Author Archives: Haley Amanda Toadvine

Is Running on a Soft Surface Better for Runner’s Health?

Running is certainly a very healthy activity, however, there are serious health concerns linked to running. The impact that runners experienced with each stride is enough to question-are there certain surfaces that runners should avoid and other surfaces runners should try to stick to? For example, would running in the grass or sand be less of a hardship on your joints and muscles than running on asphalt or cement? Scientific evidence seems to think that no- surface does not play as much of a role in minimizing physical injuries than expected.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - MAY 27: A competitor runs along the beach during the 2012 Bondi Barefoot Race at Bondi Beach on May 27, 2012 in Sydney, Australia. Over 500 runners make their way around a 4km or 10km course on the soft sand of Bondi Beach. (Photo by Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)

journal done by scientists Elizabeth Hardin, Antonie J. Van Den Bogert and Joseph Hamill studied the effect that harder surfaces had on runners. To conduct the study the three scientists observed 12 men which ran on both hard and soft surfaces at a steady, consistent rate. The scientists were sure to keep the men running at the same pace on both surfaces in order to eliminate the potential third variable of intensity changes throughout the run. The null hypothesis of the study was that the harder surface did not have an effect on the runner’s health. The alternative hypothesis was that harder surfaces caused more health complications for runners than did soft surfaces. The experiment produced evidence which supported the alternative hypothesis. The harder surface resulted in increased surface stiffness resulted in decreased hip and knee flexion when the runners came in contact with the surface, something the soft surface did not cause. Furthermore, the runners experienced reduced maximal hip flexion while running on the harder surfaced while simultaneously experiencing increased peak angular velocities of the hip, knee, and ankle.

There are however several “z” variables that were not measured in this study. One is age, despite all 12 participants in the study being male, the study did not specify the ages of the men. As a result, it is possible that age is a factor linked to the injuries that resulted from the experiment, not the hard surfaces. Furthermore, the study did not mention whether or not the participants all had on the same type of sneaker or not. Since the study did not specify this, I would assume the participants did not have on uniform running sneakers. As a result, some of the participants would have had sneakers that had varying levels of support and cushion, affecting the health results each runner experienced. The experiment seems to have too many potential “z” variables to be confident in the results being directly linked to the hard surface.


Furthermore, Hirofumi Tanaka, an exercise psychologist at the University of Texas, preformed a meta-analysis of previous studies which claimed that soft surfaces are better for runners than hard surfaces. Tanaka claims that from his meta-analysis, he can conclude that running on soft surfaces is just as bad for runners as are hard surfaces. Tanaka made the point that running on soft surfaces can be just as detrimental, if not more detrimental, to runners as a result of the uneven surfaces of a soft surface, such as running in grass.

From the evidence presented through experimentation and meta-analysis, it seems as though there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, that the surface a runner jogs on does not affect his or her health. I was very surprised from the evidence and studies I found through my research because prior to writing the blog I had assumed that harder surfaces must be worse for physical health.

If I were to conduct an experiment to further test this theory, I would conduct a test similar to the one done by scientists Hardin, Bogert and Hamill but would be sure to better isolate the hard surface as the x variable. I would form two groups of runners of the same age, gender and race in order to keep the groups as even as possible. Furthermore, all of the runners would be wearing the same type of running shoe in order to maintain consistency in cushion within the shoe. The first group would run a mile only on soft surfaces, such as grass or sand, while the second group would run a mile on hard surfaces, such as cement or asphalt. Both groups would have to maintain the same pace as the counter group in order to ensure the same amounts of intensity put into each run. I think this would be a better conducted study that would eliminate some of the unsure “z” variables found in the original study.

While running is a great past time, workout and stress reliever, it is important to be aware of some of the negative side effects running can cause. A healthier alternative to running would be the elliptical which is something to consider for those of you who run everyday!

Why Do I Faint When I Get Blood Taken?

I have only had blood taken twice in my life and I have fainted both times. When I have had my blood taken both times a very small amount of blood was taken simply for blood testing purposes. Now, I am not passing out for squeamish reasons of not being able to see blood, I am passing out because my body is not able to handle the loss of blood. However, my friends and family members have been able to donate an entire pint of blood in one sitting without passing out. I have never been able to understand how some people are able to lose such large amounts of blood with little to no effect while my body cannot handle losing only 3 to 10 milliliters.


