Author Archives: Bailee Nicole Koncar

Is Chocolate Really Bad for Dogs?

Chocolate in moderation has proven to be healthy for people, especially dark chocolate. It contains good sources of fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants. I became curious as to whether or not it was also healthy if consumed by dogs. My own dog consumed an entire bag of Hershey kisses and was not at all harmed. It was to my family and I’s surprise because we had so often heard how toxic it can be to them. Whether this was by mere chance or if chocolate really does have no effect on dogs is the ultimate question.


Chocolate is in fact considered to be poisonous to canines, and it is a very urgent matter if they consume it. The effects that chocolate can have on them are extensive. More than likely they will immediately throw up, but if they do not the vet will give the dog medication to do so. It is important to try to get as much of the chocolate out of the system as possible. Throwing up is also an indication that the dog did indeed have chocolate. Other symptoms may include extreme thirst, excessive energy, pacing, panting, shaking, and seizures. These may occur up to 6-12 hours after the consumption so if there is any chance that the dog consumed chocolate the vet should be consulted immediately. Not only will the vets use apomorphine to force the vomiting, but they will also pump the stomach to flush it with fluids, and use a certain medication to stop the chocolate from entering into the bloodstream.


The part of the chocolate that is harmful to dogs is known as theobromine. It is a type of stimulant similar to caffeine. It stimulates the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and can cause an increase in blood pressure. Humans and dogs have different body systems, and ours allow us to easily metabolize this component in chocolate. For dogs however, it takes a lot longer and can result in the stimulant building up to toxic levels. How poisonous the chocolate will be to a dog depends on the pet’s size, the amount consumed, and the type. As one would expect, large dogs can consume a larger amount than small dogs before experiencing any effects. If only a small amount is consumed, usually the dog will only suffer from vomiting. On the contrary, large amounts of theobromine in the system can produce anything from muscle tremors to severe internal bleeding or a heart attack. Dogs that are older in age may suffer fatal consequences because they are unable to handle the effects that theobromine has on the body. For humans, dark chocolate is deemed to be the healthiest type yet for dogs dark chocolate and cocoa contain the highest levels of theobromine. Milk and white chocolate have the lowest.


To conclude, the consumption of chocolate is indeed considered to be poisonous to canines. It contains the stimulant known as theobromine which is unable to be metabolized thoroughly and quickly enough before reaching toxic levels. The effects will vary depending on the type of chocolate, the amount consumed, the size of the dog, and the age. However, it is for certain that if a dog consumes chocolate the vet should be contacted immediately to try to resolve the issue as fast and efficiently as possible. My dog consumed Hershey’s milk chocolate which already has a smaller quantity of theobromine. Although he had a relatively large amount, my dog was a large golden retriever and able to withstand more than a smaller dog would have. It was more than likely by chance that he survived without suffering any consequences at all. Next time, we may not be so fortunate so I will follow through with the proper medical treatment.

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Why Our Body “Falls Asleep”

There have been so many times when I have been sitting in class or in my room and my arm or leg decided to fall asleep. It is somewhat pleasant at first until the tingling feeling begins. It occurs to me so often, and I usually feel as though I am the only person experiencing it. I had heard that our body parts tend to “fall asleep” due to the blood circulation being cut off and not entering that part of the body. I usually sit with my legs crossed so I thought maybe this had something to do with it. I became curious and finally decided to research the topic to identify the exact reasoning.


The “falling asleep” of our limbs is more formally known as “paresthesia” which is caused when certain limbs are compressed. Sitting a certain way, cross-legged for example as I had mentioned earlier, can put too much pressure on a nerve in that part of the body. The nerve stops sending impulses normally as a result. If the pressure becomes too excessive or is held for a long period of time, the nerve will stop all impulses. This is when the limbs “fall asleep”. These nerve impulses transmit information to the brain. By interfering with this, the brain is losing communication with that limb and has difficulties telling it what to do. The excess pressure can also stop the flow of nutrients to body cells which may cause the limbs to behave differently. When a person restores the impulses by uncrossing their limbs for example he or she experiences the tingling feeling until total function is regained. The impulses that flow throughout these limbs stem from our spinal cord. They have “axons” which connect to our limbs and carry the impulses to the different parts of the body. They are fundamental in our ability to feel everything around us.

one woman hand massaged other, isolated on white


This however is not the only way in which a person can experience paresthesia. Excessive vibration can also cause it. If a person uses a hand held tool such as a drill, he or she may have their limbs fall asleep. The reasoning is not quite known.

