Author Archives: Julian Nelson Smith

What is Creatine?

Over the course of the last two years or so, I’ve started to develop an inclination to work out. As I went to the gym more and more, I witnessed a kid grow drastically stronger, and become more developed, just in the course of about a month or so. Intrigued to say the least, I asked him how he achieved this feat. He responded with “creatine, dude”. An artificial substance that can be used to further enhance your workout, and allow you to make progress significantly quicker, creatine allows you to obtain more power while you are working out.

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Although creatine is in no way innocuous to your body, in the long run, there are many other substances that are undeniably worse. However, Interestingly enough, this white powdery substance, taken once a day with your workout can assist you in obtaining muscle quicker than you can even imagine.

Getting behind the actual science of this substance; Creatine increases the ATP, which is “the source of energy that is used to power the movement of contraction in working muscles is adenosine triphosphate,” as stated here.   In addition, your muscle cells become bloated with water, making it easier for them to grow. So, when you are at the gym, and you are trying to impress the girls around you, you’re in luck. As a result of your muscles becoming filled with water, your muscles are deceivingly more impressive than they should be.

However, although creatine sounds absolutely amazing, taking too much of it can effect your liver later in life. It is recommended in this article, that people who take creatine only take it consistently for one month, followed by a month without it, and then back on it.


Spiders and their weird habits



Did you know that spiders eat each other for fun? Interestingly enough, this concept is prevalent amongst spiders. In this article, it says that women spiders “consume the mail spider either before or after copulation” ( Therefore, if the male is lucky, and perhaps “on his game”, he will have the privilege of mating before he is instantly a post coitus entrée. The real question is, “why do female spiders consume their mating partners before, during, or after sex?

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There are actually a few reasons why women spiders engage in this pursuit (eating males). By consuming male spiders, the female spiders “provide a nutritional advantage, or rid the population of an undesirable father.”

What I found to be excessively comical, however, is that female spiders actually have preferences towards whom they want to mate with. How in the world could this be the case when essentially every male spider has similar characteristics and appearances as the male spider next to them?  Female spiders are definitely picky towards whom they would like to mate with. And, unfortunately, if the female doesn’t like the appearance of the male spider at a first glance, dinner is served.

Aside from those two observations, scientists have also concluded in this article that “perhaps the spider is just hungry, and she might have impulse control”.

Female spiders can detect male spiders in poor condition versus those in optimal condition, and, obviously no woman wants a weak man. Well, interestingly enough, women spiders share the same thought process. They are naturally inclined to the stronger looking spider, and, if you don’t meet their requirements, prepare to be a meal. All I can say is, I am sure glad that I am not a spider.

How do our bodies do that?

When we sleep, how are our bodies naturally conditioned to continue breathing as if we were awake? Further analyzing this concept, we have the ability to dictate whether or not we want to breathe. We are able to hold our breath, breathe for a short period of time, or even take long, deep breaths. Can you imagine if our bodies didn’t naturally breathe when we sleep? Well, we would be dead. That’s for sure.

It’s intriguing to an excessive degree to see how our brains are essential functions in our lives. “While sleeping, unconscious breathing is caused by the brain stem.” Essentially, this means that regardless of if we are dictating when we breathe or not, we will sill be conditioned to breathe, because that’s what our brain tell us to do. Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 4.46.06 PM

The body in and of itself is a convoluted mechanism. What our bodies can do by themselves is absolutely mind-boggling. The fact that if I fall and get a cut, that my body can refurbish that wound and produce a scab, is a concept that is impeccable. So, when your brother, sister, or even you, trips and falls on the ground, and gets a gaping wound on their knee, “the body naturally responds by limiting blood loss by reducing the amount of blood flowing to the wounded area“.  After this step has concluded, the body works with the proteins that are already in our blood, and the “blood platelets already in place, to form a protective covering called a scab.” Thankfully, our bodies are always working to help us.  In return, I think its plausible that we take care of our bodies, because we only get one of them.


Is milk bad for you?

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Ever since I’ve been going to the doctor’s office, since I was little, my pediatrician would always encourage me to “drink your milk”. It will “help you grow” I heard a copious amount of times. Guess what, I haven’t grown since the 8th grade. Hopefully I still have a chance to obtain that 6 foot feat of mine, however, what this situation really has me pondering is, is milk actually good for you?  Or better yet, can it actually be bad for you?  Why are we constantly told to consume milk? Well, according to the Dairy Education board, along with various other sources, milk is a “deadly poison”.

One of the most prevalent claims made against consuming milk is that it “contains cancer causing hormones”. However, although there are aspects of milk that are considered harmful to our body, there are also beneficial aspects such as helping us grow muscle faster, as well as consuming milk “2 to 3 times a day lowers the likelihood of both a heartattack and stroke”.

Well, in fact, milk actually “depletes the calcium from your bones”. This process takes place when the calcium is carried out of the bones. When the calcium “leaves the bones, it exits our bodies when we urine, thus causing an actual calcium discrepancy.”  Well, regardless of what people tell me, I can assure you one thing, I’m still going to consume milk daily.  It may be a myth that milk helps you grow, and it also may be a myth that milk is good for your bones, but I have not heard a single doctor that I have had say “Julian, milk isn’t good for you, you should stop drinking it” have you?  Also, I like the taste of it.



Hello, my name is Julian Smith.  I intend on majoring in marketing, and thus far, nothing has discouraged me from switching my major (yes I know, I have only been on campus for 6 days so perhaps that could change).  I am from Maryland.  When I briefly met with my advisor at orientation, I confidently told her that I had absolutely no intention taking a science class because I simply detest science (at least I did in high school).  This class shockingly fascinated me instantly because firstly, our professor is from New Zealand, and secondly, this course is more of a conceptual course rather than a factual course, which I find to be much more intriguing and useful in the future.  Furthermore, I intend on pursuing marketing so I think that understanding the conceptual aspect of this course can really benefit me in the future when I am hopefully conducting business.

I decided to take this course because the material covered is not laborious lab work but rather fascinating conceptual material that we can relate to our everyday lives.  I understand that society absolutely revolves around science, and scientists to develop cures, treatments, ect.  However, I have never found lab work interesting.  In addition, I also find science to be an extremely convoluted field, hence why I have decided not to major in it.  Aside from that, I love going to the beach.

This is a picture of Anguilla.  Right next to both St. Maarten and St. Barths lies this small yet absolutely breathtaking island.  I visited this island over the summer, as it is a tradition to visit it every year.  I have never been in a more serene atmosphere before.

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