First- we should establish what fainting is. Fainting is defined as “a sudden brief loss of consciousness and posture caused by a decreased blood flow to the brain.” Right before fainting, one’s blood vessels become dilated and cause low blood pressure. The low blood pressure in turn causes a decrease of blood reaching the brain, thus causing the affected person to lose consciousness. According to a an article done by De Anza College, approximately 150,000 people either faint or exhibit faint like symptoms after having blood taken each year.

According to an article by LiveStrong, some people are more prone to passing out after giving blood for prior health complication reasons. Diabetes, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, panic disorders, heart blockages, hypoglycemia and dehydration are all disorders directly linked to heart, endocrine systems and nervous system functions which can cause fainting. Furthermore, if you do not eat enough and stay hydrated prior to getting blood taken, you are more likely to pass out. However, I do not suffer from any of the above indicated disorders and have been sure to stay hydrated before giving blood. In the first instance I gave blood, I was able to eat beforehand. The second time I was not supposed to eat before giving blood. As a result, I can infer that my food intake is not a factor involved as both times I fainted, independent of whether or not I ate.

As a result- I am still left questioning why my body is so unable to handle blood loss. If I were to design an experiment in order to conduct further research, I would design an experiment in which I would study my blood cells and analyze the protein molecule hemoglobin in my blood. I would have doctors measure the levels of oxygen in my hemoglobin to see if it is saturating as well as it should be. If the hemoglobin is not saturating, it can leader to quicker drops in blood pressure. If it is the case that my hemoglobin is not being saturated with oxygen as quickly as it should be, then I may be able to conclude that a problem with my hemoglobin is the reason for my passing out.


Regardless of the reason, in order to prevent passing out after giving blood, the Red Cross has supplied some helpful tips for those preparing to give blood or have blood taken:

  1. drink 3 full glasses of either water or orange juice before donating or having blood taken

2.  make sure to have eaten within the last 3 hours before giving blood

3.  Tense and relax calf and thigh muscles while blood is being taken








Am I Putting Myself at a Health Risk by Writing My Blog Right Now??

As I was sitting in the HUB trying to brainstorm a topic to write for my blog, I became aware that my laptop had been sitting on my lap for quite some time now. I became distracted from thinking of a blog topic and quickly googled if there were any negative health effects that could be caused by heat and radiation from a laptop—thus finding my next blog topic.

So- as I now sit here writing this blog, laptop on lap, am I putting myself at a health risk? Would I be better off placing my laptop on a desk and not allowing skin contact with the bottom of the device?

The number one concern of placing operating laptops on one’s lap is the fear of radiation. Just as studies show that holding a cell phone up to your ear can lead to unhealthy radiation transmission, the same goes for laptops sitting on your lap. Electromagnetic radiation, also referred to as EMR, is defined as energy in waves forms emitted from electrical sources. EMR is radiated from laptops when the devices are in use. In fact, EMR waves from laptops are extremely dangerous to our health according to a study done by scientists from the International Journal of Engineering and Management Research. The study analyzed just how dangerous the EMR waves of laptop are. The scientists did a study on students working on laptops in college. The first 5 to 10 minutes of the students’ laptop use did not have any effect on the health of the students. However, by the 4th hour there was evidence of loss of concentration, irritation and eye sight complications, believed to be caused by the EMR waves. By the 7th hour, students were experiencing indigestion and sleeplessness in addition to the previously mentioned side effects.

Aside from the obvious physical feelings that are caused by the ERM waves radiated by laptops, the study was able to show that ERM waves had other, less obvious effects on laptop users. There was evidence of protein changes in the skin in addition to brain cell damage. A serious long term effect of the ERM wave radiation is a link to brain tumors and salivary gland cell tumors. Furthermore, a second type of radiation, ELF, known as extremely low radiation, is projected through laptop use. ELF has been connected to sleep disorders, allergic reactions, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumors.