The common misconception is in fact that the body falls asleep because of lack of blood flow. I was under this impression before I conducted the research. However, if this were to be true, the effects would be a lot more severe and life threatening. If the blood flow was cut off altogether, the limb would start to suffer from compartment syndrome which means it would become very acidic and the cells would break down. Wastes build up in the affected area. Once the pressure in the affected area is released, everything is shot up to the heart resulting in potentially lethal consequences. It would be a shame if this were to happen every time a person sat cross-legged.

To conclude, it is important that we forgo the common misconception that the “falling asleep” of our limbs is due to the lack of blood flow. Such a circumstance would result in much more severe effects on the body. Rather, the nerves are unable to send impulses due to excessive and/or prolonged pressure. We should pay attention to the sensations we may feel and restore the nerve impulses and communication with the brain.

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Diet vs Regular

After discussing sugary drinks in class, I wanted to focus a post on diet versus regular. Most people are under the impression that diet soda is better than regular. They simply read the label rather than consider what differences are in each can. I have a friend who drinks diet soda nearly every single day, and she believes that it is OK because it is diet. They believe that the zero calories and zero sugars labels make them healthier. I became interested in whether or not diet soda really is “better” for you. I for one do not drink soda at all. My mother was quick to inform me of all of the negative health benefits of soda. It is one of the worst beverages to consume due to its high levels of fructose corn syrup and sugars. We also discussed in class that sugary drinks are more likely to lead to weight gain so it is better to avoid them altogether.


Many people seek a diet soda rather than a regular one because they want to maintain a healthier diet. However, diet soda still has many negative consequences and has not yet proven to be better. It is considered to be diet because of the altered ingredients. Rather than added sugars, diet contains artificial sweeteners. Weight gain has been associated with diet soda because the body starts to crave the real sugars that are in regular soda. People eat and drink more fattening foods to fulfill these cravings. A study published online by Nature showed that artificial sweeteners tend to cause glucose intolerance, as well. They cause an exaggerated elevation in blood glucose levels which people try to prevent by consuming these sweeteners.

Furthermore, researchers at the University of Miami found that there was a positive correlation between a person’s consumption of diet soda and possibility of having a heart attack or stroke. 2,465 people were followed for nine years and asked to document what beverages they were consuming. Those that drank diet soda were 48% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those who drank regular soda. There are many other confounding variables that need to be taken into consideration when looking into this study. The medical history for example of each individual. Some may have strokes or heart attacks run in their families which would make them more susceptible to having one. Gender may also affect the study; one may already have a higher chance. The study cannot conclude that diet is worse, but it supports the claim that it is not a better alternative like we may have thought.


To conclude, we cannot state with full certainty whether or not diet soda is better or worse than regular. Studies have shown that the artificial flavoring results in an increased desire to consume fattening foods which leads to weight gain. Severe health problems such as stroke and heart attack have also been associated with these beverages. There are pros and cons to consuming one over the other. However, it can be stated that they do not have much health benefit, and therefore it would be best not to consume soda at all or in slim moderation.

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Does Cracking Knuckles Cause Arthritis?

Many people are guilty of cracking their knuckles. Cracking your knuckles is often a mechanism used to reduce stress or anxiety much like twirling your hair or moving your leg up and down. The sound and act of doing it is a habit that can become second nature. Others can be tempted to crack them after seeing other people do it. I have done so many times in the past. I have also heard that it is a bad habit to develop and can even result in arthritis. It is for this reason that I decided to stop. However, it made me curious as to whether or not cracking your knuckles really does increase the risk of arthritis or if my parents were just too bothered by the noise to tolerate anymore.


First and foremost, by cracking our knuckles we really are not cracking anything. The noise that we hear is the synovial fluid vapor cavities around the joints. By exerting enough negative pressure through pulling the fingers apart or bending them, you can cause them to burst. The fluid vapor cavities resemble gas bubbles that rupture under pressure. In the older generation, a sound is produced when the tendons snap over tissues due to adjustments in their paths.


There are two types of arthritis: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The osteoarthritis is the one which would be associated with knuckle cracking because it is caused by the wearing and tearing of joints over a period of time. Therefore, it can be misinterpreted that by creating negative pressure on these joints, you are increasing your chances of developing arthritis. However after some research, I found that cracking your knuckles has not been identified as being either harmful or beneficial to our health.

