Author Archives: Kassidy Schupp

Sleeping Positions and Breathing

I have had asthma and breathing difficulties since I was a baby so naturally I have trouble breathing while I sleep which in turn affects sleep quality. But I am curious to know if certain sleeping positions affect the severity of sleep apnea.


A longitudinal study was done by the Department of Psychiatry, Sleep Disorders Center, and Department of Otolaryngology Columbie University College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York on sleep apnea and sleeping positions.

Four people ages 48, 50, 52, and 60 who were diagnosed with sleep apnea were evaluated in a sleep study called a polysomnography. This type of study “records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements” during sleep (Mayo Clinic). While this test was happening, an observer would take note of sleeping positions throughout the time. They all had initial studies which were used as control studies. Then they were all observed at least three times each over a period of four months “avoiding the supine position for more than 75 per cent of their sleep time” (Amer. Journal of Otolaryngology). In comparison to the control studies, the results of the following studies showed an 80.4% reduction in sleep apnea when successfully refraining from the supine position.


As seen in Table 3 below from The American Journal of Otolaryngology, each of the four study subjects experienced more severe sleep apnea in the supine position (lying on back). In contrast the general pattern for the least amount of sleep apnea was experienced in the prone position (lying on stomach). A possible reason for this was thought to be because the tongue “fall(s) forward” making an open passageway to breathe, but this was determined to be false. It has not been determined for certain what causes the difference in sleep apnea. Now it is thought that it has something to do with the position of the head and neck in relation to opening up air passageways.

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Two possible problematic factors of this study are small sample size and only using males. Basing a study off of four people can be anecdotal because some people may believe the results of this small study and seriously change sleeping habits because of it. Also the ages of the study subjects are all relatively close. In the discussion section of this study they discuss how breathing may change with age “when confounding factors such as decreased muscle tone, weight increase, smoking, alcohol use, present state of health, and medication use may offset the effectiveness of positionaI manipulation alone.”(American Journal of Otolaryngology)

Bottom line: although some cases in this study shows a correlation between sleeping positions and sleep apnea, there is not enough evidence to consider it causal. Another study done by the University of Maryland’s Medical Center disagrees with the study I discussed in this blog; it suggests that sleeping on ones side is the best for lessening sleep apnea. More studies similar to this one should be performed but with a larger sample size (both male and female subjects of different age groups) in order to get a wide range of results, maybe resulting in a better idea of the correlation.



Is eating too close to bedtime bad for your health?

It is a widespread myth that eating food too close to bedtime causes immediate weight gain. I have researched this topic before just out of personal interest and found that the time of day that you eat does not directly cause weight gain. It depends on what and how much a person eats, as well as other confounding variables. Here is one article about that. But now I wonder if there are any other adverse health effects of late-night eating, specifically in terms of depression, self esteem, and daytime hunger.

The severity of Night-Eating Syndrome (NES) in a group of 76 obese outpatients (53 women and 23 men) between the ages of 22 and 60 years old was evaluated in an observational study by the New York Obesity Research Center. This group was selected specifically. The patient must be skipping breakfast and having trouble sleeping at least four days per week and must be consuming over half of his/her calories after 7 at night.

The participants took three tests: the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (a scale assessing how often the individual feels some type of way), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (what/how often someone feels a way about themselves), and the Night Eating Questionnaire. The Night Eating Questionnaire was extremely important because it separated the sample into night eaters and non-night eaters by asking questions such as when one eats and how much. If someone scored above a 25 on the questionnaire, it was likely that he/she is a night eater. After the tests the participants were given a test meal and “were instructed to complete ratings of hunger and fullness, ranging from 0 to 100, both before and after the ingestion of this meal” (Obesity Research).

As seen in the first graph below provided by the New York Obesity Research Center, those who were classified as night eaters by the results of the Night Eating Questionnaire had higher rates of depression and lower self-esteem. This was not mentioned in the study but reverse causation could be a factor because having depression and low self-esteem can sometimes lead to overconsumption of foods, especially unhealthy “comfort” foods. The second graph shows that those with NES (light gray bar) have less day-time hunger, therefore having more night-time hunger, and about half of the fullness rating of those without NES.

depression and self esteem

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The three tests used in this study are open to a lot of error. This is because the respondents could be careless with their answers, leading to inaccurate reports. Also, I think the sample size is too small, allowing for only a limited range of results. The ratio between men and women is differed by 20 people which I also think leaves a lot of room for error when considering the confounding variable of gender.