Although I am not directly affected by this concern, another effect of the radiation of laptops is a decrease in male fertility. According to The Journal of Human Reproduction, male’s who actively have laptops on their laps are at a higher risk of damaging sperm count. There are two hypothesises on why laptops can reduce male sperm count. The first theory is that the heat of the laptop damages the vital male organs needed to produce sperm. The second theory is that the ERM radiation itself kills the sperm. Both hypothesises are regarded as possible mechanisms for the proven decrease in sperm count. It is even possible it is a combination of both theories that are active in the reduction of fertility.

As one can see, laptop radiation is a serious health concern that all laptop users should be aware of. However, does it make difference if the laptop is sitting on your lap or a desk? According to an article published in 2012, there is not much of a difference between having a laptop on your lap versus on on a desk when it comes to radiation. Although the lower half of your body is not directly exposed to radiation when the laptop is sitting on a desk, by typing directly onto the laptop, you are still experiencing direct exposure to radiation. In order to use a computer in the safest way possible, the device itself and the keyboard should be separated, minimizing the levels of radiation transferred between device and user.

In conclusion- next time you sit down to write a blog, maybe think about using a desk top computer in the library instead of exposing yourself to the dangerous radiation of laptops!!!

Why Do My Lungs Burn?

Have you ever ran, worked out or played a sport outdoors in cold temperatures? If you answered yes, then you most likely have experienced the painful, dreadful sensation of feeling as though your throat and lungs are on fire in addition to feeling a tightening sensation in your chest. But why? What is it about the temperature of the air that causes such an uncomfortable feeling?


The sensation is caused by a complicated process that occurs within our bodies every time we take a breath of cold air. As you take in a breath of cold air your body immediately begins working to warm the air to body temperature. The process begins as the nasal cavity and windpipe work together to warm the cold air. Because cold air is, general speaking, very dry, cells in the nasal cavity and windpipe infuse the cold air with humidity in order to add moisture to the dry air. The humidity helps warm the temperature of the air while reducing the dryness. Dehydration and irritation occur when the cells give up their humidity to the cold air. The dehydration and irritation cause a burning sensation within the windpipe, which is the feeling we experience when we take in a breathe of cold air. (Wonderopolis)

While you are working out, you are taking more and deeper breathes in order to fuel your body versus if you were only standing outside or walking at a comfortable, slow pace. This is why we only experience the burning and tightness in our chests when we are participating in challenging physical activity. Furthermore, going on a run or engaging in a sport outdoors requires participants to take short and sharp breathes as well as deep breaths. These short and sharp breaths cause irritation in the lungs and chest as it challenges the body to keep up with warming process, which can be difficult to do. As your body struggles to keep up with warming the new air, your lungs become irritated causing your chest to feel a tightening sensation.


According to a study done by scientists E.C Deal Jr, E.R McFadden, R. H Ingram, R. H Strauss and J. J Jaeger, the respiratory heat exchange of changing cold air to body temperature can also cause exercise-induced asthma, furthering the feeling of a tight chest and burning throat. The experiment had those involved in the study breathe in dry air in between the temperatures of zero to 80 degrees Celsius. The scientists then changed the temperature from the before indicated temperatures to temperatures ranging from -11 to 37 degrees Celsius and observed the changes. The study showed that the more moisture there was in the air depending on temperature, the less bronchospasms those involved in the study experienced. The results thus showed that the drier the air, the harder and more painful breathing is for those working out in cold air. However, it is possible that the study could be due to chance or a fluke. As a result, the hypothesis that the temperature and dryness of the air can cause exercise-induced asthma in the cold, is either correct or a false positive.

However, if you enjoy running and working out outdoors all year round, do not panic! There are scientifically proven ways to help prevent and reduce the burning and tightening sensations. The number one prevention method is to use a scarf or piece of clothing to cover your mouth in order to trap in warm air. Furthermore, its important to hydrate before running because the more moisture in your body, the more moisture available to help warm and hydrate the cold, dry air. Both methods are simple ways that allow you to continue your outdoor workouts in a healthy, comfortable way!

Why Do We Dream?

Dreaming is a phenomenon frequently questioned but almost never answered. Dreams are experiences everyone encounters almost every night. However, why do we dream? What do our dreams mean? What scientific function do they serve? These are questions that scientists today still have not answered. Despite overall uncertainty, there are, however, several possible hypothesis developed to answer the question of why we dream.