Several studies have been done in regards to whether or not knuckle cracking leads to arthritis. Harvard Health Publications did several studies on individuals who had hand arthritis and asked them if they cracked their knuckles. They concluded that there was not enough people who had arthritis and cracked their knuckles to make any assumption. The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers also found by simulating the act that enough cracking can cause damage to the joints. Annals of Rheumatic Disease studied 300 individuals who cracked their knuckles habitually. The researchers analyzed the participants and found that they did not experience more cases of arthritis but rather swelling and reduced grip. Individuals with arthritis were also studied, but there was no found correlation between the amount of individuals who cracked their knuckles and those that had arthritis. On the other hand, there are some cases in which people have developed arthritis from excessive cracking. The British Medical Journal reported that a man had damage in his hand which was found to be arthritis. He was also guilty of cracking his knuckles daily.

To conclude, there has not been enough studies or research to state if cracking your knuckles does in fact lead to arthritis. There have been several cases in which people who crack them have developed arthritis but not enough. There may also be other confounding variables that may better support why a person develops arthritis. In other words, until further research shows otherwise, people may continue to crack their knuckles as they please.

Below is a video of what exactly happens when you crack your knuckles.

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Weather and Mood

I check the weather forecast quite frequently because it has a great impact on how I will go about my day. It determines what clothes I will wear and what activities I will do. Above all, the weather determines the overall mood that I will be in. For example, if the sun is shining through my window in the morning, I instantly become happier and more eager to start my day. However, if it is cloudy or rainy, I usually feel more depressed and unmotivated to get out of bed. I find it extremely interesting the impact that the weather can have on people and how they go about their daily lives.


The journal Emotion published an article in 2008. A study that evaluated the moods of 1,200 men and women in relation to the current weather patterns was conducted. The select group completed a questionnaire. The findings were as followed: increased temperature results in a more positive mood whereas increased wind and decreased sunlight results in a more negative mood. The results are not fully conclusive because it is unknown whether or not the select 1,200 people were randomized. They may have not told the entire truth while filling out the questionnaire either. However, it shows that further studies may be worthwhile.

According to PsychCentral, the weather does more harm than good to a person’s mood. People who already have a generally depressed mood are going to feel even more low due to rainy or windy weather. There is also the existence of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is a disorder in which how a person feels is directly related to the current season. Common terms such as “summertime sadness” and “winter blues” are associated with this disorder. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has found that the people diagnosed with SAD have certain behavioral patterns. They may sleep excessively or have little energy. These people are typically found in locations such as Florida and Alaska where they face extreme weather. I can understand how SAD is common. I know that I am often unmotivated and feeling without energy on days that are extremely cold or extremely hot.


Suicides are more likely to occur in the spring and summer months. For people experiencing depression, the brightness and sunniness of these seasons brings them to an even lower state of sadness. People who are not depressed have a newfound sense of hope and readiness for summer, but people with depression do not. They feel even more hopeless than they would normally. Thus, depression increases. A meta-analysis performed in 2012 supported this truth that both the Northern and Southern hemispheres experience peaks of suicide in the spring and summer seasons.

To conclude, although many studies have claimed that weather does affect mood it cannot be claimed as entirely true. There are many other variables that may play a role. The results may have been altered by the people conducted in the studies. Some may have depression for other reasons and the weather simply increases their symptoms and likeliness to commit suicide. Whether or not you will be affected depends on the type of person you are. Some people have certain dislikes for certain seasons while others do not. I do though find it interesting that there is a disorder that relates specifically to the seasons, and I do believe that it supports the claim.


Retail Therapy: Good or Bad?

I’ve always loved shopping especially after a long week of studying. I enjoy taking a break and rewarding myself with new clothes. I’ve heard that shopping can serve as a form of stress-relief. I can understand why. It is a time when a person can stop thinking and spend several hours relaxing at the mall. At least, that is how I view it. I’ve become curious as to whether or not retail therapy is actually beneficial or if it provides more anxiety than anything else. A person must analyze all of the products that he or she could potentially purchase and spend excessive amounts of money in the process. Psychology Today claims that when they asked 100 male and female individuals their initial thoughts on retail therapy they were more likely to get negative responses. It seems that it is commonplace to regard retail therapy as being utter nonsense and not beneficial. Researchers are trying to prove otherwise.