Not many tests have been conducted on this issue, this may be because the results of past studies have suffered from file drawer problem. Therefore, in order to create a better study and well rounded, usable results I think a larger sample size should be selected. I also think that the sample size should be grouped by age, not as one big cluster with a wide range of ages because age affects the rate at which one’s metabolism works. I then think that those who have illnesses such as diabetes, eating disorders, and/or psychological problems should be eliminated from the study. The questions in the evaluation tests are good, so long as the participants give accurate answers.

According to Jillian Michaels, a nutrition and fitness advocate, although it is NOT causal, nighttime eating can cause weight gain in some people. This is dependent partially on what and how much one is eats and the late night snacks may be additional, unneeded calories. This is also true because if one eats dinner late, he/she will most likely binge eat. She also claims that late night eating can cause people to skip breakfast due to lack of hunger. Breakfast allows the body to be recharged with energy at the beginning of the day, making it less likely for one to over-eat during other meals.

Bottom line is that although late night eating may not directly cause immediate weight gain, it can increase ones caloric intake depending on what and how much the person eats. It can also cause a disruption to ones appetite, affecting his/her other meals throughout the day. Although there is evidence that eating late can correlate with psychological problems, there is insufficient evidence that it can directly cause weight gain.


Can cellphone use cause cancer?

Businessman Making a Call - A trendy European businessman with a blue tie and shirt. Technical details: Camera: 12,8mp full frame Canon 5D, using mostly a Canon 70-200mm 2.8L USM IS. Workflow: (Your guarantee for professionalism) Shot RAW, develop in capture one pro, import to Photoshop in a 16 bit TIFF file, manually clean image for dust, small particles and trademarks, save to TIFF, re-edit after a few days and save to jpg for upload. I never use any noise reduction, except for dark areas without details.

Cell phones and other handheld technology have become almost like a staple in our society. School, work, and basic communication is done through these devices and the use of them continues to rise. In high school my health teacher said that phones could have adverse affects on humans, specifically pertaining to cancer. I am curious to know if this has been proven.

So what has caused the speculation that cell phones cause cancer?? It is due to the radiofrequency energy emissions of phones. “Radiofrequency is a form of electromagnetic radiation.” (National Cancer Institute) Ionizing radiation has been linked to cancer because it causes damage to DNA, but non-ionizing radiation does not. Radiofrequency falls under the category of non-ionizing radiation and therefore has not been found to be causal of cancer.

Studies were conducted to determine the relationship, if any, of cell phone use and head and neck tumors. The first was a case-control study. Therefore the study compared the amount of cell phone use between those with tumors and those without. The results were obtained by interviewing randomly selected 30-59 year olds. I think this was a good age group because cell phones are fairly “new” and this age group are more likely to have used cell phones for more years than that of older or younger generations. They were individually interviewed and asked to complete a questionnaire asking questions pertaining to demographics and cell phone use.

The results of this study showed no change in the odd ratios of glioma or meningioma in relation to cell phone use. The results for acoustic neuroma, however, were slightly different. “There was no trend of increasing ORs with increasing cumulative call time or cumulative number of calls, with the lowest OR (0.48 (0.30‐0.78)) observed in the 9th decile of cumulative call time.” (IIARC Report on Interphone Study) Those on the high end of the spectrum of cell phone use (greater than or equal to 1640 hours) were observed to have a higher OR of 1.32. All of the other data reported refutes this higher OR so, as discussed in class, this result could be highly due to chance or a mistake in the study.

cohort study was done in Denmark on a group of 385,000 cell phone users over the age of 30. Their cell phone bills were tracked as well as “brain tumor incidence data from the Danish Cancer Registry.” (National Cancer Institute) For those who had a subscription greater than or equal to 13 years “the incidence rate ratio was 1.03 (95% confidence interval 0.83 to 1.27) in men and 0.91 (0.41 to 2.04) in women.” (National Cancer Institute) These ratios showed little to no evidence that suggests there is a causal relationship between cell phones and cancer.

Although the results of these study, I do believe they could have been changed to get better results. In the Interphone study, there is a likelihood of inaccurate reporting of cell phone use. In both cases, confounding variables are absolutely possible because many other things are believed be linked to causing cancer. Chance is, of course, another possibility.

I also think that although the age of the study groups were logical in terms of the rising popularity of cell phone usage, a study should be conducted on multiple age groups. I think a study should be created in which a group of 4 or 5 year olds are observed for 20-30 years. This study should take into consideration cell phone use and other demographic factors. Alongside this age group I think other age groups should be observed such as teens (11-18), and people in their 20s and 30s. This study may also help to determine if certain age groups are more susceptible to brain cancers (for example maybe the younger kids are more at risk because their brains are developing more).

