Author Archives: jvn5243

Is binge watching Law and Order good for you?

Calling one and all that spend most nights on Netflix watching law and order! Good news, it can actually be good for you. I first saw this article while surfing E! News; I was shocked to find out that watching a Netflix show can be good for you. After I read the article and researched the study it made sense that watching crime shows over and over again can increase our known perception on sexual violence.


There was a study to prove this in Northwestern University using 313 college freshman as participants I felt as though using college students as the participants made the most sense because most college students watch a show on Netflix constantly especially those who watch Law and Order, NCIS, or CSI. I never watched any of those show religiously. I only catch them when I am flipping through the channels, however, I started to watch Chicago PD when it premiered last year and instantly loved it and found myself gaining more knowledge on the tactics of staying safe in an environment and what I should do as a young girl who doesn’t have the strongest muscles and feels too weak to protect herself. The study uses facts about the social cognitive theory that such storylines in these crime shows will ultimately reflect on the audience being safe and avoiding crime.


The study also found that people watching the show are learning the dangers of being involved in the federal system and making them more cautious to do the right thing. I agree with this study and the findings that they have concluded because I believe any television show that can be informative about real life issues is worth the binge watching. To take this study further I would have seen exactly what kind of content created the most educational understanding. I would further evaluate this study by seeing who watches law and order more, guys or girls and then relate back to the content of the episodes to understand if it helps males or females more with sexual content.


Does the weather affect our mood?


It’s happens to all of us and its only going to get worse with the temperature dropping day by day and the months going from October to January quickly that is how the weather affects or mood, or does it? If it’s pouring out one day all we all want to do is stay in bed all day watching Netflix and never want to see the outdoors even if last night we didn’t mind thinking about getting out of bed. However, because we saw the rain the next morning we instantly have no motivation to get out of bed. Why is this?


Picture this your on a beach in the Caribbean the sun is shining but not too much you feel a slight warm breeze with the ocean waves riding in laying on a lounge chair. Who could possibly be in a bad mood in that moment? If anything one’s mood has went up from that.

According to Denissen in 2008 he found that weather has a low impact on increasing someone’s mood it has a greater impact on decreasing someone’s mood by weather that is cloudy, or filled with rain and extreme heat. On this website there wasn’t much information about a certain study or proving this statement. If I conducted the study I would have included written evidence on why this happens and some kind of proof using different participants. The research also states that your mood defines where you live and the regular weather that occurs. This is almost obvious that if one lives in San Diego and it rains it will decrease their mood because people are not used to it. I think this information makes a lot of sense and doesn’t give new evidence that the audience wouldn’t know already. I believe all of these facts are self-explanatory to the result that weather can or can not affect one’s mood it has different impacts depending on where you are geographically or your personality psychologically.


When is the creamery its busiest and why?

When I visited Penn State for the first time, I was here for about a day and I had heard every single person talk about the ice cream. I was so confused, how could ice cream be that good? What was so special about the ice cream? My dad and I had a long way back to New York and knew we were going to hit traffic but I forced my dad stop into the creamery and get some ice cream. I had to hear what all the chaos was about.

I remember thinking this place is so big, there are so many tables and no one around, that is because it was the middle of February and during the school week. What I had realized during summer session was that there was never enough space in the creamery and there weren’t enough workers to fill all the needs of the hungry people. I decided to investigate when the record-breaking sales were, or in other words when I should avoid the creamery lines at all times. In an article it states that there were record-breaking sales this year during Arts Fest weekend, which takes place in July. According to an article, during that weekend the creamery sold 16,270 cones and bowls from the shop and in another temporary location. I think this source could have investigated a little bit more as to why they were making all that revenue from one weekend. If I was the experimenter I would have resulted back to other Arts Fest weekends and seen how they did in revenue compared to this year and see what percentage this year specifically went up by. I do agree with their findings because it provides clear information on the amount of ice cream they sold during that weekend and the number makes sense because it has been busy all day when there isn’t a huge event going on campus. I was surprised to find out the breaking record sales were during Arts Fest and not anytime near home football games. Once I think about it now, I would never even investigate in it because all people want on game day is a cheeseburger and a blanket. It doesn’t make sense for they’re to be an intense scientific study on it because it is self-explanatory that is why there are not a lot of results and studies on the topic. During July in the beating sun of Happy Valley is when people would want an ice cream cone. If I would improve this article and create more of a scientific I would compare the arts fest sales from previous years to this year.