Recent studies support that shopping can increase overall happiness in the majority of people. A paper was published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology by professors from the University of Michigan stating that it has the potential to reduce sadness. They believe that sadness is a result of not having control in the outcomes of a person’s life. By shopping, he or she regains that sense of control thus restoring happiness. The study that found these results divided individuals into two groups: choosers and browsers. Both groups were presented with 12 products. The choosers felt more in control and therefore three times less sad. Those involved in such studies believe that shopping has long-lasting positive effects on a person’s mood and that rewarding oneself is strategically motivating. However, not everyone is sad due to their lack of control. There are many other factors that can determine the mood that they are in. Therefore, shopping would not be able to help all people facing sadness.

Shopping can be considered a stressor for many people. Those who are materialistic especially want the best of everything and lots of it. A report from 2011 found that these materialistic people are often less satisfied and unhappy. They often cannot find the exact, perfect product. Also, the numerous amounts of items in malls can cause a person anxiety. They do not know what to purchase and become overwhelmed. The idea of spending money is also stressful. Once all purchases have been made, people often become stressed over how much they paid. In regards to the concept of fight versus flight, those who shop to relieve stress are ultimately running from the problem at hand. They may be content at the time of shopping, but they are not resolving the stress. It catches up to them later on, and they become even more sad as a result.

To conclude, retail shopping is never the answer. There is always a reason for stress, and it must be dealt with to be entirely happy. One cannot always revert to the flight option. Also, shopping cannot help all of those who are sad because not all people need the control to feel better. However, shopping in moderation can help take one’s mind off of whatever difficult situation he or she is dealing with and offer a sense of empowerment. We can all reward ourselves every once in awhile but not excessively.

Does Music Affect Your Mood?

I have always loved listening to music. I enjoy discovering new artists, expanding my genre, and going to different concerts. Depending on the kind of mood I am in greatly affects the music that I will listen to. I also believe that this can be explained in reverse. What music I decide to listen to determines the mood that I’ll be in.


The Journal of Consumer Research found that people going through personal problems such as a break-up listened to sad music because it reflected their mood. Sad music increasingly becomes more popular as people are dealing with these problems. In a similar study, people were asked to rate their music preferences. Those who were angry or frustrated chose the genre that corresponded with their mood. In other words, the kind of mood that a person is in determines his or her music preference. However, studies are beginning to show that choosing the right genre can have a positive impact.


The University of Missouri conducted a study to show whether or not upbeat music can result in a better overall mood. Scientists had their participants listen to select artists of varying genres: Copland and Stravinsky. Those who listened to Copland claimed to succeed in improving their mood while those who listened to Stravinsky did not. Scientists also had a group not listen to any music and they did not show an increase or decrease in happiness.
Music therapy is becoming more known because it is supposed to restore energy, improve mood, and even help the body heal more naturally. A doctor at the Eleven-Eleven Wellness Center recommends taking time out of the day to enjoy music. It calms the body and brain by slowing down a person’s heart rate allowing him or her to breathe more easily. I’ve heard that many people who are depressed take to making music because they find it to be even more therapeutic than simply listening. Studies in the International Journal of Yoga show that reciting words such as “om” is just as effective as implanting a vagus nerve stimulator in to the body which is beneficial in treating epilepsy and depression. It has been proven by several studies that music is effective in improving the moods of depressed patients and also those with serious illnesses such as cancer.
To conclude, it is very common for people to listen to music based on what they experience throughout the day and how they feel as a result. If we got in the habit of listening to happier and more upbeat songs all the time, our mentality and overall well-being would be positively impacted.

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Reasoning Behind Motion Sickness

For a very long time, I dealt with car sickness. Once the vehicle started in motion, I would begin to develop a headache, and it would worsen the longer I was inside. I would have to sit in the front seat because it would help to lessen the headache I would get. I’d leave the window down to get fresh air to try to soothe the pain. Fortunately, I’ve overcome this stage in my life. Now, vehicles have the exact opposite effect on me. They’ve become a source of comfort. I am now able to fall asleep after several minutes of being in a car. I find this to be very interesting. Never would I have thought that I would be able to sit at ease in a car let alone be able to fall asleep in one. My mother has suffered from motion sickness her entire life. She did not have as much luck as I did in overcoming it. Hers is to a much worse extent. She cannot be in any moving object without developing headaches and dizziness. For this reason, I wanted to learn the reasons why people can become ill from moving vehicles.