This graph, provided by the National Cancer Institute, supports the results of these studies by showing that as the use of cell phones increased, the number of brain cancer incidences stayed around the same with slight fluctuation possibly due to confounding variables.

cancer and phones

Bottom line: There has yet to be results proving that cell phone use correlates with an increased risk of cancer in the head and neck. Long-term studies are in the process of being completed, such as COSMOS and Mobi-Kids in order to see if more time provides better results. If you are concerned about radiofrequency exposure, try using speaker phone or headphones in order to keep the phone further away from your head, or simply talk on the phone less often!



Exercise Improving Sleep

After a good workout at the gym I feel good physically and emotionally. Although during my workout I may feel absolutely awful, I do it because I know that as soon as I walk out of the doors of the IM building afterwords, I will feel great. I also noticed that I feel more relaxed and, therefore, fall asleep easier on days that I exercise versus days that I do not. Is there a correlation?

A self-report study was conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to determine the correlation between exercise and sleep. A group of 3081 adults ranging from ages 18 to 85 were included in the study. Factors such as BMI, age, and physical/mental health issues were taken into account. Each member of the study wore a ActiGraph 7164 accelerometer, a device used to track physical activity, for one week. The study showed that those who got more physical activity reported better nights sleep as well as less sleepiness during the day as opposed to those with less physical activity. These results showed that the likelihood of feeling sleepy during the day “decreased by a factor of 0.65…” (NHANES, 2005)

Although the results of this study are promising because of the similarities between them and other studies, it could be slightly off. This is because it was a self-reported study. People could be reporting a false positive. In other words, after exercising more often one could think that he/she is getting more sleep when in reality his/her sleep has not been effected at all. I believe these results, though, because of personal experience.

Another study was conducted by member of the Department of Neurology at Northwestern University. This study was a randomized control trial consisting of a sample group of seventeen adults over the age of 55 who suffer from insomnia. The control group remained sedentary for four months while the other group participated in more aerobic exercise. People who are sedentary and suffer from insomnia had a score of above 5 on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Those who were active throughout the study had a score of less than .0001 on the PSQI. This shows an immense improvement in sleep quality for those who were physically active.

The sample size of this study was small. It also had a vague description of the ages of those studied by simply stating that the people were above 55 years old. These factors could greatly effect the results, but as I said for the first study mentioned, the results agree with that of other studies.

So why might exercise have an affect on sleep? Exercise causes a release of Endorphins in the brain. Endorphins improve mood and energy but also act as a sedative which relaxes the body, ultimately aiding in sleep. The flow chart below shows other effects of exercise on the body and how all of them can ultimately lead to better sleep. More detailed information about the effects can be found here.

effects of exercise

Although it is not 100% confirmed why exercise improves sleep, studies (and personal experience) show that there is some correlation between the two. Have you experienced better sleep after being more physically active??





Can diet and weight affect academic performance?

It is often said that maintaining a healthy and nutrient filled diet aids with brain function. People say that the healthier you eat, the better your brain will work. Here is an article that discusses more about that. Although I really do believe this is true, I wonder to what extent it is true and how diet and weight can affect ones academic performance.

As I mentioned in my last blog, the contents of junk food can cause hyperactivity and other behavioral problems. These effects can cause a short attention span and trouble focusing, therefore possibly making completing school work a bit more difficult.

Lack of exercise and nutrient-poor and processed foods increase the likelihood of developing Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is related to insulin resistance. Insulin brings sugar to cells to be used as energy. With less insulin, glucose levels rise causing high blood pressure and sugar. Ultimately this can lead to diabetes which can cause more absences in school. Now thats a lot to take in, but absence from school can clearly affect ones academic performance. Reverse causation could be a possibility, though, because if one is absent from school he/she has more time to eat, therefore they may eat more junk food.

An observational study published by JAMA evaluated 105 obese children ages 5-18. The control group consisted of 8,000 healthy kids. The median ratio of school days missed in a month for obese children in comparison to healthy children was 4.2:0.7. This study supports that theory that obese children miss more school but the sample size seems small. Although 105 kids sounds like a lot, that is a minuscule number when considering the amount of the population that this issue concerns. Because of this, the ratio could be skewed.

A cross-sectional study completed by psychologists at Yale University administered an anonymous survey to 10,000 students in 7th, 9th, and 11th grade. They reported their height, weight, and estimation of school performance, ability, and number of absences. The study showed that “Obese girls were 1.5 times more likely to be held back and 2.1 times more likely to consider themselves poor students compared to average weight girls. Obese boys were 1.5 times more likely to consider themselves poor students, and 2.2 times more likely to expect to quit school” (Obesity Research, 2001). Although confounding variable such as race and socioeconomic status were considered, this data is open to false results because of over or under-estimation of ones educational performance.