In order to understand the science behind why we dream, we must first define what dreaming is. Dreams occur most often during the REM cycle, there are, however, other stages of sleep where dreaming is possible. The REM cycle is a sleep stage that occurs when there is a temporary paralysis of the muscles and rapid eye movement. It is important to note that while the eyes are rapidly moving, the toes and and fingers are also moving as they are not paralyzed. Muscles are paralyzed during the REM cycle so that the sleeping person does not act out his or her dream. The REM cycle occurs every 90 minutes and while it starts out lasting for short periods of time, in the beginning only 3 minutes at a time, the later into the sleep, the longer the REM cycle lasts. An individual begins sleeping 50% of his or her time in the REM cycle as an infant but by adulthood the REM cycle usually encompasses only 22% of the sleep. As a result, individuals sleep about a third of his or her life and only experience the REM cycle a twelve of his or her life.



In an article done by the Huffington Post, scientists shared their beliefs on why we dream while in the REM cycle. While some scientists believe there is no real reason for why we dream, others argue that dreaming is a form of individual cleansing. Those who believe that dreaming works to cleanse an individual claim that dreaming is a process which affects the mental, physical and emotional aspects of a person. Scientists in the article expressed their beliefs that dreaming is a natural process needed for the mental health of an individual. For example, dreams open doors of creativity which allow individuals to work through problems and emotions usually clouded by conscious thoughts. As a result, one is able to come in touch with their inner most emotions. The article gave an example of a golfer, Jack Nicklaus, who in a dream realized the hand placement mistake he had been making in all of his games. Nicklaus was able to adjust his positioning in real life the next day on the course and preformed greater than he had been before the dream.

Scientists J. Allan Hobson and Robert McClarley proposed their own hypothesis for why we dream in 1977. Both men determined that, in their opinion, dreaming is a process of synthesizing and interpreting different internal signals experienced by the mind every day. Dreaming is taking such signals and trying to find meaning and purpose behind them. The signals can range anywhere from being emotions to memories to sensations to future anticipations. Hobson and McClarley came to their conclusion by examining changes to the amygdala and hippocampus during the REM cycle while an individual is dreaming. In this analysis, dreaming was broken down into two separate categories. The first category is manifest content which is the actual content of a dream, whether that be thoughts, images and pictures. The second category is latent content. Latent content is the hidden meaning and psychology behind the dreams we have, thus the synthesizing signals hypothesis.


Finally, a theory known as the the Information Processing Theory is the idea that dreams are simply a way for us to break down and go through all the information we learned, experienced and came in contact with throughout the day. Scientists who support this theory believe that dreaming is just a small part of the overall information processing aspect of the brain.

Although scientists are unable to pinpoint why we dream to one specific hypothesis, there are several very valid, potential hypothesises. In order to determine just which hypothesis is the correct answer to the question, a trial would have to be conducted.

If I were to design a experiment for this question I would conduct a control trial in which scientists observe one individual while he or she sleeps. When the individual enters the REM cycle stage of sleep, scientists would have to analyze which aspect of the brain is being used and or affected during the dream. For example, if the scientists are able to identify that the hippocamus and amygdala, then we would have evidence that points towards the hypothesis that dreams do in fact work to synthesize and make sense of internal factors.

Overall, dreaming is a very intriguing, yet difficult topic for scientists to pinpoint.

How Beneficial Is Working Out For One’s Mental Health?

How beneficial is working out for one’s mental health? According to most studies, exercise and healthy minds go hand in hand.


In a clinical randomized control trial conducted by researchers, Frank Penedo and Jason Dahn, the connection between exercise and mental health was evaluated. The results showed that the more one worked out, the healthier mood and mental state the individual was in. The study included participants from a variety of races and social economic backgrounds. Furthermore, the study was conducted on both men and women. As a result, sex, race and economic background cannot be considered an “z” variable. This trial did consider obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease. In a similar study done by Carlyle H Folkins and Wesley E Sime, both scientists observed that physical training on a regular basis causes more efficient work and study skills, better moods and a better self awareness. Thomas Stephens preformed a meta-anaylsis on four previously analyzed surveys regarding mental health and exercise. The feedback of the study showed that those who worked out had lower levels of stress and anxiety. As a result, working out does in fact increase mental health as those who engage in physical activity more often than others generally have more positive moods.

