may damage the engine heavily and pilot need to shut that engine down to prevent further damage.  just about flying

There are actually many advantages to fly with turboprops. First, it is more furl efficiently at low altitudes, and it cost less for shorter distance . Second, turboprops have shorter take off and landing distance because propellers can stop more quickly and provide extra drag, so it is suitable for landing in small airports in rural and desolate areas. Third, turboprops have climb better than jets, so they can land of those mountain airports. mountain aviation

There are advantages for both jets and turboprops, and they are used in different routes and areas. There is actually no difference in the safety of jet and turboprops. There is no need to afraid of propellers, sometimes you may even find out that turboprops are more comfortable than jets.





One thought on “Are Jets safer than Turboprops?

  1. Adam Thomas Horst

    I have always been interested in planes and flying, so your blog really caught my eye. I personally have been on both a turbo jet plane and a turboprop plane. My experience was that the turboprop plane shook much more than the turbo jet plane, but I was only on a small turboprop plane, and I have only been on large turbo jet planes. I am sure that some turboprop planes have much smoother rides, but I felt safe regardless of the shakiness of the flight. If I had been on an old, piston-engine propeller plane, I may have been slightly more worried. I do find it interesting how people are often afraid to fly on an airplane even though they are more likely to get in a crash on their way to the airport. It is understandable that the added shakiness of a flight would make people a little more uneasy. I found a picture that shows different types of plane engines and shows how they work.

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