What to take away: although there isn’t solid proof that there is a direct correlation between weight and academic performance, there is some relationship between the two. As I mentioned, obesity and diabetes can cause more absences, but they can also cause a decrease in energy (because unhealthy food does not provide useful forms of it) and low self-esteem. Lack of energy decreases the likelihood of one to do homework or study and low self-esteem can significantly decrease motivation. Reverse causation is a factor in terms of low self-esteem because some people stress eat, causing obesity and diabetes therefor decreasing academic performance.



Junk Food and Behavior

The importance of a healthy diet is often stressed, especially for young and developing kids. But is there more of a motive to eat healthy other than normal blood sugar levels and weight? I know it is common for kids to get a sudden burst of energy, or a “sugar rush”, after eating junk food but can it actually cause other serious behavioral problems?

junk food

According to the “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, junk food can cause hyperactivity. A double-blind placebo controlled study was conducted in order to determine the effects of artificial food colorings and benzoate preservatives (x-variable) on the behaviors (y-variable) of a group of 1,837 four year olds. The children were put on a diet without any artificial colorings or benzoate preservatives for one week. After that week, some of the children got drinks containing the artificial coloring and preservatives while the others got the placebo mixture. Parents reported an increase in hyperactivity in the children that had gotten the artificial drinks while the others with the placebo drink observed no change. These observational results could be skewed because of the parents varied opinions and ratings of hyperactivity. This could also be a false-positive. The parents could be thinking that the kids are more hyper, but in reality they are not.

But is it possible that there was a more significant difference in energy of the kids who got the artificial drink just because of the fact that their bodies got used to not having these things? I think that this is definitely a possibility because their bodies had gotten used to NOT having bursts of energy due to the lack of these things, so when they finally had the drink containing artificial coloring, their bodies probably responded quickly and more severe.

In addition to hyperactivity, junk food can also have an effect on ones tendency to be violent according to the results of the Boston Youth Survey. This survey was given to students at 22 public high schools in Boston. 1,878 students were used in this observational study.

As shown in the Table 4 below provided by “Injury Prevention”, the independent variable was the consumption of soda and the dependent variable was the likelihood of violent acts. Each student was asked how much soda he/she had drank in the past seven days. 29.8% said they drank more than 5 cans of soda per week. For those who drank 5+ cans of soda per day; 40.3% carried a gun or knife, 56.7% were violent towards peers, 26.2% were violent in a relationship, and 42% were violent towards children in their family.

Overall, this study shows that people who drink more soda tend to have more violent and aggressive behaviors. Although the results show a correlation between the two, it does not mean that it is causal. As shown in Table 1, other variables were considered such as gender, race, BMI, hours of sleep, and alcohol and tobacco use. Yes, the amount of soda one drinks can effect the tendency towards violence but it does not directly cause it. Reverse causation is not a factor of this because being violent does not typically cause someone to eat more junk food.

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The results of this study are interesting because it is common that people who are lower on the socio-economic hierarchy tend to consume more junk food because it is more affordable. This is an article that discusses this theory. Those who are less wealthy tend to live in areas where crime is more common due to various reasons such as lack of interrelation with neighbors, insecurities, and an increased fear of crime. So, I think that these results could also largely be due to chance.

These studies support the theory that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Although junk food can effect the behavior of a child, there can also be confounding variables that determine behavior. The confounding variables can be gender, socio-economic status, family orientation, or even the age of the mother at the time of birth. Junk food can effect a child’s hyperactivity, emotions, association with peers, and increased acts of violence, but these factors are not dependent on the amount of junk food a child consumes.



Can spending money become a disorder? How?

There is one thing that everyone who knows me knows about me. I love shopping. Sometimes I use it as a way to relax or to relieve stress. I often find myself buying things just to buy them. I tell myself “I could wear this” but then tuck it away into my closet and find it months later with the tag still on it. I wouldn’t call it uncontrollable because I do have my limits which range depending on the day or depending on how much I have spent recently. People call me a “shopaholic” sometimes and I would usually just laugh and agree. But now I am curious to see if being classified as such can actually be a problem, and if so, what causes the problem?


There has been a misconception that an addiction to spending money or shopping is more common in the low and middle income classes. It is typically believed that people who make less money have a lot of desires because they have less than the wealthy. Since they have more desires, they spend more money to fulfill these desires and therefore put themselves even lower on the hierarchy of wealth. Although this may be true in some cases, there are much deeper reasonings behind the cause and progression of compulsive spending.