Working out leads to a healthier mind for several reasons. The number one reason is that exercise greatly reduces stress. Although when students or workers are bombarded with work-causing them to be stressed-and couldn’t imagine finding any time in their busy schedules to fit in a workout, it is actually extremely beneficial to do so. When one works out, stress is relieved as the release of nor-epinephrine is greatly increased. Nor-epinephrine is a natural chemical in the brain that controls the brain’s reaction to great amounts of stress.  After an intense workout, BDNF is released, which is a protein which the brain is normally deprived of. BDNF helps one make more conscious, well though out decisions while also helping to reach higher levels of thinking and analysis. As a result, working out while in extremely stressful situations can help reduce stress and clear your mind.


In addition to reducing stress, working out helps individuals become more motivated and more focused. Working out helps the brain start flowing. After a workout, creativity levels in individuals are increased for up to almost two hours following the workout. In addition, exercise sharpens your ability to retain information. During a workout, the hippocamus is stimulated. The hippocamus helps with memory and ability to learn new information. In one study, students were conducted to do sprints before being asked to memorize a list of vocabulary. Those who did sprints before the vocabulary memorization test preformed better than those who did not work out beforehand. Furthermore, exercising can help lead to a better mental health as working out creates new brain cells in a process called neurogensis. The creation of new brain cells leads to healthier and more efficient brains which in turn leads to a greater mental health.

In addition to developing a strong brain in regards to stress levels and motivation and concentration levels, working out can help individuals live lives in a healthier mental state through the release of endorphins. Endorphines are released during a workout and cause “happy” feelings in those exercising. Euphoria is created through endorphins. In fact, in an article done by the HuffingtonPost, it was stated that in some instances, exercise is just as effective, if not more effective, than anti-depressant medicines as a result of the release of endorphins.


Although working out can seem like a pain-it is well worth the pain. Not only does working out help increase mental happiness by engendering a greater self confidence through looking and feeling better- but it also helps maintain a higher level of mental health. Next time you are stressed out or just not feeling yourself-head to the gym! A good workout can do wonders.

Can You Really Die From a Broken Heart???

It is in fact true that a person can die from a broken heart. According to an article by ABC News, after experiencing emotional turmoil, it is possible for a distressed person to pass from heart complications caused by heartbreak. Broken Heart Syndrome occurs as a result of the heart being unable to pump blood because of a surge of hormones shooting through the body. In addition, a person is much more likely to experience other heart complications, such as stroke and heart attack, when under emotional stress.


Broken heart syndrome is different than a heart attack. A heart attack is caused by blood blockages so that oxygen cannot reach the heart. On the other hand, Broken Heart Syndrome does not show any indications of blood clots or blocked arteries. It is important to note that deaths and break ups are not the only triggers of broken heart syndrome. Positive shocks can even cause Broken Heart Syndrome. For example, there was a case in which someone experienced Broken Heart Syndrome after being shocked by a surprise party.

Although Broken Heart Syndrome can lead to death, thus establishing that yes, one can die from a broken heart, those that are able to survive an episode of Broken Heart Syndrome have a quick recovery. It takes about 2 to 4 weeks for a patient to fully recover from Broken Heart Syndrome (The American Heart Association).


One statistic, found by a research team at St. George’s University , showed that “16 per 10,000 people whose partners died experienced heart attacks or strokes within 30 days of their partner dying, compared with only 8 per 10,000 from the control population” (Jama). More indirect causes of death as a result of heartbreak occur as a result of complications in areas other than the heart. For example, blood clotting and blood pressure can be negatively affected if someone is upset enough.

It is important to be aware of such health complications as Broken Heart Syndrome can easily be played off as a myth. I wasn’t sure myself if it was true before writing this blog. There is not many prevention methods for Broken Heart Syndrome other than to try to mitigate one’s emotions and stress when he or she is extremely upset.

Are Cell Phones Ruining Our Social Skills?

Cell phone, social media and technological interactions are ruining our generations face to face communication skills. The use of technology to communicate has drastically increased over the past two decades. In 2002 only 10% of the world’s population used cell phones and by 2005 that number had risen to 46% (Pierce). Although technology is great and all-what is it doing to the way teens communicate now a days? It is completely transforming our culture.