The Berkey Creamery also gave back to charity using Peachy Paterno. An article stated that in 2013 the creamery took all that was made on Peachy Paterno from the previous year being $4,000, and gave it all to charity. The money went to an organization that helped children with sexual abuse and provided the creamery with charitable relationships with different organizations. Berkey Creamery is always there for a delicious cone or bowl on a nice hot day and if you are in the mood to wait online for thirty minutes or more.


Commitment: Is it only a girl thing?

As a fan of the Notebook, Dear John, and just about every other romantic movie there is, growing up I had high expectations for the male generation to be like Noah Calhoun from the Notebook, Romeo from Romeo and Juliet and my ultimate favorite Jack Dawson from the Titanic. Unfortunately in State College I haven’t found that guys are interested in the commitment, and I also haven’t found that some girls are either. Which leads me to the question of is it true? Does anyone want the commitment? Is love dead?


There was a study done by Oxford University that 341 people participated in that involved taking an online psychological research survey in which they were asked about their role to their best friend and role to their romantic partner, to see if it was equal. It was proven that women generally treat their friends with cooperation instead of competition; women also placed their significant other higher than themselves on a scale of importance. As being a young adolescent I have observed lots of relationships and always find it rare when the guy is interested more than the woman because I think women care more about their relationship than anything else more than themselves because they like the attention, dependence and loyalty they receive. The study came to a significant point in the conclusion that women’s overall happiness depends more on their happiness in their intimate relationship. This doesn’t shock me because of how much women overthink things and are constantly looking for a new relationship to feel happy again. According to the Oxford University and a different study women are functioned as nurturers, they have the need to take care of people. Both women and men are interested in intimacy in the relationship, but have different benefits that go along with that. Women tend to want to sharpen their connection on an emotional and long lasting level. Men are not interested in creating a home together and being in a relationship for years to come, they are more focused on their work and making an impact in the each relationship than one for a longer time. I think this is very accurate information but is not a true statistical study. The information provided would have been more clearly with valid participants and research method such as a survey explaining which role one plays in the relationship.



There is an article done by her campus, which is a college based BuzzFeed or odyssey that I am a writer for and there was an article about the other perspective. This blog talks about why guys want a relationship rather than why they don’t. One of my favorite quotes from the blog is by a graduate of Vanderbilt University named Timmy. He says, “Being a gentleman means respecting women and knowing that they’re your equal. When I see women, I’m interested [in them] as my equals; I want to be their partner and their boyfriend.” I think there will always be the distinction, especially in college whether or not this guy wants the commitment or not even maybe the girl. There is no set answer on this hypothesis, excuse the cliché but, when it’s meant to be, it will last.


Are mediums real?

I’m from Long Island, and when people talk about Long Island, the stereotype is usually a rich girl with not a lot of responsibilities, a lot of beaches and good food. Lately people have also been talking about the Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo. The Long Island Medium premiered on TLC in 2011. I used to watch it at home and be in awe of how she could tell stories from those that have crossed overs and initially changed people’s lives. My aunt went to go see her in a big group setting and my grandma came through and they discussed how my aunt had a piece of my grandma’s jewelry in her purse, and Theresa asked my aunt why she didn’t have it on her body. She was shocked and couldn’t believe that Theresa knew that she had my grandma’s piece of jewelry in her purse.