Compulsive spending is classified as an Impulsive Control Disorder. Other disorders classified as this are gambling addictions, drug and alcohol use, and kleptomania. People develop these issues for various reasons, but they progressively get worse when not recognized or treated right away. I like to call it the treadmill effect (kind of like the pesticide treadmill talked about in Environmental science) because once someone finds something that comforts them in a time of discomfort, he/she will repeat this action and eventually depend on it for relief.

shopping happyretail-therapy

There are different types of “shopohalics”. Some people buy every day while others buy in episodes such as when something bad happens or a lot of stress is upon them. Also, some buy solely for themselves while others like to buy things for others. There is a commonality between all shopohalics; most of the time the items are unneeded and go unused. Sometimes the buyer will even hide the items from household members in order to cover up the problem and avoid confrontation. I will admit to doing this to some extent. When I come back from the mall and realize I am about to walk into the house with 5+ different bags I try to condense them into 2 bags instead to make it look like I bought less than I did. There is really no reason for this because my mom rarely ever asks me how much I bought/spent, but I find myself hiding it when I start to think that maybe I spent too much.

So why do people become compulsive spenders??? There are biologicalpsychological, and sociological factors that determine ones risk of developing this problem and how it can happen. People who have any kind of impulsive control disorder may have developed it because it is within family history. This does not necessarily mean that a compulsive buyer had a compulsive buyer parent. They could have a relative with a gambling problem, and alcohol/drug addiction, a pyromaniac, etc. Another factor of this is that with one type of disorder, another usually follows, meaning that one impulsive disorder can accompanied with another type of impulsive disorder. The other biological factor has to do with a neurotransmitter called Serotonin. People with lower levels of Serotonin are at high risk of developing an impulsive control disorder because the nerves and impulses are disrupted therefore altering the connection of nerves and impulses to the brain. There have been treatments to increase the level of Serotonin in certain people and it helped to lessen the severity of compulsive buying, but once the treatment was over the problem came back in full force. The psychological factors have a lot to do with self-esteem. Typically the items that are bought compulsively all relate to self-esteem: make-up, jewelry, and clothes. Buying these items brings joy to the buyer because it helps them feel better about themselves by raising their self-image and self-esteem. Coming home with bags of new clothes does make me feel good. I feel like I am more stylish and have more options when it comes to picking out an outfit. I feel this way even though I have a ton of untouched clothes in my closet. It is just the satisfaction of having something new and trendy that makes me feel good. People with compulsive buying disorder have a deeper sensation of this. They also may feel praise or approval from peers when showing off their purchases. For example if someone shops in the sale sections, people may applaud them for being such a good bargain shopper and this makes them feel good. The same thing goes for people who buy the most trendy and in-style items. They may do this for approval and praise, but also to feel envy from other people who do not have these new items. Lastly, the most pressing sociological factor is the wealth of the country. In the United States, shopping of all sorts is an every day thing for most. In developing countries this is not the case. Therefore, compulsive shoppers are more common in wealthier nations because there is more of an opportunity to shop. So lucky us, we are more at risk!

An observational study was done with a sample group of 256 men and 256 women. The samples were split up between compulsive spenders and average spenders. The study was done with a three part self-report questionnaire: 1. Rosenberg New York Self-Esteem Scale, 2. Money Beliefs and Behavior Scale, and 3. Compulsive Buying Scale. I find these links extremely helpful (and interesting) because they are all easily accessible by the general public. So…If you think you may have a spending problem or you are just interested to see your results you can try out these three questionnaires!

The results of this study showed great discrepancies between compulsive spenders and average spenders. Compulsive buyers have lower levels of self-esteem,  greater belief that money can solve problems, a greater notion to spend money in order to feel power, and usually complain the most about not having enough money for their basic needs.

After researching further into this topic, I do NOT think I am a compulsive buyer or spender. Yes, I do shop as one of my ways to relieve stress but I do not depend on it nor do I show symptoms as extreme as actual compulsive buyers.


Links to my Sources:


Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain…Do they relate?

My mom always stressed the importance of sleep. She said not only will I feel grumpy and irritable the next day, but it could effect my school work, my motivation, my mood, and even my weight. When I was younger I didn’t really care much about the weight part, but as I hit my teenage years and got more into health and fitness, it became a big motivation to get proper amounts of sleep. I always believed that it was true because, well, my mom told me it was! But now I am curious to know if lack of sleep and weight gain have any kind of correlation, and if they do, what is it??