A study done by Tamyra Pierce examined 280 high school students to assess their use of technology and how it affected the students socially. The observational study consisted of a survey in which each student was to answer which social media accounts he or she possessed, how long each spent on his or her phone and how comfortable he or she was in face-to-face situations. The findings showed that there is in fact a correlation between social anxiety of face to face interaction which increases with the amount of online interaction one participates in. Furthermore, students reported that they were much less nervous meeting friends online than they were meeting new people in person, both startling pieces of evidence.

Let’s take for example two individuals in a relationship. If the couple spends more time communicating and spending time through texting, there is a loss of affection in the relationship. One misses out on the intimacy of actually spending quality face to face time with someone. Texting and social media allows people to hide behind screens and to not truly express themselves for who they are. In an article referenced by Psych Central, the author stressed that avoiding uncomfortable and undesired situations by addressing them through text message is detrimental. As quoted by Bernard Guerney, founder of the National Institute of Relationship Enhancement, “you grow some when you face things, and I think you lose something when you have to resort to tricky things and not confront people about things that are intimately important” (Psych Central). By communicating through text message and social media, there is a loss in social and personal development. f

In addition, social skills and face to face interactions are damaged through impersonal communication because the individual is unable to express body language, tone, voice, touch and facial expressions through text message.


The science behind such discoveries shows that there is a natural comfort in connecting behind phone screens than face-to-face, which in turn negatively affects how our generation develops and communicates with one another.


Do Rainy Days Cause Depression?

Is it possible that poor weather, especially seasons of poor weather, such as the rain and snow of fall and winter, can cause depression in otherwise happy people? Seasonal Affective Disorder , otherwise known as SAD, is a disorder in which a patient experiences mood shifts beginning in the fall which last through the winter. SAD is completely dependent upon the weather of the cold seasons and reoccurs each year for those affected. Symptoms of SAD include, but are not limited to, feelings of depression, little to no energy, hopelessness and agitation. In some cases, sufferers of SAD can become so depressed they experience suicidal thoughts.


Despite the seemingly direction correlation between the weather and SAD, is this enough to declare causation? Many scientists argue no, the weather alone is not enough to entirely depress the average human. In fact, there are several other outside factors which must be considered in such a hypothesis. Jaab Denissen , a psychologist from Humoboldt University, preformed an experiment in which he studied three different moods: negatively affected moods, positively affected moods and tiredness in an individual. Denissen then chose six weather factors to study to see how each condition would affect the three selected moods. Denissen decided to focus in on: sunlight, wind power, photoperiod, air pressure, precipitation and temperature. After a period of experimentation, the results found that the weather conditions have very little effect on the moods of the studied humans.

The interesting aspect discovered in Denissen’s experiment was that there was however a considerable connection between sunlight and energy. In a study done by Kelly Rohan , a professor of psychology from the University of Vermont, it is the lack of sunlight in the off seasons that cause shifts in mood. The rain or snow alone cannot cause such major shifts. As it gets colder, rainier and snowier as the winter approaches, it is important to remember the days themselves get shorter. It is this factor that can cause disorders such as SAD, not the weather. The less sunlight one is able to soak in, the less serotonin one is able to take in and thus the less energy one is able to experience. On a more obvious level, the darker it gets in the morning—the harder it is it to get out of bed. Whether it is raining or not, the darker it is, the more difficult it is for humans to get up and begin their day.


In another study , done by Wallethub Best & Worst, scientists found that there is a correlation between weather and health which may in turn affect mood, once again proving that the rainy weather alone does not have an impact on mood, but that several other factors are affected which in turn may have an effect on humans. Change in weather, especially poor weather, can cause health issues in people such as, but not limited to, respiratory complications, headaches and changes in blood pressure. Such health conditions, caused by poor weather, in turn can affect a person’s mood as he or she may find oneself in discomfort, agitated and inconvenienced by the health complications. The rain itself does not have a direct affect on mood in most people.



Does the Time of Day You Work Out Affect Your Results?