By definition, motion sickness is “the feeling you get when the motion you sense with your inner ear is different from the motion you visualize” (MedicineNet). It often occurs when traveling by car, airplane, boat, or train. Children ages 5-12 years old, women, and older adults are most prone to developing motion sickness. This supports why I suffered when I was younger and why my mother has throughout most of her life. Both of us endured the normal symptoms which include headaches, nausea, and vomiting. It is an overall uneasiness produced by motion. There are many neurological reasons that a personal develops such symptoms. Ultimately, the person is off-balance. The inner ears, eyes, and sensory nerves can tell that he or she is moving but the rest of the body cannot. This confusion within the body results in motion sickness. My mother also gets headaches from seeing stripes. This could be because her eyes believe in the optical illusion and that they are moving, but her body does not sense the movement.

It can be treated by taking medications which reduce nausea and vomiting such as antiemetics or antihistamines. However, if the motion sickness persists there are several tactics that may help reduce the symptoms such as allowing for fresh air to circulate inside the car and lying down. Most symptoms are hard to stop once they start and will not be completely relieved until the motion stops.
To conclude, motion sickness can arise in anyone such as my mother and I. According to research by NASA, about 30% of people are immune to motion sickness but there can be no clear prediction of who gets it and who does not. It is a result of parts of the body sensing motion while others do not. Medications and different techniques can help to avoid motion sickness symptoms, but are not guaranteed to do so. I am so fortunate to have overcome my motion sickness and am interested to know if my mother will ever do the same.

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Chocolate: Good or Bad?

I grew up in Middletown, Pennsylvania which is about 10 minutes away from the Hershey Chocolate Factory so it was inevitable that I would grow to love chocolate. My family does as well until my mother started developing headaches. She assumed that they were normal and were occurring for no exact reason until it became apparent that she would have one after consuming chocolate. It was a peculiar idea to think that chocolate, something so sweet and delicious, could cause her pain. Now, she avoids eating chocolate as much as she can, and it seems to have made a difference. It was for this reason that I became interested in discovering the reasons why chocolate can have such negative effects.

Live Strong magazine states that, “chocolate can create a sensation of well-being and alertness, but it can also cause migraine headaches in some people” (Hill). Chocolate contains the chemical tyramine which has been linked to headaches according to studies. Experts have found that it can cause nerve cells in the brain to release the chemical norepinephrine. These odd levels of chemicals can cause changes in the brain which lead to headaches. Chocolate also has the chemical phenylalanine which has proven in several studies to trigger headaches. There is also a small amount of caffeine that is used in the making of chocolate. A lot would need to be consumed for it to be equivalent to a cup of coffee, but individuals who are sensitive to caffeine may have a reaction to chocolate. Others who are daily coffee drinkers may be immune.

On the other hand, chocolate has many positive benefits as well. It is full of antioxidants and nutritional compounds that help the body. Dark chocolate is said to be the best option and is even believed to be healthier than green tea or even fruit in regards to the amount of antioxidants it has. It also signals to the brain to release opiates and dopamine which cause happy sensations. People experience increased levels of serotonin and endorphin and these can actually help to suppress headaches rather than cause them. A study was conducted by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Pain Evaluation and Treatment after a questionnaire revealed that 20-30% of people believed that chocolate was a trigger for their headaches. The results showed that there is no direction correlation between that foods that we consume and headaches. Many of the respondents said that chocolate was the trigger based off of what they had heard from others.

To conclude, the effects of chocolate depend greatly on the individual himself and can either provide a nutritional value or the exact opposite. Although there are no studies at the moment that prove that foods cause headaches, making the right decisions and knowing which foods are best is still extremely important.

Importance of Science in Volleyball

I played volleyball all four years of high school. I’ve learned all of the fundamentals and basics that go into playing the game. There are three basic movements that are the most important in the sport, and all of them incorporate science, specifically physics, in one way or another. Each player must be capable of bumping, setting, and spiking. If the player recognizes how physics plays a role, he or she could use it to their advantage and improve his or her abilities on the court. Therefore, I am going to explain the exact role that it plays and hopefully give insight to better one’s game.