I had always believed in mediums from the highly rated reality television show on TLC and from my aunt’s experience. As I was researching if other people thought this was true and to see if maybe I was the only fool, I landed upon a study written by Adam J. Rock, Julie Beischel, and Christopher C. Cott. It was a study that tested the reliability of a handful of mediums through questionnaires, psychology tests, interviews, and readings. The results of the study showed that the mediums did possess a certain emotion to the people presented with the readings. There will always be the skeptics and it could just be a something you believe in or not. There is no scientific evidence that is saying, “yes, it is real” or “no, it is not real.” I think it is about your experience and trusting different people.

There is also a new television show called, Monica the Medium in which it stars a college student that attends Penn State and just so happens to be a medium. Next time you are walking downtown or on campus look out for Monica and see if you believe in it for yourself.

Is playing field hockey damaging to your back?

I remember picking up a stick for the first time and being confused on where to put it and what to do with it. I had just been in the need for a new group of friends, and a new hobby. That’s when my older cousin, introduced to me to the sport that I have ever really loved. It took me a while to learn how to play “properly” with my back straight and my stick down. Most people believe you can hurt your spine from playing with your back curved going through players and down the field. This thought has always crossed my mind since I played field hockey for four years and have had back issues, but always thought the causation was chance.



There was a study done to find out if field hockey players did have injuries due to playing the actual sport. The participants speculated that they had injuries and pain in their lower back and came to the conclusion it had something to do with field hockey. The subjects were female NCAA Division III field hockey players between the ages of 18 to 24. The study included taking a survey of the girls on the team of the kind of lower back pain they were experiencing that didn’t relate to their menstruation. The questions included how high their lower back pain was, the mechanisim of the injury, and locations of their symptoms. The study results actually shocked me in the way that they did not show any correlation of having to do with each other. According to the data from the study, the pain the women were feeling in their lower back had nothing to do with field hockey or playing it excessively.

I always played field hockey knowing to stretch my back and keep it straight or else I will have major back issues and do permanent damage to my lower back. Even though you can’t do damage to your back by playing field hockey, I still know the right and wrong of playing with a stick and a ball.

Who doesn’t like shopping?!

I have always loved school shopping, the brand new styles, the fact that I could finally buy winter clothes because by the time it was August I was ready for sweatshirts and boots. It would be something my mom and my sisters would all do together, even though I would always beg my mom for my sisters to stay home because I was a selfish nine year old who just wanted more shopping time for me. As a kid I was in the dead of summer I would always get excited to go school shopping, it would be something us girls would do together.

Walking into a store when I was nine school shopping with my mom and sisters, and now shopping in downtown State College with my new friends still gives me the same effect, an excitement like no other. There have been many studies done by different psychologists to conclude that shopping displays a positive enforcement in the body. Russell proclaimed in 1980 that shopping was “a positive and emotional state that consists of high level of pleasure and arousal.” Many psychologist have come up with different hypothesis’ having to do with shopping malls and how they can keep customers in the stores as long as possible. Milliman in 1986 came to the conclusion that the longer people stay in the mall, the more they are likely to spend. This means people need to be active, and busy at looking at different things and wanting to stay longer and spend more. Psychologists known as Bellenger in 1992 and McGoldrick and Thompson in 1992 have suggested that the physical environment in the mall is what makes people stay. Other hypotheses suggest involvement with shopping will have a positive effect on excitement, and the desire to stay in the mall. There was a survey done to prove most of this hypothesis done in an enclosed community mall that was in a town with about 20,000 residents. It contained three branch department stores, with limited space, a discount store, and 20 smaller stores in the mall. This is the only mall in the community with a 20-30 mile radius of each other in the community. The surveys were completed over the span of four days, 517 surveys were conducted. The results of the observational study were the desire to stay in the mall was 62.5% and excitement was 54.3%, which supported both hypotheses presented.

I agree with the study presented and the excitement of going to the mall and buying new clothes. No matter your age, or gender getting new things and staying at the mall for a long duration can lead to a great day whether you are shopping, eating or enjoying the entertainment.

Does your ability to solve a math problem having something to do with your gender?

I have always wondered what it would be like to be good at science. Growing up I never was, and never grasped the concepts of the planets, and never quite understood the periodic table of elements as quickly as most people. I never thought about why it was never my thing. I certainly never thought it had anything to do with my gender.