Working out is working out…whether that be in the morning, afternoon, or evening, engaging in physical activity will be beneficial regardless, however, are there certain times of the day that are better than others? According to one study , it appears as though working out at night is the best time of day to maximize performance.  Body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure all decrease as the day goes on, thus reaching their lowest points at night time. Muscle power increases as body temperature decreases, thus improving stamina and performance. Furthermore, muscles become more relaxed as the day progresses which allows for greater flexibility during a workout. In addition to greater flexibility, the relaxation of muscles greatly decreases chance of injury. Protein synthesis, whereby more biological cells create new proteins, peaks at night as well.


In a separate study, a Women’s Health magazine concluded that enzyme activity and muscular function increase as well, even further aiding to an increase in workout performance.

While some may argue that working out at night can cause insomnia, working out at night can actually help in one’s ability to sleep through the night. In a recent study , while there have been connections found between working out right before bed and an increased inability to fall asleep, there are also connections between working out late at night and sleeping through the night. When one works out at night, the increase in body temperature caused by the workout relaxes muscles. The sensation has even been compared to the sensation of taking a warm bath before bed.


In the graph above, one can see that the results were drastically greater for those than exercised later in the day rather than in the morning.

While exercising at any time of day will be a beneficial and rewarding activity, it seems as though there are indeed times throughout the day more beneficial for overall performance than others.

Should Americans Fear Alien Abduction?

While there have been a reported four million American alien abductions since the 1940’s, are such encounters legitimate? Or is there another, science related, reason behind such instances? Alien abduction stories have surfaced for decades…a farmer abducted out in the fields while working, a woman taken out of the comfort of her own bedroom…the scenarios go on and on but always possess the same underlying story. The majority of alien abductees claim after being taken against their will by extraterrestrial creatures, a series of physical and psychological tests are preformed on them before they are returned to their location of abduction. The majority of alien abductees are returned physically unharmed. In some instances, as in the case of two teenage boys living in Venezuela, the aliens do in fact out in violence and injure the victims. While walking in nearby woods, the two boys were forced to fight off “small hairy aliens” after finding their space craft. In another story, a man was woken in the middle of the night to find intruders in his room. The unknown creatures forced him to come with them against his will and ultimately kidnapped, tested, drugged and raped the man before returning him.


Despite the wide vary of alien abduction stories and the consistency of such stories, science can in fact explain such extraterrestrial encounters. Alien abductions are not real. Alien abductions are hallucinations and lucid dreams which are experienced during sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis, an alarming and terrifying sensation for those experiencing the disorder, occurs when one becomes “aware” before his or her REM cycle ends. While the disorder can last seconds to minutes, the victim of sleep paralysis finds him or herself “paralyzed” in his or her own body, with the exception of the mobility of the eyes. There are two different points in which one can experience sleep paralysis over night. Hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs while one is falling asleep while hypnopompic occurs while one is waking up.

In a recent study, an Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles preformed an experiment which studied twenty volunteers while sleeping and attempting to stimulate lucid dreaming. Of the twenty volunteers, seven were able to “come in contact” with aliens during their hallucination in just one night of lucid dreaming.

During sleep paralysis, the threat-detection systems in the amygdala are activated which causes the ability for one to think that he or she is hearing footsteps, seeing or hearing the presence of evil intruders in the room or experiencing out of body sensations and levitation. “Old Hag” is a popular case of sleep paralysis in which an old woman is appeared to be trapping the victim by sitting on his or her chest and attempting strangulation. sleep paralysis

Scientists in the United States, Japan and China have proven that at least 40 to 50 percent of people experience sleep paralysis. Furthermore, a study done by Jan Dirk Blom shows that humans fear what they know. As a result, those who are more exposed to alien culture, whether it be books, movies, documentaries, are more likely to have hallucinations during their sleep paralysis which are alien abduction related, thus waking up believing they truly had an alien encounter.

All in all, Americans do not need to fear alien abduction. Science of sleep paralysis can prove it all. To all the Doomsday Preppers- have no fear!


intial blog post

I decided to take this course at the suggestion of my academic adviser. I had never been a big math or science person in high school and frequently found myself either struggling or simply uninterested in the material. As a result, my adviser suggested this course as an interesting alternative for non science majors. I appreciate science and recognize its importance but am not interested in personally engaging in  scientific studies or participating in labs myself. I am not planning on being a science major because I have struggled with my science courses in high school and do not have many pleasant memories from them, business and law suit me much better.

bill Nye here’s a link to a bill Nye video!!!!!

and a nice picture of science happening
