Got Acne? Here’s some honey!

So as someone who struggled with severe acne and was medicated heavily for it, I always wanted another treatment. I tried medicine after medicine, whether it be topical creams to antibiotics, I finally broke down and took this awful medicine called Accutane. This medicine has so many side affects to the body whether it be constant chapped lips and dry skin to severe depression, so naturally I wanted another way to ease this process in order to not have to take the medicine.

One day my grandmother was talking to me on the phone and said that she suffered from the same issue when she was a child and needed a cure for the issue since they didn’t have the medicine that we have today back then. She told me that she used to wipe her face with rubbing alcohol to dry it out (which makes total sense), but then she told me she used to put honey on her face! This caught me completely off guard and so I looked into it to see if that was an old wives tale or if this was something that could actually work.

It turns out that the natural properties in honey are extremely beneficial to the human skin and can help to take away pimples. It acts as a natural antibiotic to help your skin eliminate existing pimples, then has many other traits to help keep pimples from coming back. To help prevent acne from coming back, honey has a natural osmotic effect that pulls out the toxins that cause acne to be severe. It also has many natural acids which help to prevent bacterial growth on the skin, and thus help to prevent the bacteria from penetrating the pores to cause infections that cause acne. Most of these causes are due to the fact that honey is a food that is naturally high in hydrogen peroxide, and this a crucial ingredient in most every topical cream that is used to eliminate acne.

8 thoughts on “Got Acne? Here’s some honey!

  1. lmm6078

    To this day, I still suffer with the problem of acne. I have ever since 8th grade. To get rid of my acne, I would use face wash specifically for getting rid of pimples and blackheads. I think used to put on a cream directly to a pimple or blemish. It worked fairly well, but over time, my acne wouldn’t clear up. I started taking an antibiotic called Minocycline my senior year and it really cleared up my face. I think home remedies like honey and such could have a positive effect, but I wouldn’t count on it. For most, they don’t have any science behind as to why it should work. I think using antibiotics is the best, most proven way to get rid of acne. Another important detail in acne is the way you eat. Your diet can also play a role in determining if you have clear skin or not. I believe that having clear skin inolves multiple factors, and can’t just be solved by using a home remedy. Here’s a more in depth look of the pill I take for my acne :

  2. Jack Landau

    Growing up, many of my friends took Accutane. They complained of the side effects, and from my perspective the medication seemed more detrimental than productive. Instead of taking these medications, I would recommend taking natural precautions in order to improve skin quality. Often, skin quality relates to hormones (Glamour Magazine). While exercise and healthy food may seem to be hopeless suggestions, they work to improve skin quality. Sweating is good for your skin, and watching what you eat is even better. If you stay away from greasy foods, you are far less likely to get acne.

  3. Matthew Meise Kreymborg

    I was really surprised by this blog. I have bees at my house that live in a box in my back yard. Every few months we extract the honey from the box and have a huge bucket of the most natural and fresh honey there is. I have always known honey to have healing properties. I usually just put it in my tea or coffee when I have a sore throat. Now that I know it can help acne, I am excited to try it. I think in order to back up your blog more, you should have included a study that was done to prove this. I found this cool medical honey that is supposed to help small wounds, check it out (

  4. sjb5895

    When I was younger, I had pretty bad acne, and I tried everything, but I never heard of honey. I would have liked to see a study on honey that helps acne, but it sounds like honey has the properties that help with acne. I actually know of something that also helps acne by flushing it out of your pores. A charcoal wash actually really helps well because the charcoal pushed out all the dirt in your face and helps clean your pores. I would recommend trying to use more natural products than severe medication like Acutane. Maybe scientists will find a way to make a medicine that helps with acne without a lot of side effects.

  5. Nicolas Lau

    Your blog brings me so much nostalgia. From my personal experience with acne, I am a strong believer that everyone has different skin types that require different attention. Home remedies that work for one individual may fail. This brings me to my question, is it better to wait for home remedies, which take forever or not even existent at times to work, or is it better to just take antibiotics. Like you said, Accutane has it’s side effects, but it is proven to be rather effective. Here is an article with some home remedies. I think it comes down to personal preference on this one. If an individual feels inclined to take prescription drugs to cure acne, then by all means and be prepared for the side effects. Like in my previous blogs, everything must be in moderation.

  6. Gabriela Isabel Stevenson

    This blog was so relatable, as we’re teenagers who are either coming out of or still in the age of acne. For the sake of using science to help us with our daily problems, like acne, I want to ask you if you’ve ever heard of toothpaste for acne? It also contains ingredients like baking soda and hydrogen peroxide that dry pimples out. Understandably, too much of it can irritate the skin and it shouldn’t be used too often. Toothpaste is meant for teeth, and I don’t see if having the same natural benefits that comes with honey. Scientists say that it’s just as good as any other home remedy, but it still shoudn’t be used too often. What do you think is better for a quick fix — honey or toothpaste? Check this out and let me know what you think?

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