Of course, there is gravity which is constantly present. Gravity impacts the movement of the volleyball throughout the entire game. For example, when a player serves the ball, it starts to descend once it crosses the net because gravity is forcing it downwards. There are several techniques that can be used to help gravity bring the ball down faster. A top spin serve allows for the ball to fall down faster. It is done by flicking the wrist thus creating a top spin which forces the ball downwards. A top spin generally produces a faster serve making it harder for the other team to retrieve it. Therefore, science could greatly influence the players’ skills for the better if they paid more attention to it.

Each player needs to be able to pass to keep the ball alive after it is served. Gravity will keep bringing the ball back towards the ground. Someone has to exert enough force to keep the ball in the air long enough to be set by another teammate before gravity pulls it down again. Spiking is the most effective because it works together with gravity to produce a powerful downward force towards the opponent much like serving if done so appropriately. In other words, it is important to know how gravity works and the effect it will have on the ball as one plays volleyball.


There are several other scientific components that are present in volleyball such as work and velocity. Work is defined as the displacement of an object due to force. The corresponding equation being work = force * distance. Therefore, when one of the players comes in contact with the volleyball, the work would be how much force is exerted from the player and how far the ball travels as a result. Passing is one of the most basic concepts yet involves many aspects of science. Velocity is the speed of the movement, and it is calculated by using the equation velocity = displacement/time. A person would calculate this to determine the velocity at which the volleyball travels after being served or spiked. A higher velocity means that the volleyball is traveling faster and as a result more difficult to return.

To conclude, science is occurring all around us. There are so many athletes in the world that play sports, but more than likely they do not realize the importance that science has in the game and the impact that it has. The question is whether or not there is a direct correlation between the amount of science knowledge that a person has and his or her ability in the game. If players become more informed on the sciences behind the sport, they should know the best moves to make to win.

The Neurological Study Behind Language Learning

In the eighth grade, I was presented with my first opportunity to study another language. I studied Spanish, and picked up French the following year. I gained a great appreciation for languages as I progressed into my high school years and found them truly fascinating. My junior year, I discovered the organization AFS Intercultural Programs and applied for a scholarship to study abroad. I received the scholarship and spent the academic school year in Seville, Spain. As a result, I feel that I have become more well-rounded as a person. Being fluent in another language has given me the ability to speak with so many more people. This being said, I’ve also taken an interest in knowing the cognitive benefits that language learning has on a person.

Research has been conducted for years in order to get to know the cognitive benefits of language learning. The Dana Foundation explains a lot of the benefits that have been found. First, it has been proven that while a person is speaking one language, the other is also functioning behind the scenes. This results in the increased ability to multitask because the brain has become capable of functioning while doing several tasks at a time. Second, when a person first hears a word, the brain will no longer just think of words in the native language but in other languages simultaneously. Third, their is an increase in attention and overall awareness. The person must first identify the language and then search for the appropriate words to respond. Fourth, it requires a person to develop a better memory in order to learn and remember new tenses, grammatical structures, etc. This can decrease a person’s chances of developing longterm illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. A study showed that out of 200 bilingual and monolingual patients, those who were bilingual developed initial symptoms at the age of 77 whereas those who were monolingual developed them at the age of 72 (Dana). The brain is constantly receiving and processing new information and is successful when a person becomes fluent in the target language. 


Children are the ones most adept for learning another language. Therefore, it is encouraged that people begin to learn languages at a young age rather than during their junior high and high school years. While I was in Europe, I noticed that many of the people I met were fluent in English and able to converse with me without any problems. Europeans are known to excel in their language abilities because it is enforced that they study them while they are young. A study shows that by the time they reach their secondary education, 60% of Europeans are studying several languages at a time (EurActiv). Taking into consideration all of the cognitive benefits listed above, I’d be interested to see the effects on those living in America if they started learning even earlier.

Initial Blog Post

Hi, I’m Bailee Koncar. I’m from Middletown, Pennsylvania. I’m currently in the Division of Undergraduate Studies, but I’d like to pursue a career in Spanish and international business. I chose this class for the obvious reason that it fulfills a general education requirement, but also because it is directed towards non-science majors. My academic advisor suggested the course thinking that I would appreciate it and find it more interesting than physics or chemistry. I’ve never disliked science, but it has also never been my main focus of interest. I have a bigger desire to study language and incorporate those skills into a business career.

Below is a photo of Seville, Spain where I studied abroad, and I also created a short blog about my time there.