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Studies have been conducted and have concluded that there is a relationship between sleep loss and weight gain. But no one knew whether or not the relationship was independent or a dependent. In other words, researchers wanted to determine whether lack of sleep has a direct or indirect relationship with weight gain.

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This flow chart from “Short Sleep Duration and Weight Gain: A Systematic Review” displays the effects of sleep deprivation and how it can ultimately lead to weight gain and obesity.

Eve Van Cauter is the director of the Sleep, Metabolism, and Health Center at the University of Chicago. She states that a lack of sleep does promote weight gain because it effects certain hormones in the body that influence how much one eats. Someone who is deprived of sleep will have an increased level of ghrelin. This is a hormone produced by the cells in the stomach; this hormone promotes appetite and hunger. Sleep deprivation decreases levels of leptin. This is a hormone produced by the fat cells. It’s purpose is to tell the brain that you are full and have had enough to eat. With an increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin, one is likely to eat more than he needs, therefore gaining weight. Being up at late hours of the night where food is readily accessible, and awfully tempting, one has more time to grab a snack or even an extra meal. A study done by Cauter showed that people who lack sleep often eat 300 or more additional calories than they would have if they slept. This is so true for me. If I am up at midnight trying to study or finishing a homework assignment, I always find myself to be snacking on something: a granola bar, pretzels, cookies, anything that is around. These are probably some of the worst things to eat close to bed time anyways because they are so high in sugar which keeps me awake. As shown on the flow chart, the disruption of hormones and the increases time to eat both contribute to an increase in caloric intake.Lack of sleep also causes a disruption of the Endocannabinoid receptors which work with the hormones to regulate appetite, food intake, and energy balance. On the more obvious side, deprivation of sleep causes an overwhelming feeling of fatigue and lack of energy and motivation. Because of this, one is highly unlikely to participate in any physical activity. I know when I am tired all I want to do is sit around and just hangout. I will find every excuse not to go to the gym or do any type of physical activity for that matter. This lack of exercise is a huge contribute to weight gain.

The theory that correlation does not equal causation is true in this case. Reverse causation is a possibility. I have found out that sleep loss can contribute to weight gain, but weight gain can also cause sleep loss. This is because if one lacks physical activity and eats poorly, there is more of a chance that he/she will have trouble sleeping due to discomfort or a rush of energy due to the sugar and/or caffeine in the junk food. People who are active and exercise on a regular basis tend to get better sleep. In addition to exercising, if they sleep more it allows for less time to eat, therefore not allowing for weight gain.

A set of studies were completed by Kristen Knutson, a member of the Department of Health Studies at the University of Chicago, determined the relationship between sleep and weight gain among different age groups. Each study showed similar results which allowed for the conclusion that sleep deprivation can influence weight gain. Those most at risk of weight gain due, in part, to lack of sleep are children and teens. The study results composed of 8,274 children between the ages of six and seven. The results showed that kids who go 9-10 hours of sleep had an odds ratio for obesity of 1.49, 8-9 hours of sleep : 1.89, and less than 8 hours : 2.89. This study also showed that for teens, boys are more susceptible to sleep deprived weight gain than girls. This study was composed of 4,486 teens between 11 and 16.  One of the most outstanding results was that for those who got 8 hours or less of sleep, the odds ratios were very different for boys (5.5) than they were for girls (2.1).  Knutson stated that with each hour of lost sleep, the risk of obesity increased by 10% in boys, but not so significant in girls. The next study comprised of 3,158 adults. The odds ratios for obesity were less than 5 hours of sleep : 1.85, 6-7 hours : 1.24, and 7-8 hours : 1.09. All of these studies resulted in an increased odds ratio for obesity in relation to less hours of sleep.

Although sleep is key to a normal functioning brain and body, it is also important to know how much sleep you should actually be getting. Eight to ten hours of sleep is an average amount for teens. Most teens struggle to get this much sleep, I know I am one of them. But some teens sleep more than they do anything else. This can also contribute to weight gain because it causes for a lack of physical activity. The bar graph from “The Association Between Sleep Duration and Weight Gain” shows the relationship between different-length sleepers, and weight gain.

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Bottom line is sleep deprivation effects many hormones and regular functions of the human body. If a regular-eater experiences a lack of sleep, then he/she will most likely eat more food than needed, therefore gaining weight. Lack of sleep can cause weight gain with additional variables, so lack of sleep does not directly cause weight gain, but it does have an effect on it.