I have always been interested in gender studies, to see how we are different and similar in particular ways. In a study done in 1976 it was concluded by Goldman and Hewitt that SAT math scores were the deciding factor to see if that person would be a science major. Most people will say if you are a math person, you are a science person as well. That was never the case with me, I was never interested in science but I was good at math. My SAT scores in math were my best, but that didn’t mean I was going to become a science major. Bandura, who is a psychologist that studies specific behavior, changes. In 1981 Betz and Hackett conducted a study illustrating the self-efficacy concept done by Bandura, and relating it to career-related behaviors. Mostly used with mathematics ability through males and females to investigate how and why there are more men that are science majors than women.

In the experiment there were fifty males and sixty-four females participating voluntarily and all undergraduate students enrolled in introduction psychology courses. Subjects choose to participate and received college credit. The experiment were split to test mathematics one day and science the second. The results varied for the most part in that males are less anxious and negative about their studies than women. They also are more positive towards their studies, where women are not as confident.

I believe that this is true to a certain extent. I believe women are definitely less confident in themselves then men are. I believe it comes from self-esteem issues, and resulting to why women don’t have confidence in anything they are in or achieve. I think women every day are moving farther and farther away from this stereotype as well, and the fact that I am not a science major or have no intention on being has nothing to do with my gender.



Does rushing a sorority effect your self esteem?

The beginning of the fall semester means new clubs, new places to eat, and new friends. A brand new year also means a brand new year for Greek recruitment. I decided to partake in the intense, stressful, sisterhood activities this year as a freshman. So far, I can say it’s taken over my life for the better. Orientation started on Saturday and since then it has been eating, sleep, and recruitment. Since the sorority life has had such a big commitment on my life especially in the last couple of days, I thought it would be the perfect topic to know more about it through the ideas of body image and different experiments used for it.

There was an experiment conducted to research women and their body image while going through the recruitment process. In the full-length experiment, there were 127 participants that were undergraduate women in their first year from 17 to 20 years old. Each participant took multiple surveys discussing their demographics, with their self-esteem, body image and eating habits. Before completing these surveys about being overweight and if they have experience with eating disorders, participants were asked if they were rushing a sorority before answering the questions. The results with the surveys displayed that many young women who did rush a sorority had more body shame than those who didn’t rush a sorority. Women also had a higher risk for bulimia and eating disorders by .3 than those whom didn’t rush a sorority. There was hypothesis titled ‘Initial Impact of Sorority Membership’ that dealt with how girls felt about themselves before rushing and after rushing a sorority. There was only a significant difference in body shame when it was time for the final point and the end of rushing when girls scored higher in eating disorder rates and body shame.

There is many times in which girls rush a sorority and don’t feel any type of body shame or urge to starve him or her. It isn’t like that for me, and I believe that shouldn’t be the case for anyone at Penn State. During recruitment, the sisters and sorority leaders are nice and they’re to help everyone. I believe no girl should feel low self-esteem from Greek life recruitment, from what I have gone to so far in the process; you are in the process of meeting your future sisters, not feeling worse about yourself.


First Blog

My name is Jacqueline Napolitano, I am a Journalism major currently enrolled in the College of Communications.I’m also interested in minoring in Psychology. I am from Long Island, New York.

I took this class because it was the most interesting out of all the science choices that were listed. I wanted to take this course to learn more about different sciences, that were more appealing to the outside world. In high school I never did well in science because it was mostly fact information with formulas I didn’t understand. I am not majoring in science because It doesn’t interest me enough to create experiments and ideas, there are other majors that interest me more. I also don’t think I would succeed because I usually struggle concentrating in science during a regular class period.

I spent a majority of my summer at Penn State this summer. I took a mass media class and a public speaking class. At the end of the semester, I had to create a video that represented my summer and a coming of age story all in my point of view. I uploaded the video on youtube and you can find it here. One weekend during the summer I got a flight out to Orlando, Florida and met my  best friends from home for the weekend. It was easily the best and exhausting weekend of my life.