Links to my sources: (Google Scholar) (Google Scholar) – Source of Weight Gain v. Sleep bar graph (Google Scholar) – Source of Sleep Loss web (Google Scholar)


“It Must Be The Fumes Getting to My Head”

I’m sure everybody has heard someone say “oh, it must be the fumes getting to my head” at least once, whether it was in a movie, TV show, or in person. This saying is usually used when someone either says something that is a little bit off or strange, or seems to be losing it. What I imagine when I think of someone saying this is a man wiping his grease covered hands off on a rag while walking out of an auto body shop or garage. My Dad is a race car driver in the NHRA and works in the garage constantly, which is how I became interesting in this topic. Can the fumes of auto body shops actually make my Dad, and others, crazy or ill??

study was done by the Environmental Studies Institute at Drexel University to determine the effects of a multitude of harmful substances that auto mechanics are exposed to. The most prominent harmful substances are chemical vapors, metal pigments, dust, isocyanatessolvents, as well as (not related to fumes) loud noise and vibration. Those who work in close quarters of a local gas station auto body shop are at high risk because they are exposed to all of the chemicals in one small area. This is especially true during the winter months when the garage doors are generally kept closed.

Cornell University ILR School released a manuel on different works of auto mechanics and the effects of the harmful substances. Chemical vapors such as ammonia, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, chlorine and gasoline are likely to depress the central nervous system. This includes trouble breathing and decreased heart function. Also, getting gasoline on skin can cause dermatitis. In the 1970’s, there was a raised awareness of the harm in asbestos. Auto mechanics who work with assembling brakes are likely to be exposed to asbestos because it is used as a “reinforcing agent” (Brown, pg. 54). Asbestos has been known to cause tumors. Although this is extremely unlikely now due to asbestos substitutes, it is still a health concern. When using metallic pigment paints, the workers inhale chemicals such as cadmium, lead, and chromium. There have been many cases of lead poisoning in auto mechanics who have been working on radiator repair due to an abnormally high lead content in the blood. This causes feelings of dizziness, fatigue, and irritability. Isocyanates are chemicals found in product such as paint, car seats, and materials used in packaging such as plastics. They are known to cause tightness in the chest, trouble breathing, and irritation of the skin. The Safety & Health & Assessment & Research for Prevention (SHARP) found many cases in which workers in the spray-on truck bed lining companies such as Line-x (which is a great lining by the way!) began developing asthma from their work. Lastly, although this does not have to do with fumes, workers who use the power hand tools in auto body shops are at a high risk of getting Raynaud’s disease. The symptoms of this are cold toes and fingers, possible change in color of these areas, and a poking/prickling feeling.

After much research, rules, regulations, and safety precautions are being implemented to ensure the safety of products and to protect the health of the auto mechanics. One of the many resources for auto body shop safety, NIOSH Health and Safety Guide for Auto Repair and Body Shops, suggests that the user reads labels and precautions on products, select the products with the least hazards, and wears proper equipment in an area of appropriate ventilation.

Bottom line is that all of the harmful substances one is exposed to in auto body shops do pose a threat to health. Although each has its own effects, none of them have been proven to truly make a person “crazy”.

Links to my Sources: (Google Scholar find)






Are dogs useful stress relievers?


Personally, I love all animals and have always resorted to just hanging out with my dog whenever stress is overcoming me. Many universities have programs that allow students to spend a few minutes with fun and loving dogs. In 2013, the program called Pause for PAWS was introduced to the campus by two students in the Schreyer Honors College in order to occupy students with something other than class, homework, or studying, and hopefully give some relaxation to the students. But are dogs actually stress relievers?

A study that was completed by Ian Cook, MD, at the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA to determine if having a pet could be a solution to stress relief. He came to the conclusion that pets do have the potential to provide the love, care, and company helpful to those who suffer from heavy loads of stress. He even determined that having a dog can help lessen depression in some sufferers. The American Heart Association completed a study to show that having a dog reduces the risk for heart disease as well as keeps blood pressure normal. Both of these factors contribute to lessening physical stress on the body. Studies have also shown that playing with a dog elevates levels of Serotonin and Dopamine, both chemicals in the human body that help to calm and relax a person. Even something as simple as touch can help soothe a person, therefore relieving some of the pressures of stress.

Having a dog can also lead to improvement in ones physical health. Dogs need to be played with, walked, and kept active. Most dog owners make it part of their daily routine to give their dog exercise in one way or another. This often requires activity by the owner as well. Whether its walking down the street or throwing a ball, it requires work by the owner. Exercise is proven to release Endorphins, which trigger better moods. Being in a better mood, in turn, shows a reduction in stress levels.

But the conclusion that  dogs help aid in stress relief is only true in some cases. If you are a person who loves dogs and enjoys their company, then sure! A dog could be a good solution to your stress relief. If you are someone who thinks dogs are too much to deal with or too rambunctious, then this solution may not be all that helpful. In fact, studies show that pets could even add to stress because of barking and constant need of attention. Some people think of pets as extra work; or almost like taking care of a kid. Others are struck with a load of worrying when leaving the dog alone in the house when going somewhere as close as the town grocery store which adds to stress. One of the largest drawbacks of getting a dog is the economic pressures. Between shots, food, medicine, and vet bills, dogs are a huge expense. These expenses could present more stress and worry to the owner.

In conclusion, using dogs as a stress reliever only works for certain people! It all depends on the persons liking for animals.

Links to my Sources:




Does exercise improve asthma?



Unfortunately I have had to deal with the troubles and pain of asthma since I was born. I have suffered from multiple asthma attacks for a multitude of different reasons: sports, allergies, colds, and even from laughing a little too hard. Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes the sufferer difficulty in breathing. A more descriptive definition can be found here. As shown in the image above, the airway of a person with asthma is swelled up and clogged by mucus, leaving little room for air to pass through. In order to help lessen the swelling and open up the lungs, one must use an inhaler (this is the one my doctor prescribed to me). Many things can trigger asthma and asthma attacks, many of which are hard to avoid and dealt with on a daily basis such as dust and pet hair and dander.

In a constant attempt to get out of the treacherous mile run and a couple of other gym class activities, I would use the excuse of “my asthma is really bad today.” I have learned, though, that sometimes my excuse was actually legitimate when the weather was cold and dry. Studies have shown that cold and dry weather makes it harder for everyone to breathe, especially people with asthma, because the bronchi (lungs) swell up.

Starting my freshman year of high school I began getting into health and fitness. I began running a mile about five days a week. I started following this running plan in order to train for a 5K run I was doing in May of my sophomore year. Eventually was running 2-7 miles six days a week, and continue to do this now. I am able to run that much even though I still have asthma (very much so), which is how I got the idea to write this blog.

The Cochrane Collaboration, a network research group, completed a study to determine if there is a correlation between exercise and asthma symptoms. The study required of a group of people who have asthma take part in exercise programs for 6-16 weeks, 3 times a week, for 20 minutes each day. The result of this study was the the moderate physical activity did in fact improve their asthma. Exercise works to strengthen ones cardiovascular strength and endurance by opening up the lungs and increasing the maximum level of oxygen able to be taken in by a person. Not only did the exercise have positive effects on the subjects asthma, but their quality of life as a whole because when a person exercises, Endorphins are released in the body which improve one’s mood. In class, Andrew discussed correlation and causation. This study shows that people who started to exercise moderately saw improvements in their asthma, but this still does not mean that it was the exercise that caused it. There are many other factors, exercise is just one of them.

There is a common misunderstanding that exercise worsens the symptoms as asthma. This is true to some extent. Exercise does not worsen asthma, but it can trigger asthma attack if gone about in the wrong way. If an individual who suffers from asthma exercises too strenuously, he/she is at higher risk of an asthma attack, but this does not mean that the exercise worsens ones asthma overall.

In conclusion, if one suffers from asthma, try exercising! It can be as light and moderate as the Cochrane Collaboration’s study. This is a light workout plan for those who want to try to improve their asthma or for anyone who wants to try it!

Links to my sources:





Initial Blog Post

Hi! I’m Kassidy Schupp, a freshman in D.U.S at Penn State. I am hoping to transfer into the Stuckeman School of Architecture next year though! I am from a small town in New York called Somers.

I don’t hate science but I can’t say that it is my favorite subject. I am taking this course because when making my schedule, my advisor said that I needed a science credit. I was able to pick which science course to take and I picked this one mostly because it wasn’t specifically one type of science, it wasn’t chem or physics or bio, it is just science! I didn’t take it because I thought it would be easy, but because I just really did NOT want to take any of the other main science classes.

I am not planning to be a science major because as I just mentioned, science really isn’t my favorite. Also, I hate doing labs. In High School I always seemed to do labs slower than everyone else or had trouble understanding what some of them were asking for. Since my freshman year in High School I’ve had an interest in Architecture. I didn’t think I could get into the architecture school here right away so I decided to go in as undecided for my freshman year. I took two architecture classes in High School, attended an architecture and engineering program called the ACE at Manhattan College, and had an internship at a local architecture firm at home.


This is a photograph of the sunset on top of the Haleakala volcano in Maui, Hawaii. I had the chance to attend a two week service trip over the summer with a program called Adventures Cross Country. Click here to learn more about the program and look into some trips they offer!